[Aakash-hackers] Bootstrapping for Aakash

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 15:02:47 UTC 2014

Hi Srikant and others,

So I'm just wondering what are the requirements at the momemnt you
people are looking to get Debian on Aakash running.

1. We came to know from Srikant that LIMA drivers need to be ported to
  A13 alwinner SOC but from one of our Debian collegue (Paul Wise) LIMA
  already supports Alwinner A13 SOC. So do you want it to be packaged for

2. Also we need to go ahead and bootstrap the rootfs for Aakash so if
   you have any specific customization in mind do let us know. We have
   Jonas who is specialist in Debian Pure blends and he can give us
   hints on how to go ahead.

Looking forward for your reply.

PS: If you have any source code which you want to share we can enable
the source repositories for this project and it can be pushed to Git
repositories provided by Debian. Let me know if you need this and I will
enable it.

Vasudev Kamath
Connect on ~friendica: copyninja@{frndk.de | vasudev.homelinux.net}
IRC nick: copyninja | vasudev {irc.oftc.net | irc.freenode.net}
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