[Adduser-devel] Medical Doctor Database

Raymond Wade Bragg_Lavonne at contool.com
Thu Mar 13 06:18:44 UTC 2008

Here is the package deal we're running for this week

Licensed Medical Doctors in the USA 

788,577 in total * 17,060 emails

Featuring the most complete contact information in many different areas of medicine

Sort by over a dozen different fields

US Pharmaceutical Company Executives Contact List
Personal email addresses (47,000 in total) and names for top level executives

Hospital Facilities in the USA
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

Complete and Accurate Directory for Dental Service Providers
A complete Listing or dentists and related services (valued at $399)

Chiropractors in the USA
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

This week only you pay only: 
$390 for all above data

send email to:      allenmcneely at hotmail.com  


good until Mar 14

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