[Adduser-devel] tentative patch for multiple bugs about adding new users to extra groups

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Sun Apr 23 13:03:47 UTC 2006

This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said:
> This is a very tentative patch for adding new user to various groups
> by default.  

And it had an obvious bug that I noticed 3 seconds after sending it.

This one actually test that $config{"extra_groups"} is set before doing
anything silly, and also fixes a misplaced ')'.  Sorry about that.

Index: doc/adduser.8
--- doc/adduser.8       (revision 550)
+++ doc/adduser.8       (working copy)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 adduser, addgroup \- add a user or group to the system
-.BR adduser " [options] [\-\-home DIR] [\-\-shell|\-s SHELL] [\-\-no-create-home] [\-\-uid ID] [\-\-firstuid ID] [\-\-lastuid ID] [\-\-ingroup GROUP | \-\-gid ID] [\-\-disabled-password] [\-\-disabled-login] [\-\-gecos GECOS] user"
+.BR adduser " [options] [\-\-home DIR] [\-\-shell|\-s SHELL] [\-\-no-create-home] [\-\-uid ID] [\-\-firstuid ID] [\-\-lastuid ID] [\-\-ingroup GROUP | \-\-gid ID] [\-\-disabled-password] [\-\-disabled-login] [\-\-gecos GECOS] [\-\-extra_groups] user"
 .BR adduser " \-\-system [options] [\-\-home DIR] [\-\-shell SHELL] [\-\-no-create-home] [\-\-uid ID] [\-\-group | \-\-ingroup GROUP | \-\-gid ID] [\-\-disabled-password] [\-\-disabled-login] [\-\-gecos GECOS] user"
@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@
 Users' groups can also be overridden from the command line with the
 .BR \-\-gid " or " \-\-ingroup
-options to set the group by id or name, respectively.
+options to set the group by id or name, respectively.  Also, users can be
+added to one or more groups defined in adduser.conf either by setting
+ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS to 1 in adduser.conf, or by passing --add_extra_groups on
+the commandline.

 .B adduser
 will create a home directory subject to
@@ -255,6 +258,9 @@
 .B \-\-lastuid ID
 Override the last uid in the range that the uid is chosen from.
+.B \-\-add_extra_groups
+Add new user to extra groups defined in adduser.conf
 .B \-\-version
 Display version and copyright information.
Index: adduser
--- adduser     (revision 550)
+++ adduser     (working copy)
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 our $no_create_home = undef;
 our $special_home = undef;
 our $special_shell = undef;
+our $add_extra_groups = 0;

 # Global variables we need later
 my $existing_user = undef;
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
            "gid=i" => \$new_gid,
            "conf=s" => \$configfile,
            "no-create-home" => \$no_create_home,
+           "add_extra_groups" => \$add_extra_groups,
            "debug" => sub { $verbose = 2 } );

 # everyone can issue "--help" and "--version", but only root can go on
@@ -533,6 +535,31 @@

+    if ( ( $add_extra_groups || $config{"add_extra_groups"} ) && defined($config{"extra_groups"}) ) {
+        printf (gtx("Adding new user `%s' to extra groups\n"), $new_name);
+        foreach my $newgrp ( split ' ', $config{"extra_groups"} ) {
+            if (!defined getgrnam($newgrp)) {
+                warnf (gtx("The group `%s' does not exist.\n"),$newgrp);
+                next;
+            }
+            if (&user_is_member($new_name, $newgrp)) {
+                printf gtx("The user `%s' is already a member of `%s'.\n"),
+                        $new_name,$newgrp if $verbose;
+                next;
+            }
+            printf gtx("Adding user `%s' to group `%s'...\n"),$new_name,$newgrp
+                if $verbose;
+            &invalidate_nscd();
+            &systemcall('/usr/bin/gpasswd', '-M',
+                        join(',', get_group_members($newgrp), $new_name),
+                        $newgrp);
+            &invalidate_nscd();
+        }
+    }
     if ($config{"quotauser"}) {
        printf (gtx("Setting quota from `%s'.\n"),$config{quotauser});
        &systemcall('/usr/sbin/edquota', '-p', $config{quotauser}, $new_name);
Index: AdduserCommon.pm
--- AdduserCommon.pm    (revision 550)
+++ AdduserCommon.pm    (working copy)
@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@
   $configref->{"name_regex"} = "^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*\$";
   $configref->{"exclude_fstypes"} = "(proc|sysfs|usbfs|devpts|tmpfs)";
   $configref->{"skel_ignore_regex"} = "dpkg-(old|new|dist)\$";
+  $configref->{"extra_groups"} = "dialout cdrom floppy audio src video lp users";
+  $configref->{"add_extra_groups"} = 0;

   foreach( @$conflistref ) {
Index: adduser.conf
--- adduser.conf        (revision 550)
+++ adduser.conf        (working copy)
@@ -61,3 +61,11 @@
 # If SKEL_IGNORE_REGEX is set, adduser will ignore files matching this
 # regular expression when creating a new home directory
+# Set this if you want the --add_extra_groups option to adduser to add
+# new users to other groups.  Default:
+#EXTRA_GROUPS="dialout cdrom floppy audio src video lp src users"
+# If ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS is set to something non-zero, the EXTRA_GROUPS
+# option above will be default behavior for adding new, non-system users

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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