[Apt-offline-devel] [SCM] Offline APT Package Manager branch, master, updated. 0.9.6-34-g40de43b

Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs at researchut.com
Mon Mar 15 12:04:14 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c509ed1521b9da705d453c6d7c618f1919b9329a
Author: Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs at researchut.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 15 17:01:37 2010 +0530

    Revert "fix an endless loop being created when doing an install  with bug prompt on"
    This reverts commit 0179ba71754027977fc94f1b2ef9528620fbc757.

diff --git a/apt_offline_core/AptOfflineCoreLib.py b/apt_offline_core/AptOfflineCoreLib.py
index feb143d..da23ffa 100644
--- a/apt_offline_core/AptOfflineCoreLib.py
+++ b/apt_offline_core/AptOfflineCoreLib.py
@@ -1137,27 +1137,6 @@ def installer( args ):
                 bugs_number = {}
-                def DirInstallPackages(InstallDirPath):
-                        for eachfile in os.listdir( InstallDirPath ):
-                                filename = eachfile
-                                FullFileName = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(InstallDirPath, eachfile) )
-                                #INFO: Take care of Src Pkgs
-                                found = False
-                                for item in SrcPkgDict.keys():
-                                        if filename in SrcPkgDict[item]:
-                                                found = True
-                                                break
-                                if found is True:
-                                        shutil.copy2(filename, Str_InstallSrcPath)
-                                        log.msg("Installing src package file %s to %s.\n" % (filename, Str_InstallSrcPath) )
-                                        continue
-                                magic_check_and_uncompress( FullFileName, filename )
-                        return True
                 if Bool_SkipBugReports:
                         log.verbose("Skipping bug report check as requested")
@@ -1185,7 +1164,23 @@ def installer( args ):
                                         response = get_response()
                                 elif response.startswith( 'y' ) or response.startswith( 'Y' ):
-                                        DirInstallPackages(install_file_path)
+                                        for eachfile in os.listdir( install_file_path ):
+                                                filename = eachfile
+                                                FullFileName = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(install_file_path, eachfile) )
+                                                #INFO: Take care of Src Pkgs
+                                                found = False
+                                                for item in SrcPkgDict.keys():
+                                                        if filename in SrcPkgDict[item]:
+                                                                found = True
+                                                                break
+                                                if found is True:
+                                                        shutil.copy2(filename, Str_InstallSrcPath)
+                                                        log.msg("Installing src package file %s to %s.\n" % (filename, Str_InstallSrcPath) )
+                                                        continue
+                                                magic_check_and_uncompress( FullFileName, filename )
                                 elif response.startswith( 'n' ) or response.startswith( 'N' ):
@@ -1221,8 +1216,28 @@ def installer( args ):
                                         sys.exit( 1 )
                         log.verbose( "Great!!! No bugs found for all the packages that were downloaded.\n\n" )
-                        DirInstallPackages(install_file_path)
+                        #response = raw_input( "Continue with Installation. Y/N?" )
+                        #response = response.rstrip( "\r" )
+                        #if response.startswith( 'y' ) or response.startswith( 'Y' ):
+                        for eachfile in os.listdir( install_file_path ):
+                                filename = eachfile
+                                eachfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(install_file_path, eachfile) )
+                                #INFO: Take care of Src Pkgs
+                                found = False
+                                for item in SrcPkgDict.keys():
+                                        if filename in SrcPkgDict[item]:
+                                                found = True
+                                                break
+                                if found is True:
+                                        shutil.copy2(eachfile, Str_InstallSrcPath)
+                                        log.msg("Installed src package file %s to %s.\n" % (filename, Str_InstallSrcPath) )
+                                        continue
+                                magic_check_and_uncompress( eachfile, filename )
+                        #else:
+                        #        log.msg( "Exiting gracefully on user request.\n" )
+                        #        sys.exit( 0 )
         if Bool_Untrusted:
                 log.err("Disabling apt gpg check can risk your machine to compromise.\n")
                 for x in os.listdir(apt_update_target_path):

Offline APT Package Manager

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