[Apt-cacher-ng-users] "known data hit, don't write to" messages

Eduard Bloch edi at gmx.de
Wed Jun 26 07:35:17 UTC 2013

* Charles [Wed, Jun 26 2013, 12:37:41PM]:
> Thanks Eduard :-)
> On 24/06/13 19:03, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> >>     We have many "known data hit, don't write to" messages in
> > It's a bug in the current version, a debugging message which is also
> > printed if debug= option isn't set. A cache hit is usually a good thing.
> Would you like me to report it?  I can't find it at

Feel free.

> > Ok... is there any other erroneous behavior originating from this log
> > problem?
> Maybe but I'm not familiar enough with apt-cacher-ng to be sure.  I
> found these messages while investigating some messages in
> /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/*.log.html files:
> Checking/Updating
> uburep/dists/precise-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2...
> <font color="red"><b>500 Failed to resume remote download</b></font>
> ...
> <font color="orange">WARNING, header file missing or damaged for
> ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/squeeze-updates/main/source
> /Sources</font><br>

Don't worry, the most likely reason for this is a little code limitation
which deserves a fix, sooner or later.

Long version: these files don't exist on regular mirrors (only their
compressed version), they emerge from an older compessed version and the
daily patches and are kept there for later patching (thus no http
header). Unfortunatelly they are kept in the regular storage space and
cause some confusion, I should move them to a dedicated location.

> and two days later
> <br>
> Checking/Updating uburep/dists/quantal-security/Release...
> <font color="red"><b>500 Missing Content-Length</b></font>
> <label><input type="checkbox" name="kf9"
> value="uburep/dists/quantal-security/Release">Tag</label><br>
> Checking/Updating uburep/dists/quantal-updates/Release...
> Our Internet connections were glitchy around those times.  I was
> wondering if the errors could be ignored.

Right. Well, that's inspiring... maybe there should be a way to suppress
error reports for events of such kinds, at least for some days but
before the files would be lost. Maybe for the half of the ExTreshold
config value... I will put it on the todo list for the next version.


<XTaran> .oO( Kinder-Debian: Mit viel wichtigen Vitaminen und Milch für
	Ganneff. )

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