[Adduser-devel] Bug#685532: adduser: deluser still does not delete named pipes
sievers at math2.nat.tu-bs.de
sievers at math2.nat.tu-bs.de
Tue Aug 21 16:34:38 UTC 2012
Package: adduser
Version: 3.112+nmu2
The command
deluser --remove-home <user>
does not delete named pipes, and as a result the whole home directory
will not be deleted (compare bug #545024).
This is true for the version in stable and also for 3.113+nmu3 from
Here is a transcript showing the problem:
root at debian:~# adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' test
Adding user `test' ...
Adding new group `test' (1001) ...
Adding new user `test' (1001) with group `test' ...
Creating home directory `/home/test' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
root at debian:~# su -l -c 'mkfifo p' test
root at debian:~# deluser --remove-home test
Looking for files to backup/remove ...
Removing files ...
Removing user `test' ...
Warning: group `test' has no more members.
root at debian:~# ls /home/test # should no longer exist
(I create the named pipe as that user for a more plausible example, but
it doesn't matter.)
All the best,
Christian Sievers
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