[Adduser-devel] Re: "Useful"/extra groups

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 20:58:25 UTC 2006

On Tue 11 Jul, Christian Perrier wrote:
> From the changelog of user-setup, the D-I component that sets the root
> user password AND creates the first regular user:
> >    * Add first user to two additional groups: netdev and powerdev
> >      Note that this assumes that something creates these groups during
> >      the task installation, as hal does with powerdev. The first user is added
> It should be time to take advantage of the new "add user to useful
> groups" feature of adduser (--add_extra_groups). The problem is that

> these "extra" groups is defined in /etc/adduser.conf so the task of
> maintaining the list of default extra groups would be delegated to the
> maintainer of adduser.
   Should the default UID of the first user be indicated but optional so
that it can be matched to one used throughout a local network? 

Chris Bell

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