[Adduser-devel] Some precisions about adduser's manpages
Nicolas François
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 21:18:05 +0200
I'm currently translating adduser's manpages to French, and I need some
precisions for some part of them. So here are some questions / remarks.
(English is not my natural language, this may explain some of the points
1 In deluser.8, line 39
I think
.BR " \-\-group " options, " deluser
should be changed to
.BR " \-\-group " option, " deluser
2 In adduser.8, line 110, I don't understand what the "master program" is.
3 In adduser.8, line 114, I don't understand:
If an user with an uid in the system range (or if the uid is specified,
with that) does already exist, adduser will exit silently.
I've made some tests:
# grep irc /etc/passwd
# adduser --system irc
adduser: The user `irc' already exists, and is not a system user.# echo $?
# grep munin /etc/passwd
# adduser --system munin
The user `munin' already exists as a system user.Exiting...
# echo $?
So, adduser doesn't seems to exit silently (but the return value seems to
be null in the case of a existing system group). Moreover, I don't
understand when the part between the parenthesis can be applied).
I'm proposing:
If the specified user already exist as a system user, adduser will exit
with a null return value.
(english is not my natural language, this could require proof-reading)
the part between parenthesis is not handle by this message.
4 Still in adduser.8, line 191:
[...] user and group names are required to consist of [...]
Dashes in the username are accepted as well.
What about group names ? (sorry, I didn't tried)
5 deluser.conf.5, line 22
Comment lines must have a pound sign (#) in the first line.
Isn't it "at the beginning of the line"?
6 deluser.conf.5, line 36
s/as no effect/has no effect/ ?