[Apt-cacher-ng-users] Which pages can acng display as an HTTP server?

Charles c at charlesmatkinson.org
Mon Jun 24 03:31:50 UTC 2013

Which pages can acng display as an HTTP server?

The apt-cacher-ng process listens on port 3142 and, when it receives an
HTTP request for acng-report.html, it displays the "Apt-Cacher NG
maintenance page" a.k.a the "Apt-Cacher NG Command and Control" page. 
Can it display any others?

For example the logs are written in HTML and can include checkboxes and
buttons.  Here's from a recent log on one of our acng servers:

Checking/Updating uburep/dists/quantal-security/Release...
<font color="red"><b>500 Missing Content-Length</b></font>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="kf9" value="uburep/dists/quantal-security/Release">Tag</label><br>
Checking/Updating uburep/dists/quantal-updates/Release...
<font color="red">Found errors during processing, aborting as requested.</font><!-- TELL:THE:ADMIN --><hr><b>Action(s):</b> <input type="submit" name="doDelete" value="Delete selected files">|<button type="button" onclick="checkOrUncheck(true);">Check all</button><button type="button" onclick="checkOrUncheck(false);">Uncheck all</button><hr><br>
<a href="/acng-report.html">Return to main page</a></form><hr><address>Server: Debian Apt-Cacher-NG/0.7.11 | <a href="https://flattr.com/thing/51105/Apt-Cacher-NG">Flattr it!</a> | <a href="http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~bloch/acng/">Apt-Cacher NG homepage</a></address>

<!--a href="javascript:stopScroll()">Stop Scrolling</a-->

It would also be nice to display the documentation which is in HTML. 
Here are the acng HTML files (and a directory) on a Debian 7 Wheezy system:

# dpkg -L apt-cacher-ng | grep html

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