Bug#248500: [Adduser-devel] Bug#248500: adduser: do not re-use uids used once

Joerg Hoh joerg at joerghoh.de
Tue Feb 28 22:29:58 UTC 2006


We need to have a persistent statefile if we want to avoid to reuse a uid
which was already used by some other user. Think of the following scenario:

adduser foo
-> foo gets uid X

deluser foo
-> uid X is no longer used

adduser bar
-> bar gets uid X

So this uid is reused, even with the "always increment the hightest
already used uid by one and assign it to the new user"-algorithm.

But the whole thing of making this value persistent seems rather ugly to
me. Need to think some time about that, maybe I have a better idea to solve
that issue (a file for a single value).


Was denen einen ihr Watergate, ist den anderen ihr Firstgate.
- Thomas Bliessner, <slrnd1hklm.g53.nospam at melix.com.mx>
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