Bug#402288: [Adduser-devel] Bug#402288: adduser allows UIDs < 100

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Sat Dec 9 13:30:07 CET 2006

This one time, at band camp, Tuukka Hastrup said:
> According to the policy, UIDs and GIDs less than 100 are the same on all 
> Debian systems and come from the base-passwd package. The adduser man page 
> says adduser and addgroup "are friendlier front ends to tools like 
> useradd, groupadd and usermod programs, choosing Debian policy conformant 
> UID and GID values --." However, the programs don't enforce this policy 
> item or remind about it in the documentation.

I understand you to be saying that when you override adduser's
default's, it allows you to create a user with uid < 100 ?  Is that
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
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