[Adduser-devel] Samurai St0ck Info
Erin Villegas
Erin Villegas" <pquito@bres.tsukuba.ac.jp
Fri, 08 Jul 2005 08:51:22 -0800
Triton American Energy Corp. (TRAE)
Current Price: 0.25
Will it Continue Higher? Watch This One Wednesday as We Know Many of
You Like Momentum..
Breaking News...
Triton American Energy Corp. (TRAE) is pleased to announce after one
full year of operations, financial audits are now underway. Audits are
anticipated to be completed by August 1st and will reflect fiscal year
2004 to 2005 results.
Once audits are completed, Triton American Energy will file to move to
a new, more liquid exchange and begin presenting their company to
stockbrokers through out the country.
President and CEO, Louis Guidry states "We are now entering the stage
where our acquisitions are driving in immediate residual revenues for
our company. With the completion of our audits, investors will have the
0pp0rtunity to watch our growth on a quarter to quarter and year over
year basis." Mr. Guidry continued to state "We value our shareholders and
look forward to opening our books and allowing investors to experience
the true meaning of residual revenue and income growth of a proven
energy company."
Triton American Energy Corp. (TRAE) of Houston, TX., is pleased to
announce they are now producing approximately 850,000 cubic feet of gas per
day from 2 wells within the Dyersdale North Field. Triton American Energy
also owns wells within Zapata County which have proven reserves and are
pulling in 1.2 billion cubic feet of gas per day.
About Triton American Energy Corporation:
Triton American Energy is an independent crude oil and natural gas and
oil exploration and production company based in Houston, Texas. The
Company's business plan is structured to take advantage of today's rising
energy cost, while reducing as much financial risk as possible. Tritons
niche or specialty are the small to moderate operations (usually 1-50
well projects). These wells can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars
in revenue but require more hands-on attention then the major producers
are willing to give.
The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known
Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are
Already Familiar with This. Is TRAE Poised and Positioned to Do that For
You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch
this One Trade Wednesday! Go TRAE.
Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable
for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way
affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 3000 dollars
to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and
advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice.
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the sub ject to Erin Villegasaffectationjefferson@yahoo.fr