[Apt-cacher-ng-users] acngfs

Jasper Mackenzie jasper.mackenzie at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 02:30:46 UTC 2011

Good day,
  I have been playing with acngfs and have a few questions:
 From the man page it wasn't obvious (to me at least) that the ONLY  
included deb lines should be those to the fuse filesystem mount...

Anyway, when doing my first dist-upgrade on the machine with apt-cacher-ng  
and using acngfs, I noticed that I couldn't see anymore how much needed to  
be downloaded, a bit of a pain, but understandable. If its possible  
somewhow to get an idea of how much is going to be downloaded, that would  
be great.
  AND, the downloading took an age! Before switching to acngfs it should  
have been ~20meg, so I expect ~20 seconds or so. It took ~7minutes.
   If this can be worked around, great! Otherwise its not a killer for the  
space it will save on the silly wee machines with only a 128meg cf card as  
hdd 8)

one more thing..
  Is there a command to update all the repos's that apt-cacher-ng is  
tracking, such that I can get cron to do this when I have cheap/free  
bandwidth. (This would make the need to see how much is going to be  
downloaded obsolete...)



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