[Adduser-devel] Bug#345639: adduser: [INTL:de] prompt does not match expected response

Joerg Hoh joerg at joerghoh.de
Thu Jan 5 21:56:30 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 01:26:02AM +0100, Claudio Nieder wrote:
> It's not the case which bothers me, but that it expects a "Y" or "y" while 
> asking:
> Sind die Informationen korrekt? [j/N] 
> The prompt asks for a "j" as positive answer while actually only a "y" as 
> answer is accepted.

Hm, the code on the respective part looks like this:

	my $yesexpr = langinfo(YESEXPR());
	for (;;) {
	    &systemcall('/usr/bin/chfn', $new_name);
	    # Translators: [y/N] has to be replaced by values defined in your
	    # locale.  You can see by running "locale yesexpr" which regular
	    # expression will be checked to find positive answer.
	    print (gtx("Is the information correct? [y/N] "));
	    chop ($answer=<STDIN>);
	    last if ($answer =~ m/$yesexpr/o);

It seems correct to me. A typescript (latest adduser from unstable, version 3.80):

hydra:~# adduser foo
Lege Benutzer foo an...
Adding new group `foo' (1002).
Adding new user `foo' (1002) with group `foo'.
Homeverzeichnis /home/foo existiert bereits. Kopiere keine Dateien aus /etc/skel
adduser: Warning: that home directory does not belong to the user you are currently creating
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: Kennwort erfolgreich geändert
Ändere Benutzerinformationen für foo
Geben Sie einen neuen Wert an oder ENTER für den Standardwert
        Name []:
        Raum []:
        Telefon geschäftlich []:
        Telefon privat []:
        Sonstiges []:
Sind die Informationen korrekt? [j/N] j
hydra:~# id foo
uid=1002(foo) gid=1002(foo) Gruppen=1002(foo)
hydra:~# locale | grep LANG
LANG=de_DE at euro

I cannot reproduce it :-|


Was denen einen ihr Watergate, ist den anderen ihr Firstgate.
- Thomas Bliessner, <slrnd1hklm.g53.nospam at melix.com.mx>
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