[Apt-listbugs-commits] [SCM] apt-listbugs development tree branch, master, updated. 0.1.0-23-g4a4c60d

Ryan Niebur ryanryan52 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 00:06:48 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit dce6cab059e8400850a9df7985909884fe142584
Author: Francesco Poli (t1000) <frx at firenze.linux.it>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 23:27:15 2009 +0200

    postponed some release goals, preparing to upload

diff --git a/debian/TODO b/debian/TODO
index 4f225ad..e026d92 100644
--- a/debian/TODO
+++ b/debian/TODO
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
-Release goals for version 0.1.1
+Release goals for version 0.1.2
 * close #534447 - apt-listbugs: i18n problems
 * close #484385 - does not clean up obsolete cache
 * close #536613 - apt-listbugs: lists no bugs and returns 0 for non existing packages
 * close #257873 - handle source versions
-* does apt-listbugs correctly handle "affects"? Obviously it doesn't
-   matter in the case of when it's being ran under apt (upgrading a
-   package that's affected by a bug is no problem, only the package
-   that the bug is assigned to, so this can be ignored. however,
-   "apt-listbugs list <pkg>" should probably look at bugs that
-   affect <pkg> as well as bugs assigned to it.
-Release goals for version 0.1.2
+Release goals for version 0.1.3
 * close #532678 - apt-listbugs: faster method to select bugs
 * close #539487 - apt-listbugs: does not work via proxy using windows style user names
@@ -31,3 +25,6 @@ Long-term goals
    speed. (dpkg-ruby bugs #432269, #390332)
 * replace this file with usertags in the BTS (Ryan52 will do this
+* maybe show bugs that 'affect' <pkg> when the "list <pkg>" command is
+   invoked (not when the "apt" command is used, of course); how does this
+   combine with version tracking ("list <pkg>/<version>")?

apt-listbugs development tree

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