[Adduser-devel] Joining the adduser Alioth team

Afif Elghraoui afif at debian.org
Fri May 27 02:30:17 UTC 2016


على الخميس 26 أيار 2016 ‫03:22، كتب Marc Haber:
> Hi,
> David has indicated that he is no longer interested in adduser.

Ok. I see you've sent out a poll to the registered team members. What
about you--will you be sticking around the team? Since the package is
officially orphaned, I'm basically wondering whether you'd like to be
added back in to Uploaders.

> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 11:20:48AM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
>> I have approved your membership (as a junior admin for the time being)
>> and will arrange for the git repository to be created in the project
>> as soon as David has commented on his preferences. Please also
>> subscribe to the adduser-devel mailing list.
> I have followed the instructions for creating a git repository, it
> should be available later today. The svn repo has already become
> invisible on alioth but is still present.on svn.debian.org.
> Please go ahead with the transition whenever you want to. Please
> consider svn del * svn add README svn commit afterwards so that people
> using the svn repo get informed about the git transition.
> Welcome to the project, your help is appreciated.

Thanks! I've now subscribed to adduser-devel and pushed the current
state of the repository to git. I'll clear out the svn repository and
incorporate the NMU's next.


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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