[Apt-offline-devel] [apt-offline-Bug Tracker][311969] Handle KeyboardInterrupt exception

apt-offline-bugtracker at alioth.debian.org apt-offline-bugtracker at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 19 06:44:06 UTC 2010

Bug Tracker item #311969, was changed at 2009-09-23 09:34 by Ritesh Raj Sarraf 
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Status: Open
Priority: 1
Submitted By: Ritesh Sarraf (rrs-guest)
>Assigned to: Ritesh Raj Sarraf (rrs)
Summary: Handle KeyboardInterrupt exception 

Initial Comment:
Handle KeyboardInterrupt exception in threads so that if the user sends an interrupt signal, the program should exit


Comment By: Ritesh Sarraf (rrs-guest)
Date: 2009-10-17 19:02

Lowering down the priority since this isn't an apt-offline problem.

When using threads in python, the Main thread rarely gets to get executed. signals are only handled in the Main thread. But because of the way GIL is done, Main thread almost never get to be executed thus that signal is never sent.


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