[apt-proxy-devel] r613 - in trunk: . apt_proxy apt_proxy/test debian/po doc doc/po

Chris Halls halls at costa.debian.org
Thu Aug 3 23:54:49 UTC 2006

Author: halls
Date: Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
New Revision: 613


Merge branch people/halls/rework to trunk

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -14,21 +14,19 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, abstract, protocol
-from twisted.protocols import ftp, basic
 import os, stat, signal, fcntl, exceptions
 from os.path import dirname, basename
-import tempfile
-import glob
-import re
-import urlparse
-import time
-import string
-import packages
+import tempfile, glob, re, urlparse, time
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.internet import error, protocol
+from twisted.web import http
 import memleak
-from twisted.internet import error
+import fetchers, cache, packages
+from misc import log, MirrorRecycler
+import twisted_compat
 #from posixfile import SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
 #since posixfile is considered obsolete I'll define the SEEK_* constants
@@ -38,1173 +36,8 @@
 from types import *
-#sibling imports
-import misc
-log = misc.log
-from twisted_compat import compat
-from twisted_compat import http
 status_dir = '.apt-proxy'
-class FileType:
-    """
-    This is just a way to distinguish between different filetypes.
-    self.regex: regular expression that files of this type should
-    match. It could probably be replaced with something simpler,
-    but... o well, it works.
-    self.contype: mime string for the content-type http header.
-    mutable: do the contents of this file ever change?  Files such as
-    .deb and .dsc are never changed once they are created.
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, regex, contype, mutable):
-        self.regex = regex
-        self.contype = contype
-        self.mutable = mutable
-    def check (self, name):
-        "Returns true if name is of this filetype"
-        if self.regex.search(name):
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return 0
-# Set up the list of filetypes that we are prepared to deal with.
-# If it is not in this list, then we will ignore the file and
-# return an error.
-filetypes = (
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.deb$"), "application/dpkg", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.udeb$"), "application/dpkg", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.tar\.gz$"), "application/x-gtar", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.dsc$"),"text/plain", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.diff\.gz$"), "application/x-gzip", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.gz$"), "application/x-gzip", 1),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.bin$"), "application/octet-stream", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.tgz$"), "application/x-gtar", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.txt$"), "application/plain-text", 1),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.html$"), "application/text-html", 1),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"/(Packages|Release(\.gpg)?|Sources|Contents-.*)"
-                        r"(\.(gz|bz2))?$"), 
-             "text/plain", 1),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"\.rpm$"), "application/rpm", 0),
-    FileType(re.compile(r"/(pkglist|release|srclist)(\.(\w|-)+)?"
-                        r"(\.(gz|bz2))?$"), 
-             "text/plain", 1),
-    )
-class FileVerifier(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
-    """
-    Verifies the integrity of a file by running an external
-    command.
-    self.deferred: a deferred that will be triggered when the command
-    completes, or if a timeout occurs.
-    Sample:
-            verifier = FileVerifier(self)
-            verifier.deferred.addCallbacks(callback_if_ok, callback_if_fail)
-        then either callback_if_ok or callback_if_fail will be called
-        when the subprocess finishes execution.
-    Checkout twisted.internet.defer.Deferred on how to use self.deferred
-    """
-    def __init__(self, request):
-        self.factory = request.factory
-        self.deferred = defer.Deferred() # Deferred that passes status back
-        self.path = request.local_file
-        if re.search(r"\.deb$", self.path):
-            exe = '/usr/bin/dpkg'
-            args = (exe, '--fsys-tarfile', self.path)
-        elif re.search(r"\.gz$", self.path):
-            exe = '/bin/gunzip'
-            args = (exe, '-t', '-v', self.path)
-        elif re.search(r"\.bz2$", self.path):
-            exe = '/usr/bin/bunzip2'
-            args = (exe, '--test', self.path)
-        else:
-            # Unknown file, just check it is not 0 size
-            try:
-                filesize = os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
-            except:
-                filesize = 0
-            if(os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]) < 1:
-                log.debug('Verification failed for ' + self.path)
-                self.failed()
-            else:
-                log.debug('Verification skipped for ' + self.path)
-                self.deferred.callback(None)
-            return
-        log.debug("starting verification: " + exe + " " + str(args))
-	self.nullhandle = open("/dev/null", "w")
-        self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(self, exe, args, childFDs = { 0:"w", 1:self.nullhandle.fileno(), 2:"r" })
-        self.laterID = reactor.callLater(self.factory.config.timeout, self.timedout)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        self.data = ''
-    def outReceived(self, data):
-        #we only care about errors
-        pass
-    def errReceived(self, data):
-        self.data = self.data + data
-    def failed(self):
-        log.debug("verification failed: %s"%(self.path), 'verify', 1)
-        os.unlink(self.path)
-        self.deferred.errback(None)
-    def timedout(self):
-        """
-        this should not happen, but if we timeout, we pretend that the
-        operation failed.
-        """
-        self.laterID=None
-        log.debug("Process Timedout:",'verify')
-        self.failed()
-    def processEnded(self, reason=None):
-        """
-        This get's automatically called when the process finishes, we check
-        the status and report through the Deferred.
-        """
-        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
-        #log.debug("Process Status: %d" %(self.process.status),'verify')
-        #log.debug(self.data, 'verify')
-        if self.laterID:
-            self.laterID.cancel()
-            if self.process.status == 0:
-                self.deferred.callback(None)
-            else:
-                self.failed()
-def findFileType(name):
-    "Look for the FileType of 'name'"
-    for type in filetypes:
-        if type.check(name):
-            return type
-    return None
-class TempFile (file):
-    def __init__(self, mode='w+b', bufsize=-1):
-        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp('.apt-proxy')
-        os.close(fd)
-        file.__init__(self, name, mode, bufsize)
-        os.unlink(name)
-    def append(self, data):
-        self.seek(0, SEEK_END)
-        self.write(data)
-    def size(self):
-        return self.tell()
-    def read_from(self, size=-1, start=None):
-        if start != None:
-            self.seek(start, SEEK_SET)
-        data = file.read(self, size)
-        return data
-class Fetcher:
-    """
-    This is the base class for all Fetcher*, it tries to hold as much
-    common code as posible.
-    Subclasses of this class are the ones responsible for contacting
-    the backend servers and fetching the actual data.
-    """
-    gzip_convert = re.compile(r"/Packages$")
-    post_convert = re.compile(r"/Packages.gz$")
-    status_code = http.OK
-    status_message = None
-    requests = None
-    request = None
-    length = None
-    transport = None
-    def insert_request(self, request):
-        """
-        Request should be served through this Fetcher because it asked for
-        the same uri that we are waiting for.
-        We also have to get it up to date, give it all received data, send it
-        the appropriate headers and set the response code.
-        """
-        if request in self.requests:
-            raise RuntimeError, \
-                  'this request is already assigned to this Fetcher'
-        self.requests.append(request)
-        request.apFetcher = self
-        if (self.request):
-            self.update_request(request)
-    def update_request(self, request):
-        """
-        get a new request up to date
-        """
-        request.local_mtime = self.request.local_mtime
-        request.local_size = self.request.local_size
-        if(self.status_code != None):
-            request.setResponseCode(self.status_code, self.status_message)
-        for name, value in self.request.headers.items():
-            request.setHeader(name, value)
-        if self.transfered.size() != 0:
-            request.write(self.transfered.read_from(start=0))
-    def remove_request(self, request):
-        """
-        Request should NOT be served through this Fetcher, the client
-        probably closed the connection.
-        If this is our last request, we may also close the connection with the
-        server depending on the configuration.
-        We keep the last request for reference even if the client closed the
-        connection.
-        """
-        self.requests.remove(request)
-        if len(self.requests) == 0:
-            log.debug("Last request removed",'Fetcher')
-            if not self.factory.config.complete_clientless_downloads:
-                if self.transport:
-                    log.debug(
-                        "telling the transport to loseConnection",'Fetcher')
-                    try:
-                        self.transport.loseConnection()
-                    except KeyError:
-                        # Rsync fetcher already loses conneciton for us
-                        pass
-                if hasattr(self, 'loseConnection'):
-                    self.loseConnection()
-        else:
-            self.request = self.requests[0]
-        request.apFetcher = None
-    def transfer_requests(self, fetcher):
-        "Transfer all requests from self to fetcher"
-        for req in self.requests:
-            self.remove_request(req)
-            fetcher.insert_request(req)
-    def setResponseCode(self, code, message=None):
-        "Set response code for all requests"
-        #log.debug('Response code: %d - %s' % (code, message),'Fetcher')
-        self.status_code = code
-        self.status_message = message
-        for req in self.requests:
-            req.setResponseCode(code, message)
-    def setResponseHeader(self, name, value):
-        "set 'value' for header 'name' on all requests"
-        for req in self.requests:
-            req.setHeader(name, value)
-    def __init__(self, request=None):
-        self.requests = []
-        self.transfered = TempFile()
-        if(request):
-            self.activate(request)
-    def activate(self, request):
-        log.debug(str(request.backend) + request.uri, 'Fetcher.activate')
-        self.local_file = request.local_file
-        self.local_mtime = request.local_mtime
-        self.factory = request.factory
-        self.request = request
-        request.content.read()
-        for req in self.requests:
-            self.update_request(req)
-        self.requests.append(request)
-        request.apFetcher = self
-        if self.factory.runningFetchers.has_key(request.uri):
-            raise RuntimeError, 'There already is a running fetcher'
-        self.factory.runningFetchers[request.uri]=self
-    def apDataReceived(self, data):
-        """
-        Should be called from the subclasses when data is available for
-        streaming.
-        Keeps all transfered data in 'self.transfered' for requests which arrive
-        later and to write it in the cache at the end.
-        Note: self.length if != None is the amount of data pending to be
-        received.
-        """
-        if self.length != None:
-            self.transfered.append(data[:self.length])
-            for req in self.requests:
-                req.write(data[:self.length])
-        else:
-            self.transfered.append(data)
-            for req in self.requests:
-                req.write(data)
-    def apDataEnd(self, data, saveData=True):
-        """
-        Called by subclasses when the data transfer is over.
-           -caches the received data if everyting went well (if saveData=True)
-           -takes care of mtime and atime
-           -finishes connection with server and the requests
-        """
-        import shutil
-        log.debug("Finished receiving data, status:%d saveData:%d" %(self.status_code, saveData), 'Fetcher');
-        if (self.status_code == http.OK):
-            if saveData:
-                dir = dirname(self.local_file)
-                if(not os.path.exists(dir)):
-                    os.makedirs(dir)
-                f = open(self.local_file, "w")
-                fcntl.lockf(f.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
-                f.truncate(0)
-                if type(data) is StringType:
-                    f.write(data)
-                else:
-                    data.seek(0, SEEK_SET)
-                    shutil.copyfileobj(data, f)
-                f.close()
-                if self.local_mtime != None:
-                    os.utime(self.local_file, (time.time(), self.local_mtime))
-                else:
-                    log.debug("no local time: "+self.local_file,'Fetcher')
-                    os.utime(self.local_file, (time.time(), 0))
-            self.factory.file_served(self.request.uri)
-            #self.request.backend.get_packages_db().packages_file(self.request.uri)
-        if self.transport:
-            try:
-              self.transport.loseConnection()
-            except exceptions.KeyError:
-              # Couldn't close connection - already closed?
-              log.debug("transport.loseConnection() - "
-                        "connection already closed", 'Fetcher')
-              pass
-        for req in self.requests:
-            req.finish()
-        self.transfered.close()
-        self.apEnd()
-    def apEnd(self):
-        """
-        Called by subclasses when apDataEnd does too many things.
-        Let's everyone know that we are not the active Fetcher for our uri.
-        """
-        try:
-            del self.factory.runningFetchers[self.request.uri]
-        except exceptions.KeyError:
-            log.debug("We are not on runningFetchers!!!",'Fetcher')
-            log.debug("Class is not in runningFetchers: "+str(self.__class__),
-                      'Fetcher')
-            if self.request:
-                log.debug(' URI:' + self.request.uri, 'Fetcher')
-            log.debug('Running fetchers: '
-                      +str(self.factory.runningFetchers),'Fetcher')
-            #raise exceptions.KeyError
-        for req in self.requests[:]:
-            self.remove_request(req)
-        import gc
-        #Cleanup circular references
-        reactor.callLater(5, gc.collect)
-    def apEndCached(self):
-        """
-        A backend has indicated that this file has not changed,
-        so serve the file from the disk cache
-        """
-        self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
-        self.apEndTransfer(FetcherCachedFile)
-    def apEndTransfer(self, fetcher_class):
-        """
-        Remove this Fetcher and transfer all it's requests to a new instance of
-        'fetcher_class'.
-        """
-        #Consider something like this:
-        #req = dummyFetcher.fix_ref_request()
-        #fetcher = fetcher_class()
-        #dummyFetcher.transfer_requests(fetcher)
-        #dummyFetcher.apEnd()
-        #fetcher.activate(req)
-        #self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
-        requests = self.requests[:]
-        self.apEnd()  # Remove requests from this fetcher
-        fetcher = None
-        for req in requests:
-            if (fetcher_class != FetcherCachedFile or req.serve_if_cached):
-                running = req.factory.runningFetchers
-                if (running.has_key(req.uri)):
-                    #If we have an active Fetcher just use that
-                    log.debug("have active Fetcher",'Fetcher')
-                    running[req.uri].insert_request(req)
-                    fetcher = running[req.uri]
-                else:
-                    fetcher = fetcher_class(req)
-            else:
-                req.finish()
-        return fetcher
-    def connectionFailed(self, reason=None):
-        """
-        Tell our requests that the connection with the server failed.
-        """
-        msg = '[%s] Connection Failed: %s/%s'%(
-            self.request.backend.base,
-            self.request.backendServer.path, self.request.backend_uri)
-        if reason:
-            msg = '%s (%s)'%(msg, reason.getErrorMessage())
-            log.debug("Connection Failed: "+str(reason), 'Fetcher')
-        log.err(msg)
-        # Look for alternative fetchers
-        if not self.request.activateNextBackendServer(self):
-            # No more backends, send error response back to client
-            if reason.check(error.ConnectError):
-                self.setResponseCode(http.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Connect Error")
-            else:
-                self.setResponseCode(http.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
-            self.apDataReceived("")
-            self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, False)
-            #Because of a bug in tcp.Client we may be called twice,
-            #Make sure that next time nothing will happen
-            #FIXME: This hack is probably not anymore pertinent.
-            self.connectionFailed = lambda : log.debug('connectionFailed(2)',
-                                                    'Fetcher','9')
-class FetcherDummy(Fetcher):
-    """
-    """
-    gzip_convert = re.compile(r"^Nothing should match this$")
-    post_convert = re.compile(r"^Nothing should match this$")
-    status_code = http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
-    status_message = None
-    def insert_request(self, request):
-        """
-        """
-        if request in self.requests:
-            raise RuntimeError, \
-                  'this request is already assigned to this Fetcher'
-        self.requests.append(request)
-        request.apFetcher = self
-    def remove_request(self, request):
-        """
-        """
-        #make sure that it has updated values, since the requests
-        #may be cached and we need them to serve it.
-        request.local_mtime = self.request.local_mtime
-        request.local_size = self.request.local_size
-        self.requests.remove(request)
-        request.apFetcher = None
-    def fix_ref_request(self):
-        if self.requests != []:
-            if self.request not in self.requests:
-                request = self.requests[0]
-                request.local_mtime = self.request.local_mtime
-                request.local_size = self.request.local_size
-                self.request = request
-            self.remove_request(self.request)
-        else:
-            self.request = None
-        return self.request
-class FetcherFile(Fetcher):
-    def activate(self, request):
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        log.debug("FetcherFile.activate(): uri='%s' server='%s'" % (request.uri, request.backendServer.uri))
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            log.debug("no request.apFetcher")
-            return
-        self.factory.file_served(request.uri)
-        # start the transfer
-        self.local_file = request.backendServer.uri[len("file:"):]+ request.uri
-        if not os.path.exists(self.local_file):
-            log.debug("not found: %s" % self.local_file)
-            request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
-            request.write("")
-            request.finish()
-            self.remove_request(request)
-            Fetcher.apEnd(self)
-            return
-        self.local_size = os.stat(self.local_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
-        log.debug("Serving local file: " + self.local_file + " size:" + str(self.local_size), 'FetcherCachedFile')
-        file = open(self.local_file,'rb')
-        fcntl.lockf(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH)
-        request.setHeader("Content-Length", self.local_size)
-        #request.setHeader("Last-modified",
-        #                  http.datetimeToString(request.local_mtime))
-        basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(file, request) \
-                          .addBoth(self.file_transfer_complete, request) \
-                          .addBoth(lambda r: file.close())
-    # A file transfer has completed
-    def file_transfer_complete(self, result, request):
-        log.debug("transfer complete", 'FetcherCachedFile')
-        request.finish()
-        # Remove this client from request list
-        self.remove_request(request)
-        if len(self.requests) == 0:
-            Fetcher.apEnd(self)
-class FetcherHttp(Fetcher, http.HTTPClient):
-    forward_headers = [
-        'last-modified',
-        'content-length'
-        ]
-    log_headers = None
-    proxy_host = None
-    proxy_port = None
-    def activate(self, request):
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        if not self.factory.config.http_proxy is '':
-            (self.proxy_host, self.proxy_port) = request.factory.config.http_proxy.split(':')
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            return
-        class ClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
-            "Dummy ClientFactory to comply with current twisted API"
-	    #FIXME: Double check this, haggai thinks it is to blame for the
-	    #hangs.
-            def __init__(self, instance):
-                self.instance = instance
-            def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-                return self.instance
-            def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
-                self.instance.connectionFailed(reason)
-            def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
-                log.debug("XXX clientConnectionLost", "http-client")
-        if not self.proxy_host:
-            reactor.connectTCP(request.backendServer.host, request.backendServer.port,
-                               ClientFactory(self), request.backend.config.timeout)
-        else:
-            reactor.connectTCP(self.proxy_host, int(self.proxy_port),
-                               ClientFactory(self), request.backend.config.timeout)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        if not self.proxy_host:
-            self.sendCommand(self.request.method, self.request.backendServer.path
-                             + "/" + self.request.backend_uri)
-        else:
-            self.sendCommand(self.request.method, "http://"
-                             + self.request.backendServer.host + ":" + str(self.request.backendServer.port)
-                             + "/" + self.request.backendServer.path
-                             + "/" + self.request.backend_uri)
-        self.sendHeader('host', self.request.backendServer.host)
-        if self.local_mtime != None:
-            datetime = http.datetimeToString(self.local_mtime)
-            self.sendHeader('if-modified-since', datetime)
-        self.endHeaders()
-    def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
-        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=version,message'
-        log.debug('handleStatus %s - %s' % (code, message), 'http_client')
-        self.status_code = int(code)
-        # Keep a record of server response even if overriden later by setReponseCode
-        self.http_status = self.status_code  
-        self.setResponseCode(self.status_code)
-    def handleHeader(self, key, value):
-        log.debug("Received: " + key + " " + str(value))
-        key = string.lower(key)
-        if key == 'last-modified':
-            self.local_mtime = http.stringToDatetime(value)
-        if key in self.forward_headers:
-            self.setResponseHeader(key, value)
-    def handleEndHeaders(self):
-        if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
-            log.debug("NOT_MODIFIED " + str(self.status_code),'http_client')
-            self.apEndCached()
-    def rawDataReceived(self, data):
-        self.apDataReceived(data)
-    def handleResponse(self, buffer):
-        if self.length == 0:
-            self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
-        # print "length: " + str(self.length), "response:", self.status_code
-        if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
-            self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, False)
-        else:
-            self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, True)
-    def lineReceived(self, line):
-        """
-        log the line and handle it to the appropriate the base classe.
-        The location header gave me trouble at some point, so I filter it just
-        in case.
-        Note: when running a class method directly and not from an object you
-        have to give the 'self' parameter manualy.
-        """
-        #log.debug(line,'http_client')
-        if self.log_headers == None:
-            self.log_headers = line
-        else:
-            self.log_headers += ", " + line;
-        if not re.search('^Location:', line):
-            http.HTTPClient.lineReceived(self, line)
-    def sendCommand(self, command, path):
-        "log the line and handle it to the base class."
-        log.debug(command + ":" + path,'http_client')
-        http.HTTPClient.sendCommand(self, command, path)
-    def endHeaders(self):
-        "log and handle to the base class."
-        if self.log_headers != None:
-            log.debug(" Headers: " + self.log_headers, 'http_client')
-            self.log_headers = None;
-        http.HTTPClient.endHeaders(self)
-    def sendHeader(self, name, value):
-        "log and handle to the base class."
-        log.debug(name + ":" + value,'http_client')
-        http.HTTPClient.sendHeader(self, name, value)
-class FetcherFtp(Fetcher, protocol.Protocol):
-    """
-    This is the secuence here:
-        -Start and connect the FTPClient
-        -Ask for mtime
-        -Ask for size
-        -if couldn't get the size
-            -try to get it by listing
-        -get all that juicy data
-    NOTE: Twisted's FTPClient code uses it's own timeouts here and there,
-    so the timeout specified for the backend may not always be used
-    """
-    def activate (self, request):
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            return
-        self.passive_ftp = self.request.backend.config.passive_ftp
-        self.remote_file = (self.request.backendServer.path + "/" 
-                            + self.request.backend_uri)
-        from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientCreator
-        if not request.backendServer.username:
-            creator = ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClient, passive=0)
-        else:
-            creator = ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClient, request.backendServer.username,
-                                    request.backendServer.password, passive=0)
-        d = creator.connectTCP(request.backendServer.host, request.backendServer.port,
-                               request.backend.config.timeout)
-        d.addCallback(self.controlConnectionMade)
-        d.addErrback(self.connectionFailed)
-    def controlConnectionMade(self, ftpclient):
-        self.ftpclient = ftpclient
-        if(self.passive_ftp):
-            log.debug('Got control connection, using passive ftp', 'ftp_client')
-            self.ftpclient.passive = 1
-        else:
-            log.debug('Got control connection, using active ftp', 'ftp_client')
-            self.ftpclient.passive = 0
-        if log.isEnabled('ftp_client'):
-            self.ftpclient.debug = 1
-        self.ftpFetchMtime()
-    def ftpFinish(self, code, message=None):
-        "Finish the transfer with code 'code'"
-        self.ftpclient.quit()
-        self.setResponseCode(code, message)
-        self.apDataReceived("")
-        self.apDataEnd(self.transfered)
-    def ftpFinishCached(self):
-        "Finish the transfer giving the requests the cached file."
-        self.ftpclient.quit()
-        self.apEndCached()
-    def ftpFetchMtime(self):
-        "Get the modification time from the server."
-        def apFtpMtimeFinish(msgs, fetcher, fail):
-            """
-            Got an answer to the mtime request.
-            Someone should check that this is timezone independent.
-            """
-            code = None
-            if not fail:
-                code, msg = msgs[0].split()
-            mtime = None
-            if code == '213':
-                time_tuple=time.strptime(msg[:14], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-                #replace day light savings with -1 (current)
-                time_tuple = time_tuple[:8] + (-1,)
-                #correct the result to GMT
-                mtime = time.mktime(time_tuple) - time.altzone
-            if (fetcher.local_mtime and mtime
-                and fetcher.local_mtime >= mtime):
-                fetcher.ftpFinishCached()
-            else:
-                fetcher.local_mtime = mtime
-                fetcher.ftpFetchSize()
-        d = self.ftpclient.queueStringCommand('MDTM ' + self.remote_file)
-        d.addCallbacks(apFtpMtimeFinish, apFtpMtimeFinish,
-                       (self, 0), None, (self, 1), None)
-    def ftpFetchSize(self):
-        "Get the size of the file from the server"
-        def apFtpSizeFinish(msgs, fetcher, fail):
-            code = None
-            if not fail:
-                code, msg = msgs[0].split()
-            if code != '213':
-                log.debug("SIZE FAILED",'ftp_client')
-                fetcher.ftpFetchList()
-            else:
-                fetcher.setResponseHeader('content-length', msg)
-                fetcher.ftpFetchFile()
-        d = self.ftpclient.queueStringCommand('SIZE ' + self.remote_file)
-        d.addCallbacks(apFtpSizeFinish, apFtpSizeFinish,
-                       (self, 0), None, (self, 1), None)
-    def ftpFetchList(self):
-        "If ftpFetchSize didn't work try to get the size with a list command."
-        def apFtpListFinish(msg, filelist, fetcher, fail):
-            __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=msg'
-            if fail:
-                fetcher.ftpFinish(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
-                return
-            if len(filelist.files)== 0:
-                fetcher.ftpFinish(http.NOT_FOUND)
-                return
-            file = filelist.files[0]
-            fetcher.setResponseHeader('content-length', file['size'])
-            fetcher.ftpFetchFile()
-        filelist = ftp.FTPFileListProtocol()
-        d = self.ftpclient.list(self.remote_file, filelist)
-        d.addCallbacks(apFtpListFinish, apFtpListFinish,
-                       (filelist, self, 0), None,
-                       (filelist, self, 1), None)
-    def ftpFetchFile(self):
-        "And finally, we ask for the file."
-        def apFtpFetchFinish(msg, code, status, fetcher):
-            __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=msg,status'
-            fetcher.ftpFinish(code)
-        log.debug('ftpFetchFile: ' + self.remote_file, 'ftp_client')
-        d = self.ftpclient.retrieveFile(self.remote_file, self)
-        d.addCallbacks(apFtpFetchFinish, apFtpFetchFinish,
-                       (http.OK, "good", self), None,
-                       (http.NOT_FOUND, "fail", self), None)
-    def dataReceived(self, data):
-        self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
-        self.apDataReceived(data)
-    def connectionLost(self, reason=None):
-        """
-        Maybe we should do some recovery here, I don't know, but the Deferred
-        should be enough.
-        """
-        log.debug("lost connection: %s"%(reason),'ftp_client')
-class FetcherGzip(Fetcher, protocol.ProcessProtocol):
-    """
-    This is a fake Fetcher, it uses the real Fetcher from the request's
-    backend via LoopbackRequest to get the data and gzip's or gunzip's as
-    needed.
-    NOTE: We use the serve_cached=0 parameter to Request.fetch so if
-    it is cached it doesn't get uselessly read, we just get it from the cache.
-    """
-    post_convert = re.compile(r"^Should not match anything$")
-    gzip_convert = post_convert
-    exe = '/bin/gzip'
-    def activate(self, request, postconverting=0):
-        log.debug("FetcherGzip request:" + str(request.uri) + " postconvert:" + str(postconverting), 'gzip')
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            return
-        self.args = (self.exe, '-c', '-9', '-n')
-        if(log.isEnabled('gzip',9)):
-            self.args += ('-v',)
-        if request.uri[-3:] == '.gz':
-            host_uri = request.uri[:-3]
-        else:
-            host_uri = request.uri+'.gz'
-            self.args += ('-d',)
-        self.host_file = self.factory.config.cache_dir + host_uri
-        self.args += (self.host_file,)
-        running = self.factory.runningFetchers
-        if not postconverting or running.has_key(host_uri):
-            #Make sure that the file is there
-            loop = LoopbackRequest(request, self.host_transfer_done)
-            loop.uri = host_uri
-            loop.local_file = self.host_file
-            loop.process()
-            self.loop_req = loop
-            loop.serve_if_cached=0
-            if running.has_key(host_uri):
-                #the file is on it's way, wait for it.
-                running[host_uri].insert_request(loop)
-            else:
-                #we are not postconverting, so we need to fetch the host file.
-                loop.fetch(serve_cached=0)
-        else:
-            #The file should be there already.
-            self.loop_req = None
-            self.host_transfer_done()
-    def host_transfer_done(self):
-        """
-        Called by our LoopbackRequest when the real Fetcher calls
-        finish() on it.
-        If everything went well, check mtimes and only do the work if needed.
-        If posible arrange things so the target file gets the same mtime as
-        the host file.
-        """
-        log.debug('transfer done', 'gzip')
-        if self.loop_req and self.loop_req.code != http.OK:
-            self.setResponseCode(self.loop_req.code,
-                                 self.loop_req.code_message)
-            self.apDataReceived("")
-            self.apDataEnd("")
-            return
-        if os.path.exists(self.host_file):
-            self.local_mtime = os.stat(self.host_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-        old_mtime = None
-        if os.path.exists(self.local_file):
-            old_mtime = os.stat(self.local_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-        if self.local_mtime == old_mtime:
-            self.apEndCached()
-        else:
-            log.debug("Starting process: " + self.exe + " " + str(self.args), 'gzip')
-            self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(self, self.exe, self.args)
-    def outReceived(self, data):
-        self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
-        self.apDataReceived(data)
-    def errReceived(self, data):
-        log.debug('gzip: ' + data,'gzip')
-    def loseConnection(self):
-        """
-        This is a bad workaround Process.loseConnection not doing it's
-        job right.
-        The problem only happends when we try to finish the process
-        while decompresing.
-        """
-        if hasattr(self, 'process') and self.process.pid:
-            try:
-                os.kill(self.process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-                self.process.connectionLost()
-            except exceptions.OSError, Error:
-                import errno
-                (Errno, Errstr) = Error
-                if Errno != errno.ESRCH:
-                    log.debug('Passing OSError exception '+Errstr)
-                    raise 
-                else:
-                    log.debug('Threw away exception OSError no such process')
-    def processEnded(self, reason=None):
-        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
-        log.debug("Status: %d" %(self.process.status),'gzip')
-        if self.process.status != 0:
-            self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
-        self.apDataReceived("")
-        self.apDataEnd(self.transfered)
-class FetcherRsync(Fetcher, protocol.ProcessProtocol):
-    """
-    I frequently am not called directly, Request.fetch makes the
-    arrangement for FetcherGzip to use us and gzip the result if needed.
-    """
-    post_convert = re.compile(r"^Should not match anything$")
-    gzip_convert = re.compile(r"/Packages.gz$")
-    "Temporary filename that rsync streams to"
-    rsyncTempFile = None
-    "Number of bytes sent to client already"
-    bytes_sent = 0
-    def activate (self, request):
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            return
-        # Change /path/to/FILE -> /path/to/.FILE.* to match rsync tempfile
-        self.globpattern = re.sub(r'/([^/]*)$', r'/.\1.*', self.local_file)
-        for file in glob.glob(self.globpattern):
-          log.msg('Deleting stale tempfile:' + file)
-          unlink(file)
-        uri = 'rsync://'+request.backendServer.host\
-              +request.backendServer.path+'/'+request.backend_uri
-        self.local_dir=re.sub(r"/[^/]*$", "", self.local_file)+'/'
-        exe = '/usr/bin/rsync'
-        if(log.isEnabled('rsync',9)):
-            args = (exe, '--partial', '--progress', '--verbose', '--times',
-                    '--timeout', "%d"%(request.backend.config.timeout),
-                    uri, '.',)
-        else:
-            args = (exe, '--quiet', '--times', uri, '.',
-                    '--timeout',  "%d"%(request.backend.config.timeout),
-                    )
-        if(not os.path.exists(self.local_dir)):
-            os.makedirs(self.local_dir)
-        self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(self, exe, args, None,
-                                            self.local_dir)
-    def findRsyncTempFile(self):
-        """
-        Look for temporary file created by rsync during streaming
-        """
-        files = glob.glob(self.globpattern)
-        if len(files)==1:
-            self.rsyncTempFile = files[0]
-            log.debug('tempfile: ' + self.rsyncTempFile, 'rsync_client')
-        elif not files:
-            # No file created yet
-            pass
-        else:
-            log.err('found more than one tempfile, abort rsync')
-            self.transport.loseConnection()
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        pass
-    "Data received from rsync process to stdout"
-    def outReceived(self, data):
-        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
-            if len(s):
-                log.debug('rsync: ' + s, 'rsync_client')
-        #self.apDataReceived(data)
-        if not self.rsyncTempFile:
-            self.findRsyncTempFile()
-            # Got tempfile?
-            if self.rsyncTempFile:
-                self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
-        if self.rsyncTempFile:
-            self.sendData()
-    "Data received from rsync process to stderr"
-    def errReceived(self, data):
-        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
-            if len(s):
-                log.err('rsync error: ' + s, 'rsync_client')
-    def sendData(self):
-        f = None
-        if self.rsyncTempFile:
-            try:
-                f = open(self.rsyncTempFile, 'rb')
-            except IOError:
-                return
-        else:
-            # Tempfile has gone, stream main file
-            #log.debug("sendData open dest " + str(self.bytes_sent))
-            f = open(self.local_file, 'rb')
-        if f:
-            f.seek(self.bytes_sent)
-            data = f.read(abstract.FileDescriptor.bufferSize)
-            #log.debug("sendData got " + str(len(data)))
-            f.close()
-            if data:
-                self.apDataReceived(data)
-                self.bytes_sent = self.bytes_sent + len(data)
-                reactor.callLater(0, self.sendData)
-            elif not self.rsyncTempFile:
-                # Finished reading final file
-                #self.transport = None
-                log.debug("sendData complete")
-                # Tell clients, but data is already saved by rsync so don't
-                # write file again
-                self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, False)
-    def processEnded(self, status_object):
-        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
-        log.debug("Status: %d" %(status_object.value.exitCode)
-                  ,'rsync_client')
-        self.rsyncTempFile = None
-        # Success?
-        exitcode = status_object.value.exitCode
-        if exitcode == 0:
-            # File received.  Send to clients.
-            self.local_mtime = os.stat(self.local_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-            reactor.callLater(0, self.sendData)
-        else:
-            if exitcode == 10:
-                # Host not found
-                self.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
-            else:
-                self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
-            if not os.path.exists(self.local_file):
-                try:
-                    os.removedirs(self.local_dir)
-                except:
-                    pass
-            self.apDataReceived("")
-            self.apDataEnd(self.transfered)
-    def loseConnection(self):
-        "Kill rsync process"
-        if self.transport:
-            if self.transport.pid:
-                log.debug("killing rsync child" + 
-                          str(self.transport.pid), 'rsync_client')
-                os.kill(self.transport.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-            #self.transport.loseConnection()
-class FetcherCachedFile(Fetcher):
-    """
-    Sends the cached file or tells the client that the file was not
-    'modified-since' if appropriate.
-    """
-    post_convert = re.compile(r"/Packages.gz$")
-    gzip_convert = re.compile(r"^Should not match anything$")
-    request = None
-    def if_modified(self, request):
-        """
-        Check if the file was 'modified-since' and tell the client if it
-        wasn't.
-        """
-        if_modified_since = request.getHeader('if-modified-since')
-        if if_modified_since != None:
-            if_modified_since = http.stringToDatetime(
-                    if_modified_since)
-        if request.local_mtime <= if_modified_since:
-            request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_MODIFIED)
-            request.setHeader("Content-Length", 0)
-            request.write("")
-            request.finish()
-            self.remove_request(request)
-    def insert_request(self, request):
-        if not request.serve_if_cached:
-            request.finish()
-            return
-        Fetcher.insert_request(self, request)
-        log.debug("Serving from cache for additional client: " + self.local_file + " size:" + str(self.size))
-        self.start_transfer(request)
-    def activate(self, request):
-        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
-        if not request.apFetcher:
-            return
-        self.factory.file_served(request.uri)
-        self.size = request.local_size
-        self.start_transfer(request)
-    def start_transfer(self, request):
-        self.if_modified(request)
-        if len(self.requests) == 0:
-            #we had a single request and didn't have to send it
-            self.apEnd()
-            return
-        if self.size:
-            log.debug("Serving from cache: " + self.local_file + " size:" + str(self.size), 'FetcherCachedFile')
-            file = open(self.local_file,'rb')
-            fcntl.lockf(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH)
-            request.setHeader("Content-Length", request.local_size)
-            request.setHeader("Last-modified",
-                            http.datetimeToString(request.local_mtime))
-            basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(file, request) \
-                            .addBoth(self.file_transfer_complete, request) \
-                            .addBoth(lambda r: file.close())
-#                            .addBoth(lambda r: request.transport.loseConnection())
-        else:
-            log.debug("Zero length file! " + self.local_file, 'FetcherCachedFile')
-            self.file_transfer_complete(None, request)
-            request.finish()
-    # A file transfer has completed
-    def file_transfer_complete(self, result, request):
-        log.debug("transfer complete", 'FetcherCachedFile')
-        request.finish()
-        # Remove this client from request list
-        self.remove_request(request)
-        if len(self.requests) == 0:
-            Fetcher.apEnd(self)
 class Backend:
     A backend repository.  There is one Backend for each [...] section
@@ -1214,25 +47,40 @@
     "Sequence of BackendServers, in order of preference"
     uris = []
+    "Hash of active cache entries"
+    entries = {}
     "Packages database for this backend"
     packages = None
-    base = None
+    name = None
+    downloadQueuePerClient = True # Set to true if a download queue should be created per client
     def __init__(self, factory, config):
+        log.debug("Creating Backend: " + config.name)
         self.factory = factory
         self.config = config # apBackendConfig configuration information
         self.base = config.name # Name of backend
-        self.uris=[]
+        self.uris = [] # Sequence of BackendServers, in order of preference
+        if self.downloadQueuePerClient:
+            self.queue = fetchers.DownloadQueuePerClient()
+        else:
+            self.queue = fetchers.DownloadQueue()
+        self.entries = {} # Hash of active cache entries
+        self.packages = None # Packages database for this backend
         for uri in config.backends:
     def addURI(self, uri):
         newBackend = BackendServer(self, uri)
-    def get_first_server(self): 
+    def get_first_server(self):
         "Provide first BackendServer for this Backend"
         return self.uris[0]
@@ -1246,6 +94,25 @@
     def __str__(self):
         return '('+self.base+')'+' servers:'+str(len(self.uris))
+    def get_cache_entry(self, path):
+        """
+        Return CacheEntry for given path
+        a new object is created if it does not already exist
+        """
+        if self.entries.has_key(path):
+            log.debug("Cache entry exists: %s, %s entries" %(path,len(self.entries)))
+            return self.entries[path]
+        else:
+            log.debug("New Cache entry: "+path)
+            e = cache.CacheEntry(self, path)
+            self.entries[path] = e
+            return e
+    def entry_done(self, entry):
+        "A cache entry is finished and clients are disconnected"
+        #if self.entries.has_key(entry.path):
+        log.debug("entry_done: %s" %(entry.path), 'Backend')
+        del self.entries[entry.path]
     def get_packages_db(self):
         "Return packages parser object for the backend, creating one if necessary"
         if self.packages == None:
@@ -1255,12 +122,22 @@
     def get_path(self, path):
         'path' is the original uri of the request.
         We return the path to be appended to the backend path to
         request the file from the backend server
         return path[len(self.base)+2:]
+    def file_served(self, entry):
+        "A cache entry has served a file in this backend"
+        self.get_packages_db().file_updated(entry)
+    def start_download(self, entry):
+        """
+        A CacheEntry has requested that a file should be downloaded from the backend
+        """
+        self.queue.addFile(entry)
 class BackendServer:
     A repository server.  A BackendServer is created for each URI defined in 'backends'
@@ -1271,10 +148,10 @@
     uri = None            # URI of server
     fetchers = {
-        'http' : FetcherHttp,
-        'ftp'  : FetcherFtp,
-        'rsync': FetcherRsync,
-        'file' : FetcherFile,
+        'http' : fetchers.HttpFetcher,
+        'ftp'  : fetchers.FtpFetcher,
+        'rsync': fetchers.RsyncFetcher,
+        'file' : fetchers.FileFetcher,
     ports = {
         'http' : 80,
@@ -1289,7 +166,7 @@
         log.debug("Created new BackendServer: " + uri)
         # hack because urlparse doesn't support rsync
-        if uri[0:5] == 'rsync':
+        if uri[0:6] == 'rsync:':
             uri = 'http'+uri[5:]
@@ -1297,6 +174,8 @@
         self.scheme, netloc, self.path, parameters, \
                      query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
+        if is_rsync:
+            self.scheme = 'rsync'
         if '@' in netloc:
             auth = netloc[:netloc.rindex('@')]
@@ -1304,13 +183,12 @@
             self.username, self.password = auth.split(':')
             self.username = None
+            self.password = None
         if ':' in netloc:
             self.host, self.port = netloc.split(':')
             self.host = netloc
             self.port = self.ports[self.scheme]
-        if is_rsync:
-            self.scheme = 'rsync'
         self.fetcher = self.fetchers[self.scheme]
             self.port = int(self.port)
@@ -1320,21 +198,23 @@
     def __str__(self):
         return ('(' + self.backend.base + ') ' + self.scheme + '://' +
                self.host + ':' + str(self.port))
 class Request(http.Request):
     Each new request from connected clients generates a new instance of this
     class, and process() is called.
-    local_mtime = None
+    if_modified_since = None
     local_size = None
     serve_if_cached = 1
     apFetcher = None
     uriIndex = 0             # Index of backend URI
     backend = None           # Backend for this request
     backendServer = None     # Current server to be tried
+    cacheEntry = None        # Cache entry for file requested
     def __init__(self, channel, queued):
+        log.debug("New Request, queued=%s" % (queued),'Request');
         http.Request.__init__(self, channel, queued)
@@ -1342,298 +222,118 @@
         Each new request begins processing here
-        log.debug("Request: " + self.method + " " + self.uri);
-        # Clean up URL
-        self.uri = self.simplify_path(self.uri)
+        self.uri = self.clean_path(self.uri)
-        self.local_file = self.factory.config.cache_dir + self.uri
-        backendName = self.uri[1:].split('/')[0]
-        log.debug("Request: %s %s backend=%s local_file=%s"%(self.method, self.uri, backendName, self.local_file))
+        if_modified_since = self.getHeader('if-modified-since')
+        if if_modified_since != None:
+            self.if_modified_since = http.stringToDatetime(
+                    if_modified_since)
+        if self.uri[0] != '/':
+            log.debug("Request must include at least one '/'")
+            self.finishCode(http.FORBIDDEN, "Request must include at least one '/'")
+            return
-        if self.factory.config.disable_pipelining:
-            self.setHeader('Connection','close')
-            self.channel.persistent = 0
+        backendName = self.uri[1:].split('/')[0]
+        log.debug("Request: %s %s backend=%s uri=%s"
+                    % (self.method, self.uri, backendName, self.uri),'Request')
         if self.method != 'GET':
             #we currently only support GET
-            log.debug("abort - method not implemented")
+            log.debug("abort - method not implemented", 'Request')
         if re.search('/\.\./', self.uri):
-            log.debug("/../ in simplified uri ("+self.uri+")")
+            log.debug("/../ in simplified uri ("+self.uri+")", 'Request')
         self.backend = self.factory.getBackend(backendName)
         if self.backend is None:
-            if not self.factory.config.dynamic_backends:
-                log.debug("abort - non existent Backend")
-                self.finishCode(http.NOT_FOUND, "NON-EXISTENT BACKEND")
-                return
-            # We are using dynamic backends so we will use the name as
-            # the hostname to get the files.
-            backendName = self.uri[1:].split('/')[0]
-            backendServer = "http://" + backendName
-            log.debug("Adding " + backendName + " backend dynamicaly")
-            backendConfig = self.factory.config.addBackend(None, backendName, (backendServer,))
-            self.backend = Backend(self.factory, backendConfig)
-        self.backend_uri = self.backend.get_path(self.uri)
+            self.finishCode(http.NOT_FOUND, "NON-EXISTENT BACKEND")
+            return None
         log.debug("backend: %s %s" % (self.backend.base, self.backend.uris))
-        self.backendServer = self.backend.get_first_server()
-        self.filetype = findFileType(self.uri)
-        if not self.filetype:
-            log.debug("abort - unknown extension")
-            self.finishCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
+        backend_path = self.uri.split('/',2)[2]
+        self.cacheEntry = self.backend.get_cache_entry(backend_path)
+        if not self.cacheEntry.filetype:
+            log.debug("abort - unknown extension for file %s" % (backend_path), 'Request')
+            self.finishCode(http.FORBIDDEN, 'File not found - unknown extension')
-        self.setHeader('content-type', self.filetype.contype)
+        self.setHeader('content-type', self.cacheEntry.filetype.contype)
-        if os.path.isdir(self.local_file):
-            log.debug("abort - Directory listing not allowed")
-            self.finishCode(http.FORBIDDEN)
+        if os.path.isdir(self.cacheEntry.file_path):
+            log.debug("abort - Directory listing not allowed", 'Request')
+            self.finishCode(http.FORBIDDEN, 'Directory listing not permitted')
-        self.fetch()
+        self.cacheEntry.add_request(self)
+    def clean_path(self, uri):
+        # Clean up URL given
+        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
+        return os.path.normpath(path)
-    def fetch(self, serve_cached=1):
+    def start_streaming(self, size, mtime):
-        Serve 'self' from cache or through the appropriate Fetcher
-        depending on the asociated backend.
-        Use post_convert and gzip_convert regular expresions of the Fetcher
-        to gzip/gunzip file before and after download.
-        'serve_cached': this is somewhat of a hack only useful for
-        LoopbackRequests (See LoopbackRequest class for more information).
+        Prepare client to stream file
+        Return false if streaming is not necessary (i.e. cache hit)
-        def fetch_real(result, dummyFetcher, cached, running):
-            """
-            This is called after verifying if the file is properly cached.
-            If 'cached' the requested file is properly cached.
-            If not 'cached' the requested file was not there, didn't pass the
-            integrity check or may be outdated.
-            """
-            __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=result'
-            if len(dummyFetcher.requests)==0:
-                #The request's are gone, the clients probably closed the
-                #conection
-                log.debug("THE REQUESTS ARE GONE (Clients closed conection)", 
-                          'fetch')
-                dummyFetcher.apEnd()
-                return
-            req = dummyFetcher.request
-            log.debug("cached: %s" % cached)
-            if cached:
-                msg = ("Using cached copy of %s"
-                       %(dummyFetcher.request.local_file))
-                fetcher_class = FetcherCachedFile
-            else:
-                msg = ("Consulting server about %s"
-                       %(dummyFetcher.request.local_file))
-                fetcher_class = req.backendServer.fetcher
-            if fetcher_class.gzip_convert.search(req.uri):
-                msg = ("Using gzip/gunzip to get %s"
-                       %(dummyFetcher.request.local_file))
-                fetcher_class = FetcherGzip
-            log.debug(msg, 'fetch_real')
-            fetcher = dummyFetcher.apEndTransfer(fetcher_class)
-            if (fetcher and fetcher.post_convert.search(req.uri)
-                and not running.has_key(req.uri[:-3])):
-                log.debug("post converting: "+req.uri,'convert')
-                loop = LoopbackRequest(req)
-                loop.uri = req.uri[:-3]
-                loop.local_file = req.local_file[:-3]
-                loop.process()
-                loop.serve_if_cached=0
-                #FetcherGzip will attach as a request of the
-                #original Fetcher, efectively waiting for the
-                #original file if needed
-                gzip = FetcherGzip()
-                gzip.activate(loop, postconverting=1)
-        self.serve_if_cached = serve_cached
-        running = self.factory.runningFetchers
-        if (running.has_key(self.uri)):
-            #If we have an active fetcher just use that
-            log.debug("have active fetcher: "+self.uri,'client')
-            running[self.uri].insert_request(self)
-            return running[self.uri]
+        if self.if_modified_since is None or self.if_modified_since < mtime:
+            log.debug("start_streaming size=%s mtime=%s if_modified_since=%s" % (size, mtime, self.if_modified_since) , 'Request')
+            self.setResponseCode(http.OK, 'Streaming file')
+            if mtime is not None:
+                self.setHeader('last-modified', http.datetimeToString(mtime))
+            if size is not None:
+                self.setHeader('content-length', size)
+            return True
-            #we make a FetcherDummy instance to hold other requests for the
-            #same file while the check is in process. We will transfer all
-            #the requests to a real fetcher when the check is done.
-            dummyFetcher = FetcherDummy(self)
-            #Standard Deferred practice
-            d = self.check_cached()
-            d.addCallbacks(fetch_real, fetch_real,
-                           (dummyFetcher, 1, running,), None,
-                           (dummyFetcher, 0, running,), None)
-            return None
-    def simplify_path(self, old_path):
-        """
-        change //+ with /
-        change /directory/../ with /
-        More than three ocurrences of /../ together will not be
-        properly handled
-        NOTE: os.path.normpath could probably be used here.
-        """
-        path = re.sub(r"//+", "/", old_path)
-        path = re.sub(r"/\./+", "/", path)
-        new_path = re.sub(r"/[^/]+/\.\./", "/", path)
-        while (new_path != path):
-            path = new_path
-            new_path = re.sub(r"/[^/]+/\.\./", "/", path)
-        if (new_path != old_path):
-            log.debug("simplified path from " + old_path + 
-                      " to " + new_path,'simplify_path')
-        return path
+            log.debug("file not modified: mtime=%s if_modified_since=%s" % (mtime, self.if_modified_since) , 'Request')
+            self.setHeader("content-length", 0)
+            self.finishCode(http.NOT_MODIFIED, 'File is up to date')
+            return False
     def finishCode(self, responseCode, message=None):
-        "Finish the request with an status code"
+        "Finish the request with a status code and no streamed data"
+        log.debug("finishCode: %s, %s" % (responseCode, message), 'Request')
         self.setResponseCode(responseCode, message)
     def finish(self):
+        "Finish request after streaming"
+        log.debug("finish. Queued: %s" % (self.queued) , 'Request')
-        if self.factory.config.disable_pipelining:
-            if hasattr(self.transport, 'loseConnection'):
-                self.transport.loseConnection()
-    def check_cached(self):
-        """
-        check the existence and ask for the integrity of the requested file and
-        return a Deferred to be trigered when we find out.
-        """
-        def file_ok(result, deferred, self):
-            """
-            called if FileVerifier has determined that the file is cached and
-            in good shape.
-            Now we check NOTE: The file may still be too old or not fresh
-            enough.
-            """
-            __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=result'
-            stat_tuple = os.stat(self.local_file)
-            self.local_mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
-            self.local_size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
-            log.debug("Modification time:" + 
-                      time.asctime(time.localtime(self.local_mtime)), 
-                      "file_ok")
-            update_times = self.factory.update_times
-            if update_times.has_key(self.uri): 
-                last_access = update_times[self.uri]
-                log.debug("last_access from db: " + 
-                          time.asctime(time.localtime(last_access)), 
-                          "file_ok")
-            else:
-                last_access = self.local_mtime
-            cur_time = time.time()
-            min_time = cur_time - self.factory.config.min_refresh_delay
+        if self.cacheEntry:
+            self.cacheEntry.remove_request(self)
+            self.cacheEntry = None
-            if not self.filetype.mutable:
-                log.debug("file is immutable: "+self.local_file, 'file_ok')
-                deferred.callback(None)
-            elif last_access < min_time:
-                log.debug("file is too old: "+self.local_file, 'file_ok')
-                update_times[self.uri] = cur_time
-                deferred.errback()
-            else:
-                log.debug("file is ok: "+self.local_file, 'file_ok')
-                deferred.callback(None)
-        log.debug("check_cached: "+self.local_file, 'file_ok')
-        deferred = defer.Deferred()
-        if os.path.exists(self.local_file):
-            verifier = FileVerifier(self)
-            verifier.deferred.addCallbacks(file_ok, deferred.errback,
-                                           (deferred, self), None,
-                                           None, None)
-        else:
-            deferred.errback()
-        return deferred
     def connectionLost(self, reason=None):
         The connection with the client was lost, remove this request from its
-        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
-        #If it is waiting for a file verification it may not have an
-        #apFetcher assigned
-        if self.apFetcher:
-            self.apFetcher.remove_request(self)
-        self.finish()
+        log.debug("connectionLost" , 'Request')
+        if self.cacheEntry:
+            self.cacheEntry.remove_request(self)
+        #self.finish()
-    def activateNextBackendServer(self, fetcher):
+    def getFileno(self):
-        The attempt to retrieve a file from the BackendServer failed.
-        Look for the next possible BackendServer and transfer requests to that
-        Returns true if another BackendServer was found
-        """
-        self.backendServer = self.backend.get_next_server(self.backendServer)
-        if(self.backendServer == None):
-            log.debug("no more Backends", "fetcher")
-            return False
-        fetcher_class = self.backendServer.fetcher
-        log.debug('Trying next backendServer', 'fetcher')
-        fetcher.apEndTransfer(fetcher_class)
-        return True
-class LoopbackRequest(Request):
-    """
-    This is just a fake Request so a Fetcher can attach to another
-    Fetcher and be notified when then transaction is completed.
-    Look at FetcherGzip for a sample.
-    """
-    __pychecker__ = 'no-callinit'
-    import cStringIO
-    local_mtime = None
-    headers = {}
-    content = cStringIO.StringIO()
-    def __init__(self, other_req, finish=None):
-        self.finish_cb = finish
-        http.Request.__init__(self, None, 1)
-        self.backend = other_req.backend
-        self.factory = other_req.factory
-        self.filetype = other_req.filetype
-        self.method = other_req.method
-        self.clientproto = other_req.clientproto
-    def process(self):
-        self.backend_uri = self.backend.get_path(self.uri)
-    def write(self, data):
-        "We don't care for the data, just want to know then it is served."
-        pass
-    def finish(self):
-        "If he wanted to know, tell daddy that we are served."
-        if self.finish_cb:
-            self.finish_cb()
-        self.transport = None
-        pass
+        Get identifier which is unique per apt client
+        """
+        try:
+            fileno = self.channel.transport.fileno()
+        except:
+            fileno = -1
+            log.msg("could not get transport's file descriptor", 'Request')
+        return fileno
 class Channel(http.HTTPChannel):
@@ -1647,7 +347,7 @@
     def headerReceived(self, line):
         "log and pass over to the base class"
-        #log.debug("Header: " + line)
+        log.debug("Header: " + line)
         if self.log_headers == None:
             self.log_headers = line
@@ -1663,13 +363,16 @@
     def connectionLost(self, reason=None):
         "If the connection is lost, notify all my requests"
         __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
-        for req in self.requests:
-            req.connectionLost()
-        log.debug("Client connection closed")
+        log.debug("Client connection closed", 'Channel')
+        http.HTTPChannel.connectionLost(self, reason)
         if log.isEnabled('memleak'):
         #reactor.stop()   # use for shutting down apt-proxy when a client disconnects
+    #def requestDone(self, request):
+        #log.debug("========Request Done=========", 'Channel')
+        #http.HTTPChannel.requestDone(self, request)
 class Factory(protocol.ServerFactory):
     This is the center of apt-proxy, it holds all configuration and global data
@@ -1691,81 +394,55 @@
     self.packages: all versions of a certain package name.
-    databases=('update_times', 'access_times', 'packages')
+    def __init__ (self, config):
+        self.runningFetchers = {}
+        self.backends = {}
+        self.config = config
+        self.periodicCallback = None
+        self.databases = databaseManager(self)
+        self.recycler = None
+    def __del__(self):
+        pass
+        #self.closeDatabases()
     def periodic(self):
         "Called periodically as configured mainly to do mirror maintanace."
         log.debug("Doing periodic cleaning up")
+        self.periodicCallback = None
         log.debug("Periodic cleaning done")
-        if (self.config.cleanup_freq != None):
-            reactor.callLater(self.config.cleanup_freq, self.periodic)
-    def __del__(self):
-        for f in self.databases:
-            try:
-                if hasattr(self, f): 
-                    getattr(self, f).close()
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-    def __init__ (self, config):
-        self.runningFetchers = {}
-        self.backends = []
-        self.config = config
+        self.startPeriodic()
+    def startPeriodic(self):
+        if (self.config.cleanup_freq != None and self.periodicCallback is None):
+            log.debug("Will do periodic cleaup in %s sec" % (self.config.cleanup_freq))
+            self.periodicCallback = reactor.callLater(self.config.cleanup_freq, self.periodic)
+    def stopPeriodic(self):
+        if self.periodicCallback is not None:
+            self.periodicCallback.cancel()
+            self.periodicCallback = None
     def __getattr__ (self, name):
-        def open_shelve(dbname):
-            from bsddb3 import db,dbshelve
-            shelve = dbshelve.DBShelf()
-            db_dir = self.config.cache_dir+'/'+status_dir+'/db'
-            if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
-                os.makedirs(db_dir)
-            filename = db_dir + '/' + dbname + '.db'
-            if os.path.exists(filename):
-                 try:
-                     log.debug('Verifying database: ' + filename)
-                     shelve.verify(filename)
-                 except:
-                     os.rename(filename, filename+'.error')
-                     log.msg(filename+' could not be opened, moved to '+filename+'.error','db', 1)
-                     log.msg('Recreating '+ filename,'db', 1)
-            try:
-               log.debug('Opening database ' + filename)
-               shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
-            # Handle upgrade to new format included on 1.9.20.
-            except db.DBInvalidArgError:
-                log.msg('Upgrading from previous database format: %s' % filename + '.previous')
-                import bsddb.dbshelve
-                os.rename(filename, filename + '.previous')
-                previous_shelve = bsddb.dbshelve.open(filename + '.previous')
-                shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
-                for k in previous_shelve.keys():
-                    shelve[k] = previous_shelve[k]
-                log.msg('Upgrade complete')
-            return shelve
-        if name == 'update_times':
-            self.update_times = open_shelve('update')
-            return self.update_times
-        elif name == 'access_times':
-            self.access_times = open_shelve('access')
-            return self.access_times
-        elif name == 'packages':
-            self.packages = open_shelve('packages')
-            return self.packages
+        # Auto open database if requested
+        if name in self.databases.table_names:
+            db = self.databases.get(name)
+            setattr(self, name, db)
+            return db
             raise AttributeError(name)
     def startFactory(self):
         #start periodic updates
-        self.recycler = misc.MirrorRecycler(self, 1)
-        self.recycler.start()
+        self.dumpdbs()
+        self.recycler = MirrorRecycler(self, 1)
+        #self.recycler.start()
     def configurationChanged(self, oldconfig = None):
@@ -1779,7 +456,7 @@
                     setattr(self.config, param, getattr(oldconfig, param))
         if self.config.cleanup_freq != None and (oldconfig is None or oldconfig.cleanup_freq == None):
-            reactor.callLater(self.config.cleanup_freq, self.periodic)
+            self.startPeriodic()
     def createBackends(self):
@@ -1796,7 +473,18 @@
         if self.backends.has_key(name):
             return self.backends[name]
-        return None
+        if not self.config.dynamic_backends:
+            return None
+        # We are using dynamic backends so we will use the name as
+        # the hostname to get the files.
+        backendServer = "http://" + name
+        log.debug("Adding dynamic backend:" + name)
+        backendConfig = self.config.addBackend(None, name, (backendServer,))
+        backend = Backend(self, backendConfig)
+        self.backends[name] = backend
+        return backend
     def clean_versions(self, packages):
@@ -1825,6 +513,8 @@
         from packages import AptDpkgInfo, get_mirror_versions
         for uri in packages[:]:
             if not os.path.exists(cache_dir +'/'+ uri):
+                log.debug("clean_versions: file %s no longer exists"%(uri),
+                        'versions')
@@ -1833,17 +523,17 @@
                     package_name = info['Package']
                 except SystemError:
                     log.msg("Found problems with %s, aborted cleaning"%(uri),
-                            'max_versions')
+                            'versions')
-        if len(info):
+        if len(cached_packages) > 0:
             import apt_pkg
-            log.debug(str(cached_packages), 'max_versions')
+            log.debug(str(cached_packages), 'versions')
             current_packages = get_mirror_versions(self, package_name)
-            log.debug("Current Versions: " + str(current_packages), 'max_versions')
+            log.debug("Current Versions: " + str(current_packages), 'versions')
             version_count = 0
@@ -1865,6 +555,7 @@
                     if version_count > self.config.max_versions:
                         log.msg("Deleting " + cache_dir +'/'+ cached_packages[0][1], 'max_versions')
                         os.unlink(cache_dir +'/'+ cached_packages[0][1])
+                        packages.remove(cached_packages[0][1])
                     del cached_packages[0]
     def clean_old_files(self):
@@ -1896,30 +587,52 @@
                 log.debug("old_file: non-existent "+file)
                 del self.update_times[file]
-    def file_served(self, uri):
-        "Update the databases, this file has just been served."
-        self.access_times[uri]=time.time()
-        if re.search("\.deb$", uri):
-            package = re.sub("^.*/", "", uri)
+    def file_served(self, cache_path):
+        """
+        Update the databases, this file has just been served.
+        @param cache_path: path of file within cache e.g. debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg
+        """
+        log.debug("File served: %s" % (cache_path))
+        path = os.sep + cache_path # Backwards compat
+        #path = cache_path
+        self.access_times[path]=time.time()
+        if re.search("\.deb$", path):
+            package = re.sub("^.*/", "", path)
             package = re.sub("_.*$", "", package)
             if not self.packages.has_key(package):
-                packages = [uri]
-                self.packages[package] = packages
+                packages = [path]
                 packages = self.packages[package]
-                if not uri in packages:
-                    packages.append(uri)
+                if not path in packages:
+                    packages.append(path)
-                self.packages[package] = packages
+            self.packages[package] = packages
+    def closeDatabases(self):
+        for db in self.databases.table_names:
+            if getattr(self.databases, db) is not None:
+                log.debug("closing " + db, 'db')
+                getattr(self,db).close()
+                delattr(self,db)
+                setattr(self.databases, db, None)
     def stopFactory(self):
+        log.debug('Main factory stop', 'factory')
         import packages
-        self.dumpdbs()
-        self.update_times.close()
-        self.access_times.close()
-        self.packages.close()
+        # self.dumpdbs()
+        # Stop all DownloadQueues and their fetchers
+        for b in self.backends.values():
+            b.queue.stop()
+            b.queue = None
+        self.backends = {}
+        if self.recycler is not None:
+            self.recycler.stop()
+            self.recycler = None
+        self.stopPeriodic()
+        #self.closeDatabases()
     def dumpdbs (self):
         def dump_update(key, value):
@@ -1960,3 +673,56 @@
     def debug(self, message):
+class databaseManager:
+    update_times = None
+    access_times = None
+    packages = None
+    table_names=['update_times', 'access_times', 'packages']
+    database_files=['update', 'access', 'packages']
+    def __init__(self, factory):
+        self.factory = factory
+    def get(self, name):
+        idx = self.table_names.index(name)
+        db = getattr(self,name)
+        if db is None:
+            db = self.open_shelve(self.database_files[idx])
+            setattr(self, name, db)
+        return db
+    def open_shelve(self, dbname):
+        from bsddb import db,dbshelve
+        shelve = dbshelve.DBShelf()
+        db_dir = self.factory.config.cache_dir+'/'+status_dir+'/db'
+        if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
+            os.makedirs(db_dir)
+        filename = db_dir + '/' + dbname + '.db'
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+                try:
+                    log.debug('Verifying database: ' + filename)
+                    shelve.verify(filename)
+                except:
+                    os.rename(filename, filename+'.error')
+                    log.msg(filename+' could not be opened, moved to '+filename+'.error','db', 1)
+                    log.msg('Recreating '+ filename,'db', 1)
+        try:
+            log.debug('Opening database ' + filename)
+            shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
+        # Handle upgrade to new format included on 1.9.20.
+        except db.DBInvalidArgError:
+            log.msg('Upgrading from previous database format: %s' % filename + '.previous')
+            import bsddb.dbshelve
+            os.rename(filename, filename + '.previous')
+            previous_shelve = bsddb.dbshelve.open(filename + '.previous')
+            shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
+            for k in previous_shelve.keys():
+                shelve[k] = previous_shelve[k]
+            log.msg('Upgrade complete')
+        return shelve

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy_conf.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy_conf.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/apt_proxy_conf.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
     def gettime(self, section, option):
         mult = 1
         value = self.get(section, option)
+        if len(value) == 0:
+            raise ConfigError("Configuration parse error: [%s] %s" % (section, option))
         suffix = value[-1].lower()
         if suffix in self.time_multipliers.keys():
             mult = self.time_multipliers[suffix]
@@ -58,6 +60,13 @@
         return self.get(section,option)
     def getstringlist(self, section, option):
         return self.get(section,option).split()
+    def getproxyspec(self, section, option):
+        "Get http proxy info from string"
+        p = ProxyConfig(self.get(section,option))
+        if p.host is not None:
+            return p
+        else:
+            return None
 class apConfig:
@@ -77,7 +86,7 @@
         ['address', '', 'string'],
         ['port', 9999, 'int'],
         ['min_refresh_delay', 30, 'time'],
-        ['complete_clientless_downloads', '0', 'boolean'],
+        ['complete_clientless_downloads', False, 'boolean'],
         ['telnet_port', 0, 'int'],
         ['telnet_user', '', 'string'],
         ['telnet_pass', '', 'string'],
@@ -87,11 +96,11 @@
         ['max_versions', 3, '*int'],
         ['max_age', 10, '*time'],
         ['import_dir', '/var/cache/apt-proxy/import', 'string'],
-        ['disable_pipelining', '1', 'boolean'],
         ['passive_ftp', 'on', 'boolean'],
         ['dynamic_backends', 'on', 'boolean'],
-        ['http_proxy', '' , 'string'],
-        ['username', 'aptproxy', 'string']
+        ['http_proxy', None , 'proxyspec'],
+        ['username', 'aptproxy', 'string'],
+        ['bandwidth_limit', None, '*int']
@@ -104,7 +113,9 @@
         ['timeout', None, 'time'],
         ['passive_ftp', None, 'boolean'],
-        ['backends', '', 'stringlist']
+        ['backends', '', 'stringlist'],
+        ['http_proxy', None , 'proxyspec'],
+        ['bandwidth_limit', None, '*int']
     DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = ['/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf',
@@ -160,9 +171,8 @@
         return conf
-    def setDebug(self, levels):
+    def setDebug(self):
         "Set logger debug level"
-        self.debug = levels
         for domain in self.debug.split():
             #print "domain:",domain
             if domain.find(':') != -1:
@@ -180,7 +190,7 @@
             self.debug=config.get(DEFAULTSECT, 'debug')
-        self.setDebug(self.debug)
+        self.setDebug()
         # read default values
         for name,default,getmethod in self.CONFIG_ITEMS:
@@ -262,3 +272,23 @@
     name = "UNKNOWN"
     def __init__(self, name):
         self.name = name
+class ProxyConfig:
+    """
+    Configuration information for backend server proxies
+    """
+    host = None
+    port = None
+    user = None
+    password = None
+    def __init__(self, proxyspec):
+        if proxyspec=='':
+            return
+        m = re.match('^((?P<user>.*):(?P<password>.*)@)?(?P<host>[a-zA-Z0-9_.+=-]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+)',
+                     proxyspec)
+        if m:
+            self.host = m.group('host')
+            self.port = m.group('port')
+            self.user = m.group('user')
+            self.password = m.group('password')

Added: trunk/apt_proxy/cache.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/cache.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# -*- test-case-name: apt_proxy.test.test_cache -*-
+Cache management for apt-proxy
+These classes implement functionality for managing apt-proxy's cache.  The most
+important of these is CacheEntry, which manages the lifecycle of a file in ap's cache
+from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, reactor
+from twisted.web import http
+from twisted.protocols import basic
+import os, re, stat, time, sys
+from misc import log
+class CacheEntry:
+    """
+    This class manages operations on a file in the cache.  Each physical
+    file on the disk corresponds to one CacheEntry.  Normally a CacheEntry
+    is created when the first Request for this file is received
+    Active CacheEntries are managed in their corresponding Backend
+    """
+    # Define lifecyle of cache entry
+    STATE_NEW = 1 # Entry is not yet being sent
+    STATE_CONNECTING = 2 # Waiting for connection to download file
+    STATE_DOWNLOAD = 3 # File is in process of downloading
+    STATE_SENDFILE = 4 # File is being sent from cache
+    STATE_SENT = 5 # Post download processing / waiting for clients to complete
+    STATE_FAILED = 6 # Download failed
+    bytesDownloaded = 0
+    def __init__(self, backend, path):
+        """
+        Create a new cache entry
+        @param backend Backend where this entry belongs
+        @param path Path to file within backend directory
+        """
+        self.backend = backend
+        self.factory = backend.factory
+        self.requests = [] # Active client requests for this cache entry
+        self.streamfile = None
+        self.state = self.STATE_NEW
+        # Path of file within backend e.g. 'dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        self.path = path 
+        # Path of file within cache e.g. 'debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        self.cache_path = backend.base + os.sep + path
+        # File in cache '/var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        self.file_path = (self.factory.config.cache_dir + os.sep + 
+                          self.cache_path)
+        # Directory of cache file '/var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/dists/stable'
+        self.filedir = os.path.dirname(self.file_path)
+        self.filetype = findFileType(path)
+        self.filename = os.path.basename(path) # 'Release.gpg'
+        # filebase='Release' fileext='gpg'
+        (self.filebase, self.fileext) = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
+        # self.create_directory()
+        self.file_mtime = None
+        self.file_size = None
+        self.fetcher = None
+    def add_request(self, request):
+        """
+        A new request has been received for this file
+        """
+        if request in self.requests:
+            raise RuntimeError, \
+                  'this request is already assigned to this CacheEntry'
+        self.requests.append(request)
+        if(len(self.requests)==1):
+            # First request
+            self.get()
+        else:
+            # Subsequent request - client must be brought up to date
+            if self.state == self.STATE_DOWNLOAD:
+                raise RuntimeError, \
+                      'TODO: multiple clients not implemented yet'
+    def remove_request(self,request):
+        """
+        Remove request, either because streaming is complete or
+        the client has disconnected
+        If parameter request is None, downloading has been aborted early
+        """
+        if request is not None and request in self.requests:
+            self.requests.remove(request)
+        if len(self.requests) != 0:
+            return
+        log.debug("Last request removed",'cacheEntry')
+        self.backend.entry_done(self)
+        # TODO - fixme
+        #if (self.factory.config.complete_clientless_downloads == False
+             #and self.state == self.STATE_DOWNLOAD
+             #and self.fetcher is not None):
+            ## Cancel download in progress
+            #log.debug("cancelling download (set complete_clientless_downloads to continue)",'cacheEntry')
+            #self.fetcher.cancel_download()
+        if self.streamfile is not None:
+            # File was streamed to clients
+            self.streamfile.close()
+            self.streamfile = None
+    def start_request_stream(self, request):
+        """
+        Prepare a request for streaming
+        """
+        log.msg("start_request_stream:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        request.startStreaming(self.size, self.mtime)
+        if self.streamfile.size() != 0:
+            request.write(self.streamfile.read_from(start=0)) # TODO - is this efficient?
+    def get(self):
+        """
+        Update current version of file in cache
+        """
+        if self.state == self.STATE_NEW:
+            if os.path.exists(self.file_path):
+                self.stat_file()
+                if self.check_age():
+                    self.verify()
+                    return
+        self.start_download()
+    def verify(self):
+        """
+        check the existence and ask for the integrity of the requested file and
+        return a Deferred to be trigered when we find out.
+        """
+        log.debug("check_cached: "+self.path, 'CacheEntry')
+        verifier = FileVerifier(self.file_path, self.factory.config)
+        d = verifier.verify()
+        d.addCallback(self.send_cached_file)
+        d.addErrback(self.verify_failed)
+    def verify_failed(self, parm=None):
+        self.file_mtime = None
+        self.file_size = None
+        self.start_download()
+    def stat_file(self):
+        """
+        Read file age
+        """
+        stat_tuple = os.stat(self.file_path)
+        self.file_mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
+        self.file_size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
+        log.debug("Modification time:" + 
+                  time.asctime(time.localtime(self.file_mtime)), 
+                  "CacheEntry")
+    def check_age(self):
+        """
+        Read file age and check if file should be updated / refreshed
+        @return True if file is still valid, False if file is out of date
+        """
+        update_times = self.factory.update_times
+        if update_times.has_key(self.cache_path): 
+            last_access = update_times[self.cache_path]
+            log.debug("last_access from db: " + 
+                      time.asctime(time.localtime(last_access)), 
+                      "CacheEntry")
+        else:
+            last_access = self.file_mtime
+        cur_time = time.time()
+        min_time = cur_time - self.factory.config.min_refresh_delay
+        if not self.filetype.mutable:
+            log.debug("file is immutable: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
+            return True
+        elif last_access < min_time:
+            log.debug("file is too old: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
+            return False
+        else:
+            log.debug("file is ok: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
+            return True
+    def send_cached_file(self, unused=None):
+        """
+        File is up to date - send complete file from cache to clients
+        """
+        log.msg("sending file from cache:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.transfer_file(self.file_path)
+    def end_send_cached(self):
+        """
+        Processing continues here when the file has been sent from the cache
+        """
+        self.file_sent()
+    def transfer_file(self, filename):
+        """
+        Send given file to clients
+        """
+        log.msg("transfer_file:" + filename, "CacheEntry")
+        try:
+            stat_tuple = os.stat(filename)
+            mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
+            size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
+            self.state = self.STATE_SENDFILE
+            if size > 0:
+                log.debug("Sending file to clients:%s size:%s" % (filename, size), 'CacheEntry')
+                self.streamfile = open(filename,'rb')
+                #fcntl.lockf(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH)
+                for request in self.requests:
+                    if request.start_streaming(size, mtime):
+                        basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(self.streamfile, request) \
+                                        .addBoth(self.file_transfer_complete, request, filename)
+            else:
+                log.debug("Sending empty file to clients:%s" % (filename), 'CacheEntry')
+                for request in self.requests:
+                    if request.start_streaming(size, mtime):
+                        request.finish()
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.debug("Unexpected error: %s" % (e), 'CacheEntry')
+            raise
+    def file_transfer_complete(self, result, request, filename):
+        log.debug("transfer complete: " + filename, 'CacheEntry')
+        request.finish()
+        if len(self.requests)==0:
+            # Last file was sent
+            self.file_sent()
+    def create_directory(self):
+        """
+        Create directory for cache entry's file
+        """
+        if(not os.path.exists(self.filedir)):
+            os.makedirs(self.filedir)
+    def start_download(self):
+        """
+        Start file transfer from backend server
+        """
+        log.msg("start download:" + self.path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.backend.start_download(self)
+    def download_started(self, fetcher, size, mtime):
+        """
+        Callback from Fetcher
+        A fetcher has begun streaming this file
+        """
+        log.msg("download started:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.state = self.STATE_DOWNLOAD
+        self.create_directory()
+        self.fetcher = fetcher
+        self.file_mtime = mtime
+        """
+        Use post_convert and gzip_convert regular expresions of the Fetcher
+        to gzip/gunzip file before and after download.
+        """
+        if self.filename == 'Packages.gz':
+            log.msg('TODO postconvert Packages.gz',CacheEntry)
+#             if (fetcher and fetcher.post_convert.search(req.uri)
+#                 and not running.has_key(req.uri[:-3])):
+#                 log.debug("post converting: "+req.uri,'convert')
+#                 loop = LoopbackRequest(req)
+#                 loop.uri = req.uri[:-3]
+#                 loop.local_file = req.local_file[:-3]
+#                 loop.process()
+#                 loop.serve_if_cached=0
+#                 #FetcherGzip will attach as a request of the
+#                 #original Fetcher, efectively waiting for the
+#                 #original file if needed
+#                 gzip = FetcherGzip()
+#                 gzip.activate(loop, postconverting=1)
+        for req in self.requests:
+            req.start_streaming(size, mtime)
+    def download_data_received(self, data):
+        """
+        Callback from Fetcher
+        A block of data has been received from the streaming backend server
+        """
+        #log.msg("download_data_received:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        for req in self.requests:
+            req.write(data)
+        if self.streamfile:
+            # save to tempfile (if it in use)
+            self.streamfile.append(data)
+    def download_data_end(self):
+        """
+        Callback from Fetcher
+        File streaming is complete
+        """
+        log.msg("download_data_end:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.state = self.STATE_SENT
+        if self.streamfile is not None:
+            # File was streamed to clients
+            self.streamfile.close_and_rename(self.file_path)
+            self.streamfile = None
+            if self.file_mtime != None:
+                os.utime(self.file_path, (time.time(), self.file_mtime))
+            else:
+                log.debug("no local time: "+self.file_path,'Fetcher')
+                os.utime(self.file_path, (time.time(), 0))
+        for req in self.requests:
+            req.finish()
+        self.file_sent()
+    def download_failure(self, http_code, reason):
+        """
+        Download is not possible
+        """
+        log.msg("download_failure %s: (%s) %s"% (self.file_path, http_code, reason), "CacheEntry")
+        for request in self.requests:
+            request.finishCode(http_code, reason)
+        self.state = self.STATE_FAILED
+        ## Remove directory if file was not created
+        #if not os.path.exists(self.file_path):
+            #try:
+                #os.removedirs(self.factory.config.cache_dir + os.sep + self.backend.base)
+            #except:
+                #pass
+    def file_sent(self):
+        """
+        File has been sent successfully to at least one client
+        Update databases with statistics for this file
+        """
+        log.msg("file_sent:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.state = self.STATE_SENT
+        self.fetcher = None
+        self.backend.file_served(self)
+        self.factory.file_served(self.cache_path)
+        self.factory.update_times[self.cache_path] = time.time()
+        self.state = self.STATE_NEW
+    def init_tempfile(self):
+        #log.msg("init_tempfile:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
+        self.create_directory()
+        self.streamFilename = self.file_path + ".apDownload"
+        self.streamfile = StreamFile(self.streamFilename)
+class FileType:
+    """
+    This is just a way to distinguish between different filetypes.
+    self.regex: regular expression that files of this type should
+    match. It could probably be replaced with something simpler,
+    but... o well, it works.
+    self.contype: mime string for the content-type http header.
+    mutable: do the contents of this file ever change?  Files such as
+    .deb and .dsc are never changed once they are created.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, regex, contype, mutable):
+        self.regex = regex
+        self.contype = contype
+        self.mutable = mutable
+    def check (self, name):
+        "Returns true if name is of this filetype"
+        if self.regex.search(name):
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0
+# Set up the list of filetypes that we are prepared to deal with.
+# If it is not in this list, then we will ignore the file and
+# return an error.
+filetypes = (
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.u?deb$"), "application/dpkg", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.tar\.gz$"), "application/x-gtar", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.dsc$"),"text/plain", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.diff\.gz$"), "x-gzip", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.bin$"), "application/octet-stream", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.tgz$"), "application/x-gtar", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.txt$"), "text/plain", 1),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.html$"), "text/html", 1),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"(?:^|/)(?:Packages|Release(?:\.gpg)?|Sources|(?:Contents|Translation)-[a-z0-9]+)"
+                        r"(?:\.(?:gz|bz2))?$"),
+             "text/plain", 1),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"(?:^|/)(?:Packages|Sources|Contents-[a-z0-9]+)\.diff/Index$"),
+             "text/plain", 1),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"(?:^|/)(?:Packages|Sources|Contents-[a-z0-9]+)\.diff/[a-z0-9.-]+"
+                        r"(?:\.(?:gz|bz2))?$"),
+             "text/plain", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.rpm$"), "application/rpm", 0),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"(?:^|/)(?:pkglist|release|srclist)(?:\.(?:\w|-)+)?"
+                        r"(?:\.(?:gz|bz2))?$"), 
+             "text/plain", 1),
+    FileType(re.compile(r"\.gz$"), "x-gzip", 1)
+    )
+def findFileType(name):
+    "Look for the FileType of 'name'"
+    for type in filetypes:
+        if type.check(name):
+            return type
+    return None
+class StreamFile:
+    """
+    A temporary file used to stream to during download
+    """
+    CHUNKSIZE = 16384
+    def __init__(self, name, mode='w+b'):
+        log.debug("Creating file: " + name, 'cache')
+        self.file = file(name, mode, self.CHUNKSIZE)
+        self.name = name
+    def append(self, data):
+        self.file.write(data)
+    def size(self):
+        return self.file.tell()
+    def read_from(self, size=-1, start=None):
+        if start != None:
+            self.file.seek(start, SEEK_SET)
+        data = self.file.read(self, size)
+        self.file.seek(0, SEEK_END)
+        return data
+    def close(self):
+        log.debug("Closing file: " + self.name, 'cache')
+        self.file.close()
+        self.file = None
+    def close_and_rename(self, new_name):
+        """
+        File was successfully downloaded - close and rename to final destination
+        """
+        self.close()
+        if self.name == new_name:
+            return
+        log.debug("renaming file: %s->%s " % (self.name, new_name), 'cache')
+        os.rename(self.name, new_name)
+        self.name = new_name
+class FileVerifier:
+    """
+    Verifies the integrity of a cached file
+    self.deferred: a deferred that will be triggered when the command
+    completes, or if a timeout occurs.
+    Sample:
+    verifier = FileVerifier(self)
+    verifier.deferred.addCallbacks(callback_if_ok, callback_if_fail)
+    verifier.deferred.arm()
+    then either callback_if_ok or callback_if_fail will be called
+    when the subprocess finishes execution.
+    Checkout twisted.internet.defer.Deferred on how to use self.deferred
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path, config):
+        """
+        Initialise verificatoin
+        @param path: filename to be verified (absolute path)
+        @param config apConfig configuration (timeout paramter defines max time)
+        """
+        self.path = path
+        self.timeout = config.timeout
+        self.deferred = defer.Deferred() # Deferred that passes status back
+    def verify(self):
+        if re.search(r"\.deb$", self.path):
+            self.worker = FileVerifierProcess(self, '/usr/bin/dpkg', '--fsys-tarfile', self.path)
+        elif re.search(r"\.gz$", self.path):
+            self.worker = FileVerifierProcess(self, '/bin/gunzip', '-t', '-v', self.path)
+        elif re.search(r"\.bz2$", self.path):
+            self.worker = FileVerifierProcess(self, '/usr/bin/bunzip2', '--test', self.path)
+        else:
+            # Unknown file, just check it is not 0 size
+            try:
+                filesize = os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
+            except:
+                filesize = 0
+            if(os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]) < 1:
+                self.failed("Zero length file")
+            else:
+                log.debug('Verification skipped for ' + self.path)
+                self.deferred.callback(None)
+        return self.deferred
+    class VerificationFailure:
+        def __init__(self, path, reason):
+            self.path = path
+            self.reason = reason
+    def failed(self, reason):
+        log.msg("cache file verification FAILED for %s: %s"%(self.path, reason), 'verify')
+        os.unlink(self.path)
+        self.deferred.errback(self.VerificationFailure(self.path, reason))
+    def passed(self):
+        log.debug("cache file verification passed: %s"%(self.path), 'verify')
+        self.parent.deferred.callback(None)
+class FileVerifierProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
+    """
+    Verifies the integrity of a file by running an external command.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, verifier, *args):
+        self.parent = verifier
+        self.exe = args[0]
+        log.debug("starting verification: " + self.exe + " " + str(args),'FileVerifierProcess',8)
+	nullhandle = open("/dev/null", "w")
+        self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(self, self.exe, args, childFDs = { 0:"w", 1:nullhandle.fileno(), 2:"r" })
+        self.laterID = reactor.callLater(self.parent.timeout, self.timedout)
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        self.data = ''
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        #we only care about errors
+        pass
+    def errReceived(self, data):
+        self.data = self.data + data
+    def timedout(self):
+        """
+        this should not happen, but if we timeout, we pretend that the
+        operation failed.
+        """
+        self.laterID=None
+        self.parent.failed("Verification process timed out")
+    def processEnded(self, reason=None):
+        """
+        This get's automatically called when the process finishes, we check
+        the status and report through the Deferred.
+        """
+        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
+        #log.debug("Process Status: %d" %(self.process.status),'verify')
+        #log.debug(self.data, 'verify')
+        if self.laterID:
+            self.laterID.cancel()
+            if self.process.status == 0:
+                self.parent.deferred.callback(None)
+            else:
+                self.parent.failed(os.path.basename(self.exe)+ " failed")

Added: trunk/apt_proxy/fetchers.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/fetchers.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1103 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Fetchers for apt-proxy
+These classes implement the network code for fetching files from apt-proxy
+network backends
+import re, os, string, time, glob, signal, stat
+from twisted.web import static, http
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer, error, abstract
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted.protocols import policies, ftp
+from misc import log
+class Fetcher:
+    """
+    This class manages the selection of a BackendServer and downloading from
+    that backend
+    """
+    cacheEntry = None
+    fetcher = None   # connection-specific fetcher
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.backendServer = None
+        self.size = None # Size of file notified by fetcher's server
+        self.mtime = None # Mtime of file notified by fetcher's server
+    def start(self, cacheEntry):
+        self.cacheEntry = cacheEntry
+        log.debug("fetcher start:" + self.cacheEntry.filename, "fetcher")
+        self.backend = cacheEntry.backend
+        self.len_received = 0
+        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
+        self.start_download()
+        return self.deferred
+    def activateNextBackendServer(self, fetcher):
+        """
+        Returns true if another BackendServer was found
+        """
+        if self.backendServer is None:
+            self.backendServer = self.backend.get_first_server()
+            if(self.backendServer == None):
+                log.err("No backend server found for backend " + self.backend.name, "fetcher")
+                return False
+        else:
+            # Look for the next possible BackendServer
+            self.backendServer = self.backend.get_next_server(self.backendServer)
+            if(self.backendServer == None):
+                # The attempt to retrieve a file from the BackendServer failed.
+                log.debug("no more Backends", "fetcher")
+                return False
+        self.connectToBackend()
+    def connectToBackend(self):
+        log.debug('Connecting to backend server %s' % (self.backendServer), 'fetcher')
+        self.fetcher = self.backendServer.fetcher(self.backendServer)
+        d = self.fetcher.connect()
+        d.addCallback(self.connected)
+        d.addErrback(self.connection_failed)
+        #fetcher.apEndTransfer(fetcher_class)
+        return True
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'Fetcher server=%s file=%s' % (str(self.backendServer), self.cacheEntry.path)
+    def start_download(self):
+        """
+        Begin streaming file
+        Serve from cache or through the appropriate Fetcher
+        depending on the asociated backend.
+        Use post_convert and gzip_convert regular expresions of the Fetcher
+        to gzip/gunzip file before and after download.
+        """
+        log.debug("Downloading: " + self.cacheEntry.file_path, 'Fetcher')
+        #init_tempfile()
+        if self.backendServer is None:
+            self.activateNextBackendServer(self.fetcher)
+        elif self.fetcher is None:
+            self.connectToBackend()
+        else:
+            self.download()
+    def download_complete(self):
+        """
+        Download was successful
+        """
+        log.debug("download complete. Sent:%s bytes" % (self.len_received), "Fetcher")
+        if self.fetcher is not None and not self.fetcher.pipelining:
+            self.connection_closed(self.fetcher)
+        if self.len_received==0:
+            self.download_started() # Send status code to clients
+        self.cacheEntry.download_data_end()
+        self.deferred.callback((True, ""))
+    def fail_over(self, reason_code, reason_msg):
+        """
+        A non-fatal download has occured. Attempt download from next
+        backend
+        """
+        if not self.activateNextBackendServer(self.fetcher):
+            self.download_failed(reason_code, reason_msg)
+    def download_failed(self, reason_code, reason_msg):
+        #self.cacheEntry.download_data_end()
+        log.debug("download_failed: (%s) %s " %(reason_code, reason_msg), "Fetcher")
+        if self.fetcher is not None and not self.fetcher.pipelining:
+            self.connection_closed(self.fetcher)
+        self.cacheEntry.download_failure(reason_code, reason_msg)
+        self.deferred.callback((False, reason_msg))
+    def cancel_download(self):
+        if self.fetcher:
+            log.debug(
+                "telling fetchers to disconnect",'Fetcher')
+            self.fetcher.disconnect()
+        self.download_failed(None, "Download canceled")
+    def data_received(self, data, save=True):
+        """
+        File Data has been received from the backend server
+        @param data: raw data received from server
+        @param save: if true, save to disk (rsync saves file itself)
+        """
+        #log.debug("data_received: %s bytes" % len(data), 'Fetcher');
+        if not self.len_received:
+            self.download_started(save)
+        self.len_received = self.len_received + len(data)
+        self.cacheEntry.download_data_received(data)
+    def download_started(self, save=True):
+        if save:
+            self.cacheEntry.init_tempfile()
+        self.cacheEntry.download_started(self, self.size, self.mtime)
+    def server_size(self, len):
+        """
+        The server has sent the expected length of the file
+        """
+        self.size = len
+        log.debug("File size: " + str(len), 'Fetcher');
+    def server_mtime(self, mtime):
+        """
+        The server has sent the modification time of the file
+        """
+        self.mtime = mtime
+        log.debug("File mtime: " + str(mtime), 'Fetcher');
+    def transfer_complete(self):
+        """
+        All data has been transferred
+        """
+        log.debug("Finished receiving data: " + self.cacheEntry.filename, 'Fetcher');
+        self.download_complete()
+    def connection_failed(self, reason = None):
+        """
+        A fetcher has failed to connect to the backend server
+        """
+        msg = '[%s] Connection Failed: %s/%s'%(
+            self.backend.name,
+            self.backendServer.path, self.cacheEntry.path)
+        if reason:
+            msg = '%s (%s)'%(msg, reason.getErrorMessage())
+            log.debug("Connection Failed: "+str(reason), 'Fetcher')
+        log.err(msg)
+        self.fail_over(http.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, reason)
+    def connected(self, result):
+        log.debug("Connected to "+ self.backendServer.uri, 'Fetcher')
+        self.download()
+    def download(self):
+        log.debug('downloading:%s mtime:%s' % (self.cacheEntry.path, self.cacheEntry.file_mtime), 'Fetcher')
+        self.fetcher.download(self, self.cacheEntry.path, self.cacheEntry.file_mtime)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        if self.fetcher is not None:
+            log.debug('disconnect %s' % (self.cacheEntry.path), 'Fetcher')
+            self.fetcher.disconnect()
+            self.fetcher = None
+    def connection_closed(self, fetcher):
+        """
+        A protocol fetcher's connection has closed - we must reopen the connection
+        next time
+        """
+        log.debug("Connection closed for %s, state=%s" %(self.cacheEntry.path, self.cacheEntry.state), 'Fetcher')
+        #if self.cacheEntry.state in \
+        #   (self.cacheEntry.STATE_CONNECTING, self.cacheEntry.STATE_DOWNLOAD, self.cacheEntry.STATE_SENDFILE):
+        #    self.fetcher_internal_error("Backend connection closed")
+        if fetcher == self.fetcher:
+            self.fetcher = None
+    def file_not_found(self):
+        log.msg("(%s) file not found: %s" % (self.backendServer.path, self.cacheEntry.path), 'fetcher')
+        # TODO - failover?
+        self.download_failed(http.NOT_FOUND, "file not found on backend")
+    def fetcher_internal_error(self, reason):
+        log.msg("(%s) internal error: %s" % (self.backendServer.path, reason), 'fetcher')
+        self.download_failed(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, reason)
+    def send_complete_file(self, filename):
+        """
+        Send a complete file (used by FileFetcher)
+        """
+        self.cacheEntry.transfer_file(filename)
+    def up_to_date(self):
+        """
+        Fetcher has determined that our cached file is up to date
+        so the file is sent from our cache
+        """
+        log.msg("(%s) up_to_date" % (self.cacheEntry.path), 'fetcher')
+        self.cacheEntry.send_cached_file()
+        if not self.fetcher.pipelining:
+            self.connection_closed(self.fetcher)
+        self.deferred.callback((True, ""))
+class FileFetcher:
+    """
+    A Fetcher that simply copies files from disk
+    """
+    pipelining = True
+    def __init__(self, backendServer):
+        self.backendServer = backendServer
+        self.isConnected = True # Always connected
+    def connect(self):
+        # We always conect
+        return defer.succeed(True)
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        """
+        Request download
+        %param fetcher: Fetcher class to receive callbacks
+        %param uri: URI of file to be downloaded within backend
+        %param mtime: Modification time of current file in cache
+        """
+        self.parent = fetcher
+        self.cache_mtime = mtime
+        self.request_uri = uri
+        self.local_file = self.backendServer.uri[len("file://"):] + '/' + uri
+        if not os.path.exists(self.local_file):
+            self.parent.file_not_found()
+            return
+        # start the transfer
+        self.parent.send_complete_file(self.local_file)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        pass
+class FetcherHttpClient(http.HTTPClient):
+    """
+    This class represents an Http conncetion to a backend
+    server. It is generated by the HttpFetcher class when
+    a connection is made to an http server
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        self.parent = parent # HttpFetcher
+        self.proxy = self.parent.proxy
+        self.fetcher = None
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        """
+        Http connection made - inform parent, which will
+        trigger callbacks
+        """
+        self.parent.connected(self)
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        # Request file from backend
+        self.log_headers = None
+        self.close_on_completion = True
+        self.server_mtime = None
+        self.server_size = None
+        self.fetcher = fetcher
+        self.uri = uri
+        self.finished = False
+        backendServer = self.parent.backendServer
+        if self.proxy is None:
+            serverpath = backendServer.path
+        else:
+            serverpath = "http://" + backendServer.host
+            if backendServer.port != 80:
+                serverpath = serverpath + ":" + str(backendServer.port)
+            serverpath = serverpath + "/" + backendServer.path 
+        #self.sendCommand(self.request.method, 
+        self.sendCommand("GET", serverpath + "/" + uri)
+        self.sendHeader('host', backendServer.host)
+        if self.proxy is not None and self.proxy.user is not None:
+            self.sendHeader('Proxy-Authorization', "Basic " +
+                            encodestring(self.proxy.user + ":" + self.proxy.password))
+        if mtime is not None:
+            datetime = http.datetimeToString(mtime)
+            self.sendHeader('if-modified-since', datetime)
+        self.endHeaders()
+    def download_complete(self):
+        if self.finished: 
+            return
+        log.debug("File transfer complete",'http_client')
+        self.finished = True
+        #if self.close_on_completion:
+            #self.fetcher.disconnect()
+            #self.parent.connection_closed() # We don't have a persistent connection
+            #self.fetcher.disconnect()
+            #self.transport.loseConnection()
+        self.fetcher.download_complete()
+    def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=version,message'
+        log.debug('handleStatus %s - %s' % (code, message), 'http_client')
+        self.http_status = int(code)
+        #self.setResponseCode(self.http_status)
+    def handleResponse(self, buffer):
+        #log.debug('handleResponse, %s bytes' % (len(buffer)), 'http_client')
+        log.debug('handleResponse status=%s' % (self.http_status), 'http_client')
+        if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
+            log.debug("Backend server reported file is not modified: " + self.uri,'http_client')
+            self.fetcher.up_to_date()
+        elif self.http_status == http.NOT_FOUND:
+            log.debug("Not found on backend server",'http_client')
+            self.fetcher.file_not_found()
+        elif self.http_status == http.OK:
+            self.download_complete()
+        else:
+            log.debug("Unknown status code: %s" % (self.http_status),'http_client')
+            self.fetcher.fetcher_internal_error("Unknown status code: %s" % (self.http_status))
+    def handleHeader(self, key, value):
+        log.debug("Received: " + key + " " + str(value), 'http_client')
+        key = string.lower(key)
+        if key == 'last-modified':
+            self.server_mtime = http.stringToDatetime(value)
+            self.fetcher.server_mtime(self.server_mtime)
+        elif key == 'content-length':
+            self.server_size = int(value)
+            self.fetcher.server_size(self.server_size)
+        elif key == 'connection':
+            if value == "close":
+                log.debug('will close on completion', 'http_client')
+                self.close_on_completion = True
+            elif value == "keep-alive":
+                log.debug('will not close on completion', 'http_client')
+                self.close_on_completion = False
+    #def handleEndHeaders(self):
+        #if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
+            #log.debug("Backend server reported file is not modified: " + self.uri,'http_client')
+            #self.fetcher.up_to_date()
+        #elif self.http_status == http.NOT_FOUND:
+            #log.debug("Not found on backend server",'http_client')
+            #self.fetcher.file_not_found()
+        #else:
+            #log.debug("Unknown status code: %s" % (self.http_status),'http_client')
+    def rawDataReceived(self, data):
+        if self.http_status == http.OK:
+            self.fetcher.data_received(data)
+            #log.debug("Recieved: %s expected: %s" % (self.fetcher.len_received, self.server_size),'http_client')
+            if self.server_size is not None:
+                if self.fetcher.len_received >= self.server_size:
+                    if self.fetcher.len_received == self.server_size:
+                        pass
+                        #self.download_complete()
+                    else:
+                        log.err("File transfer overrun! Expected size:%s Received size:%s" % 
+                                (self.server_size, self.fetcher.len_received), 'http_client')
+                        self.parent.fetcher_internal_error("Data overrun")
+#     def handleResponse(self, buffer):
+#         if self.length == 0:
+#             self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
+#         # print "length: " + str(self.length), "response:", self.status_code
+#         if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
+#             self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, False)
+#         else:
+#             self.apDataEnd(self.transfered, True)
+    def lineReceived(self, line):
+        """
+        log each line as received from server
+        """
+        if self.log_headers is None:
+            self.log_headers = line
+        else:
+            self.log_headers += ", " + line;
+        http.HTTPClient.lineReceived(self, line)
+    def sendCommand(self, command, path):
+        "log the line and handle it to the base class."
+        log.debug(command + ":" + path,'http_client')
+        http.HTTPClient.sendCommand(self, command, path)
+    def endHeaders(self):
+        "log and handle to the base class."
+        if self.log_headers != None:
+            log.debug(" Headers: " + self.log_headers, 'http_client')
+            self.log_headers = None;
+        http.HTTPClient.endHeaders(self)
+    def sendHeader(self, name, value):
+        "log and handle to the base class."
+        log.debug(name + " sendHeader:" + value,'http_client')
+        http.HTTPClient.sendHeader(self, name, value)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        log.debug("DISCONNECT:",'http_client')
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_stack()
+class HttpFetcher(protocol.ClientFactory):
+    """
+    A Fetcher factory that retrieves files via HTTP
+    """
+    pipelining = False # twisted's HTTP client does not support pipelining
+    def __init__(self, backendServer):
+        self.backendServer = backendServer
+        self.isConnected = False
+        self.instance = None
+    def connect(self):
+        self.connectCallback = defer.Deferred()
+        self.proxy = self.backendServer.backend.config.http_proxy
+        if self.proxy is None:
+            host = self.backendServer.host
+            port = self.backendServer.port
+        else:
+            host = self.proxy.host
+            port = self.proxy.port
+        self.read_limit = self.backendServer.backend.config.bandwidth_limit
+        if self.read_limit is None:
+            factory = self
+        else:
+            # Limit download rate
+            factory = policies.ThrottlingFactory(self, readLimit=self.read_limit)
+        reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory, self.backendServer.backend.config.timeout)
+        return self.connectCallback
+    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+        return FetcherHttpClient(self)
+    def connected(self, connection):
+        "Connection was made to HTTP backend (callback from HTTP client)"
+        self.connection = connection
+        self.isConnected = True
+        self.connectCallback.callback(None)
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+        #self.instance.connectionFailed(reason)
+        log.debug("clientConnectionFailed reason: %s" % (reason), "http-client")
+        self.connectCallback.errback(reason)
+    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+        log.debug("clientConnectionLost reason=%s" %(reason), "http-client")
+        if self.connection is not None and self.connection.fetcher is not None:
+            self.connection.fetcher.connection_closed(self)
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        """
+        Request download
+        %param fetcher: Fetcher class to receive callbacks
+        %param uri: URI of file to be downloaded within backend
+        %param mtime: Modification time of current file in cache
+        """
+        self.connection.download(fetcher, uri, mtime)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        if self.isConnected:
+            self.connection.transport.loseConnection()
+            self.isConnected = False
+class FtpFetcher(protocol.Protocol):
+    """
+    This is the secuence here:
+        -Start and connect the FTPClient
+        -Ask for mtime
+        -Ask for size
+        -if couldn't get the size
+            -try to get it by listing
+        -get all that juicy data
+    NOTE: Twisted's FTPClient code uses it's own timeouts here and there,
+    so the timeout specified for the backend may not always be used
+    """
+    pipelining = True
+    def __init__(self, backendServer):
+        self.backendServer = backendServer
+        self.isConnected = False
+        self.instance = None
+        self.ftpclient = None
+    def connect(self):
+        """
+        Establish connection to ftp server specified by backendServer
+        """
+        self.connectCallback = defer.Deferred()
+        if not self.backendServer.username:
+            creator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClient, passive=0)
+        else:
+            creator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, ftp.FTPClient, request.backendServer.username,
+                                    request.backendServer.password, passive=0)
+        d = creator.connectTCP(self.backendServer.host, self.backendServer.port,
+                               self.backendServer.backend.config.timeout)
+        d.addCallback(self.controlConnectionMade)
+        d.addErrback(self.clientConnectionFailed)
+        return self.connectCallback
+    def controlConnectionMade(self, ftpclient):
+        self.ftpclient = ftpclient
+        if(self.backendServer.backend.config.passive_ftp):
+            log.debug('Got control connection, using passive ftp', 'ftp_client')
+            self.ftpclient.passive = 1
+        else:
+            log.debug('Got control connection, using active ftp', 'ftp_client')
+            self.ftpclient.passive = 0
+        if log.isEnabled('ftp_client'):
+            self.ftpclient.debug = 1
+        self.connectCallback.callback(None)
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, reason):
+        #self.instance.connectionFailed(reason)
+        log.debug("clientConnectionFailed reason: %s" % (reason), "ftp_client")
+        self.connectCallback.errback(reason)
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        """
+        Request download
+        %param fetcher: Fetcher class to receive callbacks
+        %param uri: URI of file to be downloaded within backend
+        %param mtime: Modification time of current file in cache
+        """
+        self.parent = fetcher
+        self.cache_mtime = mtime
+        self.request_uri = uri
+        self.remote_file = (self.parent.backendServer.path + '/' 
+                            + uri)
+        self.ftpFetchMtime()
+    def ftpFetchMtime(self):
+        "Get the modification time from the server."
+        d = self.ftpclient.queueStringCommand('MDTM ' + self.remote_file)
+        d.addCallback(self.ftpMtimeResult)
+        d.addErrback(self.ftpMtimeFailed)
+    def ftpMtimeResult(self, msgs):
+        """
+        Got an answer to the mtime request.
+        Someone should check that this is timezone independent.
+        """
+        code, msg = msgs[0].split()
+        if code == '213':
+            time_tuple=time.strptime(msg[:14], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+            #replace day light savings with -1 (current)
+            time_tuple = time_tuple[:8] + (-1,)
+            #correct the result to GMT
+            mtime = time.mktime(time_tuple) - time.altzone
+            self.parent.server_mtime(mtime)
+            if (self.cache_mtime
+                    and self.cache_mtime >= mtime):
+                self.parent.up_to_date()
+                return
+        self.ftpFetchSize()
+    def ftpMtimeFailed(self, msgs):
+        if msgs.check(ftp.CommandFailed):
+            code = msgs.getErrorMessage()[2:5]
+            log.debug("ftp fetch of Mtime failed: %s code:%s" % (msgs.getErrorMessage(), code), 'ftp_client')
+            if code == '550':
+                # Not found
+                self.parent.file_not_found()
+                return
+        log.debug("ftp fetch of Mtime for %s unknown failure: %s" % (self.remote_file, msgs), 'ftp_client')
+        self.ftpFetchSize()
+    def ftpFetchSize(self):
+        "Get the size of the file from the server"
+        d = self.ftpclient.queueStringCommand('SIZE ' + self.remote_file)
+        d.addCallback(self.ftpSizeResult)
+        d.addErrback(self.ftpSizeFailed)
+    def ftpSizeResult(self, msgs):
+        code, msg = msgs[0].split()
+        if code == '213':
+            size = int(msg)
+            self.parent.server_size(size)
+            self.ftpFetchFile()
+        else:
+            self.ftpSizeFailed()
+    def ftpSizeFailed(self, msgs):
+        log.debug("ftp size failed: %s" % (msgs), 'ftp_client')
+        self.ftpFetchList()
+    def ftpFetchList(self):
+        "If ftpFetchSize didn't work try to get the size with a list command."
+        self.filelist = ftp.FTPFileListProtocol()
+        d = self.ftpclient.list(self.remote_file, self.filelist)
+        d.addCallback(self.ftpListResult)
+        d.addErrback(self.ftpListFailed)
+    def ftpListResult(self, msg):
+        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=msg'
+        if len(filelist.files)== 0:
+            log.debug("Not found on backend server",'ftp_client')
+            self.parent.file_not_found()
+            return
+        file = filelist.files[0]
+        self.parent.server_size(file['size'])
+        fetcher.ftpFetchFile()
+    def ftpListFailed(self, msgs):
+        log.debug("ftp list failed: %s" % (msgs), 'ftp_client')
+        self.parent.fetcher_internal_error("Could not list directory")
+    def ftpFetchFile(self):
+        "And finally, we ask for the file."
+        log.debug('ftpFetchFile: ' + self.remote_file, 'ftp_client')
+        d = self.ftpclient.retrieveFile(self.remote_file, self)
+        d.addCallback(self.ftpFetchResult)
+        d.addErrback(self.ftpFetchFailed)
+    def ftpFetchResult(self, msg):
+        self.parent.download_complete()
+    def ftpFetchFailed(self, msgs):
+        log.debug("ftp fetch failed: %s" % (msgs), 'ftp_client')
+        self.parent.file_not_found()
+    def dataReceived(self, data):
+        self.parent.data_received(data)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        if self.ftpclient is not None:
+            log.debug('disconnecting', 'ftp_client')
+            self.ftpclient.quit()
+            self.ftpclient.transport.loseConnection()
+            self.ftpclient = None
+    def connectionLost(self, reason=None):
+        """
+        Maybe we should do some recovery here, I don't know, but the Deferred
+        should be enough.
+        """
+        log.debug("lost connection: %s"%(reason),'ftp_client')
+class GzipFetcher(Fetcher, protocol.ProcessProtocol):
+    """
+    This is a fake Fetcher, it uses the real Fetcher from the request's
+    backend via LoopbackRequest to get the data and gzip's or gunzip's as
+    needed.
+    NOTE: We use the serve_cached=0 parameter to Request.fetch so if
+    it is cached it doesn't get uselessly read, we just get it from the cache.
+    """
+    post_convert = re.compile(r"^Should not match anything$")
+    gzip_convert = post_convert
+    exe = '/bin/gzip'
+    def activate(self, request, postconverting=0):
+        log.debug("FetcherGzip request:" + str(request.uri) + " postconvert:" + str(postconverting), 'gzip')
+        Fetcher.activate(self, request)
+        if not request.apFetcher:
+            return
+        self.args = (self.exe, '-c', '-9', '-n')
+        if(log.isEnabled('gzip',9)):
+            self.args += ('-v',)
+        if request.uri[-3:] == '.gz':
+            host_uri = request.uri[:-3]
+        else:
+            host_uri = request.uri+'.gz'
+            self.args += ('-d',)
+        self.host_file = self.factory.config.cache_dir + host_uri
+        self.args += (self.host_file,)
+        running = self.factory.runningFetchers
+        if not postconverting or running.has_key(host_uri):
+            #Make sure that the file is there
+            loop = LoopbackRequest(request, self.host_transfer_done)
+            loop.uri = host_uri
+            loop.local_file = self.host_file
+            loop.process()
+            self.loop_req = loop
+            loop.serve_if_cached=0
+            if running.has_key(host_uri):
+                #the file is on it's way, wait for it.
+                running[host_uri].insert_request(loop)
+            else:
+                #we are not postconverting, so we need to fetch the host file.
+                loop.fetch(serve_cached=0)
+        else:
+            #The file should be there already.
+            self.loop_req = None
+            self.host_transfer_done()
+    def host_transfer_done(self):
+        """
+        Called by our LoopbackRequest when the real Fetcher calls
+        finish() on it.
+        If everything went well, check mtimes and only do the work if needed.
+        If posible arrange things so the target file gets the same mtime as
+        the host file.
+        """
+        log.debug('transfer done', 'gzip')
+        if self.loop_req and self.loop_req.code != http.OK:
+            self.setResponseCode(self.loop_req.code,
+                                 self.loop_req.code_message)
+            self.apDataReceived("")
+            self.apDataEnd("")
+            return
+        if os.path.exists(self.host_file):
+            self.local_mtime = os.stat(self.host_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+        old_mtime = None
+        if os.path.exists(self.local_file):
+            old_mtime = os.stat(self.local_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+        if self.local_mtime == old_mtime:
+            self.apEndCached()
+        else:
+            log.debug("Starting process: " + self.exe + " " + str(self.args), 'gzip')
+            self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(self, self.exe, self.args)
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
+        self.apDataReceived(data)
+    def errReceived(self, data):
+        log.debug('gzip: ' + data,'gzip')
+    def loseConnection(self):
+        """
+        This is a bad workaround Process.loseConnection not doing it's
+        job right.
+        The problem only happends when we try to finish the process
+        while decompresing.
+        """
+        if hasattr(self, 'process') and self.process.pid:
+            try:
+                os.kill(self.process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+                self.process.connectionLost()
+            except exceptions.OSError, Error:
+                import errno
+                (Errno, Errstr) = Error
+                if Errno != errno.ESRCH:
+                    log.debug('Passing OSError exception '+Errstr)
+                    raise 
+                else:
+                    log.debug('Threw away exception OSError no such process')
+    def processEnded(self, reason=None):
+        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
+        log.debug("Status: %d" %(self.process.status),'gzip')
+        if self.process.status != 0:
+            self.setResponseCode(http.NOT_FOUND)
+        self.apDataReceived("")
+        self.apDataEnd(self.transfered)
+class RsyncFetcher(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
+    """
+    Fetch a file using the rsync protocol
+    rsync is run as an external process
+    """
+    rsyncCommand = '/usr/bin/rsync'
+    pipelining = False
+    def __init__(self, backendServer):
+        self.backendServer = backendServer
+        self.rsyncProcess = None
+    def connect(self):
+        # We can't connect seperately so just return true
+        return defer.succeed(True)
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        """
+        Request download
+        %param fetcher: Fetcher class to receive callbacks
+        %param uri: URI of file to be downloaded within backend
+        %param mtime: Modification time of current file in cache
+        """
+        self.rsyncTempFile = None # Temporary filename that rsync streams to
+        self.bytes_sent = 0 #Number of bytes sent to client already
+        self.parent = fetcher
+        self.cache_mtime = mtime
+        self.request_uri = uri
+        self.cache_path = fetcher.cacheEntry.cache_path
+        self.file_path = fetcher.cacheEntry.file_path   # Absolute path of file
+        self.cache_dir = fetcher.cacheEntry.filedir
+        self.remote_file = (self.backendServer.path + '/' 
+                            + uri)
+        # Change /path/to/FILE -> /path/to/.FILE.* to match rsync tempfile
+        self.globpattern = re.sub(r'/([^/]*)$', r'/.\1.*', self.file_path)
+        for file in glob.glob(self.globpattern):
+          log.msg('Deleting stale tempfile:' + file, 'rsyncFetcher')
+          unlink(file)
+        # rsync needs the destination directory in place, so create it if necessary
+        if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
+            os.makedirs(self.cache_dir)
+        if self.backendServer.port:
+            portspec = ':' + str(self.backendServer.port)
+        else:
+            portspec = ''
+        uri = 'rsync://'+ self.backendServer.host + portspec \
+              +self.backendServer.path+'/' + self.request_uri
+        args = [self.rsyncCommand, '--partial', '--progress', '--times',
+                '--timeout=%s' %(self.backendServer.backend.config.timeout)]
+        if log.isEnabled('rsync',9):
+            args.append('--verbose')
+        else:
+            args.append('--quiet')
+        bwlimit = self.backendServer.backend.config.bandwidth_limit
+        if bwlimit:
+            bwlimit = bwlimit / 1000 # rsync wants kbps
+            if bwlimit < 1: 
+                bwlimit = 1
+            args.append('--bwlimit=%d' % (bwlimit))
+        args.extend([uri, '.'])
+        log.debug('rsync command: (%s) %s' %(self.cache_dir, string.join(args,' ')), 'rsyncFetcher')
+        self.rsyncProcess = reactor.spawnProcess(self, self.rsyncCommand, args, None,
+                                            self.cache_dir)
+    def findRsyncTempFile(self):
+        """
+        Look for temporary file created by rsync during streaming
+        """
+        files = glob.glob(self.globpattern)
+        if len(files)==1:
+            self.rsyncTempFile = files[0]
+            log.debug('tempfile: ' + self.rsyncTempFile, 'rsync_client')
+        elif not files:
+            # No file created yet
+            pass
+        else:
+            log.err('found more than one tempfile, abort rsync')
+            self.parent.fetcher_internal_error("Found more than one rsync temporary file")
+    #def connectionMade(self):
+    #    pass
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        "Data received from rsync process to stdout"
+        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
+            if len(s):
+                log.debug('rsync: ' + s, 'rsync_client')
+        #self.apDataReceived(data)
+        if not self.rsyncTempFile:
+            self.findRsyncTempFile()
+            # Got tempfile?
+            #if self.rsyncTempFile:
+            #    self.setResponseCode(http.OK)
+        if self.rsyncTempFile:
+            self.sendData()
+    def errReceived(self, data):
+        "Data received from rsync process to stderr"
+        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
+            if len(s):
+                log.err('rsync error: ' + s, 'rsync_client')
+    def sendData(self):
+        f = None
+        if self.rsyncTempFile:
+            try:
+                f = open(self.rsyncTempFile, 'rb')
+            except IOError:
+                return
+        else:
+            # Tempfile has gone, stream main file
+            log.debug("sendData open dest (sent: %s bytes)"% (self.bytes_sent), 'rsync_client')
+            f = open(self.file_path, 'rb')
+        if f:
+            f.seek(self.bytes_sent)
+            data = f.read(abstract.FileDescriptor.bufferSize)
+            #log.debug("sendData got " + str(len(data)))
+            f.close()
+            if data:
+                self.parent.data_received(data, save=False)
+                self.bytes_sent = self.bytes_sent + len(data)
+                reactor.callLater(0, self.sendData)
+            elif not self.rsyncTempFile:
+                # Finished reading final file
+                log.debug("sendData complete. Bytes sent: %s" %(self.bytes_sent))
+                # Tell clients, but data is already saved by rsync so don't
+                # write file again
+                self.parent.download_complete()
+                #self.parent.connection_closed() # We don't have a persistent connection
+    def processEnded(self, status_object):
+        __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=reason'
+        self.rsyncTempFile = None
+        self.rsyncProcess = None
+        r = status_object.trap(error.ProcessTerminated, error.ProcessDone)
+        if r == error.ProcessDone:
+            log.debug("rsync process complete", 'rsync_client')
+            # File received.  Send to clients.
+            self.parent.server_mtime(os.stat(self.file_path)[stat.ST_MTIME])
+            reactor.callLater(0, self.sendData)
+        elif r == error.ProcessTerminated:
+            log.debug("Status: %s" %(status_object.value.exitCode)
+                      ,'rsync_client')
+            exitcode = status_object.value.exitCode
+            if exitcode == 10:
+                # Host not found
+                self.parent.connection_failed('rsync connection to %s failed'
+                                                % (self.backendServer.host))
+            elif exitcode == 23:
+                self.parent.file_not_found()
+            else:
+                self.parent.fetcher_internal_error("Error in rsync")
+    def disconnect(self):
+        "Kill rsync process"
+        if self.rsyncProcess and self.rsyncProcess.pid:
+            log.debug("disconnect: killing rsync child pid " + 
+                      str(self.rsyncProcess.pid), 'rsync_client')
+            os.kill(self.rsyncProcess.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+            self.transport.loseConnection()
+class DownloadQueue:
+    """
+    This class manages a list of files to download and schedules downloads
+    """
+    closeTimeout = 5 # Time to close fetcher connections after last download (seconds)
+    def __init__(self, parent = None):
+        """
+        Initialise download queue
+        @param parent Class to notify (see downloadQueueEmpty) when queue is empty [class, data]
+        """
+        #import traceback
+        #traceback.print_stack()
+        self.queue = [] # List of cacheEntry classes waiting
+        self.activeFile = None
+        self.fetcher = None
+        self.timeoutCB = None
+        if parent is not None:
+            self.parent, self.parentId = parent
+        else:
+            self.parent = None
+    def addFile(self, cacheEntry):
+        """
+        Add a file to the queue and start downloading if necessary
+        @param cacheEntry Cache entry of file to download
+        @return Deferred that is triggered when file has been downloaded
+        """
+        if len(self.queue) == 0 and self.timeoutCB is not None:
+            self.timeoutCB.cancel()
+            self.timeoutCB = None
+        self.queue.append(cacheEntry)
+        if self.activeFile is None:
+            self.startNextDownload()
+        else:
+            log.debug("queue file " + cacheEntry.cache_path, 'DownloadQueue')
+    def downloadFinished(self, result):
+        success, message = result
+        if success:
+            log.debug("download complete: %s" % (self.activeFile.cache_path), 'DownloadQueue')
+        else:
+            log.debug("download failed: %s" % (message), 'DownloadQueue')
+        self.activeFile = None
+        self.startNextDownload()
+    def startNextDownload(self):
+        while len(self.queue)>0:
+            self.activeFile = self.queue[0]
+            self.queue = self.queue[1:]
+            if self.activeFile.state != self.activeFile.STATE_NEW:
+                log.debug("active download skipped (%s)" % (self.activeFile.cache_path), 'DownloadQueue')
+                self.activeFile = None
+                continue # Go to next file
+            log.debug("start next download (%s)" % (self.activeFile.cache_path), 'DownloadQueue')
+            if self.fetcher is not None:
+                if self.fetcher.backendServer.backend != self.activeFile.backend:
+                    log.debug("old:%s new:%s" %(self.fetcher.backendServer.backend,self.activeFile.backend) 
+                              , 'DownloadQueue')
+                    log.debug("changing backend server", 'DownloadQueue')
+                    self.fetcher.disconnect()
+                    self.fetcher = Fetcher()
+                else:
+                    log.debug("keeping backend server", 'DownloadQueue')
+            else:
+                log.debug("creating new fetcher", 'DownloadQueue')
+                self.fetcher = Fetcher()
+            d = self.fetcher.start(self.activeFile)
+            d.addCallback(self.downloadFinished)
+            return
+        # Download queue was empty
+        #twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.debug = True
+        log.debug("download queue is empty", 'DownloadQueue')
+        if self.closeTimeout and self.fetcher is not None:
+            self.timeoutCB = reactor.callLater(self.closeTimeout, self.closeFetcher)
+        else:
+            self.closeFetcher()
+    def closeFetcher(self):
+        "Close active fetcher - called after queue has been empty for closeTimeout seconds"
+        self.timeoutCB = None
+        if self.fetcher is not None:
+            log.debug("closing fetcher [%s]" % (self.fetcher.backendServer), 'DownloadQueue')
+            self.fetcher.disconnect()
+            self.fetcher = None
+            if self.parent is not None:
+                self.parent.downloadQueueEmpty(self, self.parentId)
+    def stop(self):
+        log.debug("queue stop", 'DownloadQueue')
+        if self.timeoutCB is not None:
+            self.timeoutCB.cancel()
+        self.closeFetcher()
+class DownloadQueuePerClient:
+    """
+    DownloadQueue that creates several queues, one per client
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.queues = {}
+    def addFile(self, cacheEntry):
+        # Add queue entries for all clients. The client
+        # queue that is ready first will start the download
+        for req in cacheEntry.requests:
+            clientId = req.getFileno()
+            if self.queues.has_key(clientId):
+                q = self.queues[clientId]
+            else:
+                q = DownloadQueue([self, clientId])
+                self.queues[clientId] = q
+                log.debug("Adding new queue for client id %s" % (clientId), 'DownloadQueuePerClient')
+            q.addFile(cacheEntry)
+    def downloadQueueEmpty(self, queue, data):
+        """
+        DownloadQueue notifies that it is empty
+        """
+        log.debug("Removing queue for client id %s" % (data), 'DownloadQueuePerClient')
+        del self.queues[data]
+    def stop(self):
+        for q in self.queues.values():
+            q.stop()
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/misc.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/misc.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/misc.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-import os
-from twisted.internet import reactor
+import os, time
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
 from twisted import python
 class DomainLogger:
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
     def __init__(self, factory, timer):
         self.timer = timer
         self.factory = factory
+        self.callback = None
+        self.working = None  # Deferred triggered when recycler finishes
     def start(self):
         Starts the Recycler if it is not working, it will use
@@ -120,22 +122,32 @@
         if not self.working:
+            self.working = defer.Deferred()
             if self.factory.backends == []:
                 log.msg("NO BACKENDS FOUND",'recycle')
-                return
+                self.working.errback(python.failure.Failure())
+                return self.working
             self.cur_uri = '/'
             self.cur_dir = self.factory.config.cache_dir
             self.pending = []
             for backend in self.factory.backends.values():
             self.stack = []
-            reactor.callLater(self.timer, self.process)
-            self.working = 1
+            self.callback = reactor.callLater(self.timer, self.process)
+        return self.working
+    def stop(self):
+        if self.callback is not None:
+            self.callback.cancel()
+            self.callback = None
+            if self.working:
+                self.working.callback(None)
+                self.working = None
     def pop(self):
         if self.stack:
             (self.cur_dir, self.cur_uri, self.pending) = self.stack.pop()
-            self.working = 0
+            self.working.callback(None)
+            self.working = None
     def push(self):
         if self.pending:
             self.stack.append((self.cur_dir, self.cur_uri, self.pending))
@@ -144,6 +156,7 @@
         Process the next entry, is called automatically via callLater.
+        self.callback = None
         entry = self.pending.pop()
         uri  = os.path.join(self.cur_uri, entry)
         path = os.path.join(self.cur_dir, entry)
@@ -155,22 +168,26 @@
             self.cur_uri = uri
             self.pending = os.listdir(self.cur_dir)
             if not self.pending:
-                log.msg("Pruning empty directory: "+path,'recycle')
-                os.removedirs(path)
-        else:
-            if os.path.isfile(path):
+                # Prune directory if it has not just been created
+                pathage = time.time() - os.path.getctime(path)
+                if pathage > 60:
+                    log.msg("Pruning empty directory: "+path,'recycle')
+                    os.removedirs(path)
+        elif os.path.isfile(path):
+            ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
+            if not ext == 'apDownload':
                 #print "PATH:", path
                 #print "URI: ", uri
                 if not self.factory.access_times.has_key(uri):
                     log.msg("Adopting new file: "+ uri,'recycle')
                     self.factory.access_times[uri] = os.path.getatime(path)
-            else:
-                log.msg("UNKNOWN:"+path,'recycle')
+        else:
+            log.msg("UNKNOWN:"+path,'recycle')
         if not self.pending:
         if self.working:
-            reactor.callLater(self.timer, self.process)
+            self.callback = reactor.callLater(self.timer, self.process)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     #Just for testing purposes.

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/packages.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/packages.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/packages.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -67,17 +67,18 @@
-    def update_file(self, uri):
+    def update_file(self, entry):
         Called from apt_proxy.py when files get updated so we can update our
         fake lists/ directory and sources.list.
-        @param uri Filename of cached file (without cache_dir prefix)
+        @param entry CacheEntry for cached file
-        if basename(uri)=="Packages" or basename(uri)=="Release":
-            log.msg("REGISTERING PACKAGE:"+uri,'apt_pkg',4)
-            stat_result = os.stat(self.cache_dir+'/'+uri)
-            self.packages[uri] = stat_result
+        if entry.filename=="Packages" or entry.filename=="Release":
+            log.msg("Registering package file: "+entry.cache_path, 'apt_pkg', 4)
+            stat_result = os.stat(entry.file_path)
+            self.packages[entry.cache_path] = stat_result
     def get_files(self):
         Get list of files in database.  Each file will be checked that it exists
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
         files = self.packages.keys()
         #print self.packages.keys()
         for f in files:
-            if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir + '/' + f):
+            if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir + os.sep + f):
                 log.debug("File in packages database has been deleted: "+f, 'apt_pkg')
                 del files[files.index(f)]
                 del self.packages[f]
@@ -170,11 +171,11 @@
         #print "start aptPackages [%s] %s " % (self.backendName, self.cache_dir)
         del self.packages
         #print "Deleted aptPackages [%s] %s " % (self.backendName, self.cache_dir)
-    def file_updated(self, uri):
+    def file_updated(self, entry):
         A file in the backend has changed.  If this affects us, unload our apt database
-        if self.packages.update_file(uri):
+        if self.packages.update_file(entry):
     def __save_stdout(self):
@@ -294,21 +295,21 @@
 def cleanup(factory):
-    for backend in factory.backends:
+    for backend in factory.backends.values():
-def get_mirror_path(factory, file):
-    """
-    Look for the path of 'file' in all backends.
-    """
-    info = AptDpkgInfo(file)
-    paths = []
-    for backend in factory.backends.values():
-        path = backend.get_packages_db().get_mirror_path(info['Package'],
-                                                info['Version'])
-        if path:
-            paths.append('/'+backend.base+'/'+path)
-    return paths
+#def get_mirror_path(factory, file):
+    #"""
+    #Look for the path of 'file' in all backends.
+    #"""
+    #info = AptDpkgInfo(file)
+    #paths = []
+    #for backend in factory.backends:
+        #path = backend.get_packages_db().get_mirror_path(info['Package'],
+                                                #info['Version'])
+        #if path:
+            #paths.append('/'+backend.base+'/'+path)
+    #return paths
 def get_mirror_versions(factory, package):
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@
             if not stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
                 import_file(factory, dir, file)
-    for backend in factory.backends.values():
+    for backend in factory.backends:

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 from StringIO import StringIO
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
-from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory, Request
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
 backends = http://a.b.c/d
@@ -68,13 +70,35 @@
 class apTestHelper(unittest.TestCase):
-    default_config = "[DEFAULT]\ndebug=all:9 apt:0\n" # Config string to use
+    default_config = "[DEFAULT]\ndebug=all:9 apt:0 memleak:0\ncleanup_freq=off\n" # Config string to use
     def setUp(self):
         self.cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.aptproxy')
         self.config = self.default_config.replace('[DEFAULT]','[DEFAULT]\ncache_dir=' + self.cache_dir)
     def tearDown(self):
+        log.debug('Removing temporary directory: ' + self.cache_dir)
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, self.cache_dir)
+class FactoryTestHelper(apTestHelper):
+    """
+    Set up a cache dir and a factory
+    """
+    def setUp(self, config):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        apTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        config = self.config + '\n' + config
+        self.apConfig = apConfig(StringIO(config))
+        self.factory = Factory(self.apConfig)
+        self.factory.configurationChanged()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.factory.stopFactory()
+        del(self.factory)
+        apTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, self.cache_dir)
 class FactoryInitTest(apTestHelper):
     def setUp(self):
         self.default_config = config1
@@ -101,7 +125,14 @@
     def testFactoryStart(self):
         factory = Factory(self.c)
+        self.assertEquals(factory.recycler, None)
+        factory.startFactory
+        self.assertEquals(factory.recycler, None)
+    def testPeriodicOff(self):
+        "Verify periodic callback is off"
+        factory = Factory(self.c)
+        self.assertEquals(factory.periodicCallback, None)
 class ConfigChangeTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -135,3 +166,160 @@
         self.assertEquals(self.factory.backends.keys(), ['backend2', 'backend3', 'backend4', 'backend5'])
         self.assertEquals(self.factory.backends['backend3'].uris[0].host, 'l.m.n')
+class FactoryFnsTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    """
+    Set up a cache dir and a factory
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config1.replace("cleanup_freq=off", "cleanup_freq=1h"))
+    def testPeriodicControl(self):
+        "Start & stop periodic callback"
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+        self.factory.stopPeriodic()
+        self.assertEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+        self.factory.startPeriodic()
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+        self.factory.stopPeriodic()
+        self.assertEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+    def testPeriodic(self):
+        "Run periodic cleaning"
+        self.factory.startFactory() # Start recycler
+        self.factory.stopPeriodic() # Stop periodic callback
+        self.factory.periodic()     # And trigger it manually
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+        self.factory.stopPeriodic() # Cancel new callback
+        self.assertEquals(self.factory.periodicCallback, None)
+    def testDumpDbs(self):
+        "Test that factory.dumpdbs() runs to completion"
+        self.factory.dumpdbs()
+class FactoryVersionsTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    """
+    Set up a cache dir and a factory
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config1.replace("max_versions=off", "max_versions=2"))
+    def testFirstFileServed(self):
+        "Add non-.deb to databases"
+        file = 'debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        path = os.sep + file
+        self.failIf(self.factory.access_times.has_key(path))
+        self.factory.file_served(file)
+        self.failUnless(self.factory.access_times.has_key(path))
+        # This is not a versioned file
+        self.failIf(self.factory.packages.has_key(path))
+    def testDebServed1(self):
+        "Add new .deb to databases"
+        file = 'debian/nonexistent_1.0.deb'
+        path = os.sep + file
+        packagename = 'nonexistent'
+        self.failIf(self.factory.access_times.has_key(path))
+        self.failIf(self.factory.packages.has_key(packagename))
+        self.factory.file_served(file)
+        self.failUnless(self.factory.access_times.has_key(path))
+        # This is not a versioned file
+        self.failUnless(self.factory.packages.has_key(packagename))
+        pkgs = self.factory.packages[packagename]
+        self.assertEquals(len(pkgs), 1)
+    def testDebServed2(self):
+        "Add two .debs to databases"
+        file1 = 'debian/nonexistent_1.0.deb'
+        file2 = file1.replace('1.0', '1.1')
+        packagename = 'nonexistent'
+        self.factory.file_served(file1)
+        self.factory.file_served(file2)
+        self.failUnless(self.factory.packages.has_key(packagename))
+        pkgs = self.factory.packages[packagename]
+        self.assertEquals(len(pkgs), 2)
+    def testDebServed3(self):
+        "Test max_versions algorithm"
+        files = []
+        versions = ['0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3']
+        packagename = 'apt'
+        os.mkdir(self.cache_dir + os.sep + 'backend1')
+        for ver in versions:
+            package_filename='apt_'+ver+'_test.deb'
+            file = 'backend1'+os.sep+package_filename
+            shutil.copy2('../test_data/apt/'+package_filename, self.cache_dir + os.sep + file)
+            self.factory.file_served(file)
+            files.append(file)
+        pkgs = self.factory.packages[packagename]
+        # Max versions should have deleted one file
+        self.assertEquals(len(pkgs), 2)
+backendServerConfig = """
+         ftp://server2/path2
+         rsync://server3/path3
+         file://server4/path4
+class BackendServerTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, backendServerConfig)
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_servers')
+    def testServerHosts(self):
+        values = ['server1','server2','server3','server4']
+        for server in self.backend.uris:
+            value = values[self.backend.uris.index(server)]
+            self.assertEquals(server.host, value)
+    def testServerPaths(self):
+        values = ['/path1','/path2','/path3','/path4']
+        for server in self.backend.uris:
+            value = values[self.backend.uris.index(server)]
+            self.assertEquals(server.path, value)
+    def testServerProtocols(self):
+        values = ['http','ftp','rsync','file']
+        for server in self.backend.uris:
+            value = values[self.backend.uris.index(server)]
+            self.assertEquals(server.scheme, value)
+    def testServerDefaultPorts(self):
+        values = [80,21,873,0]
+        for server in self.backend.uris:
+            value = values[self.backend.uris.index(server)]
+            self.assertEquals(server.port, value)
+    def testStr(self):
+        "__str__ operator"
+        for server in self.backend.uris:
+            self.assertNotEquals(server.__str__(), None)
+    def testNoUser(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.backend.uris[0].username,None)
+    def testNoPassword(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.backend.uris[0].password,None)
+    def testUser(self):
+        backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_usernames')
+        self.assertEquals(backend.uris[0].username,'myUser')
+    def testPassword(self):
+        backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_usernames')
+        self.assertEquals(backend.uris[0].password,'thePassword')
+class testRequests(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        class DummyChannel:
+            factory = None
+            transport = None
+        self.req = Request(DummyChannel(), None)
+    def testSimplifyPath(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.req.clean_path('/foo/bar/../baz'), '/foo/baz')
+    def testRemoveHost(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.req.clean_path('http://test:1234/foo/bar'), '/foo/bar')

Added: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_cache.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_cache.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+"""Unit test for cache.py"""
+import os, time, shutil
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
+from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper
+from apt_proxy.cache import CacheEntry, findFileType
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
+from apt_proxy.fetchers import DownloadQueue
+class DummyRequest:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.finished = False
+        self.streamed = 0
+    def finishCode(self, code, reason):
+        self.finished = True
+    def start_streaming(self, file_size, file_mtime):
+        self.streamed = self.streamed + 1
+    def getFileno(self):
+        return 0
+class CacheEntryTest(apTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        DownloadQueue.closeTimeout = 0 # Close fetcher immediately
+        apTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        packagedir = self.cache_dir+"/packages"
+        filedir = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()+"/../test_data/packages")
+        config = (self.config +
+                  "[files]\n" +
+                  "backends=file://" + filedir)
+        #print "config: " + config
+        self.c = apConfig(StringIO(config))
+        self.factory = Factory(self.c)
+        self.factory.createBackends()
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
+        self.entry = self.backend.get_cache_entry("testdir/testfile.deb")
+        self.request = DummyRequest()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del(self.factory)
+        apTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+    def testInit(self):
+        entry = self.entry
+        self.assertEquals(entry.backend, self.backend, "CacheEntry did not initialise backend")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.factory, self.factory, "CacheEntry did not initialise factory")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.path, "testdir/testfile.deb")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.file_path, self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir/testfile.deb")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.filedir, self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.filetype.contype, "application/dpkg")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.filename, "testfile.deb")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.filebase, "testfile")
+        self.assertEquals(entry.fileext, ".deb")
+        self.assertEquals(len(entry.requests), 0)
+    def testAddClient(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.entry.requests), 1)
+    def testAddDuplicate(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.entry.add_request, self.request)
+    def testRemove(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.entry.remove_request(self.request)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.entry.requests), 0)
+    def testStartDownload(self):
+        def start_download(entry):
+            # This test function replaces the normal
+            # Backend.start_download so we can see that
+            # it was called without starting the download
+            entry.entry_download_triggered = True
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        # Check that our special function was called
+        self.failUnless(self.entry.entry_download_triggered)
+    def testCachedFile(self):
+        """
+        CacheEntry starts streaming a text file
+        """
+        def start_download(entry):
+            # This test function replaces the normal
+            # Backend.start_download so we can see that
+            # it was called without starting the download
+            entry.test_download = True
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        entry = CacheEntry(self.backend, "testdir/test.txt")
+        entry.test_download = False
+        entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(entry.file_path, 'w')
+        f.write('12345')
+        f.close()
+        entry.add_request(self.request)
+        while not entry.test_download and not self.request.streamed:
+            #print "iterate.."
+            reactor.iterate(0.1)
+        # Check that our special function was not called
+        self.failIf(entry.test_download)
+        self.failUnless(self.request.streamed)
+    def testVerifyFail(self):
+        """
+        Create a bogus .deb and check that CacheEntry starts
+        a download
+        """
+        self.testResult = defer.Deferred()
+        class VerifySizeError:
+            pass
+        class VerifyMtimeError:
+            pass
+        class StreamedError:
+            pass
+        def start_download(entry):
+            # This test function replaces the normal
+            # Backend.start_download so we can see that
+            # it was called without starting the download
+            if entry.file_mtime is not None:
+                self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure(VerifyMtimeError()))
+            if entry.file_size is not None:
+                self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure(VerifySizeError()))
+            if self.request.streamed:
+                self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure(StreamedError()))
+            self.testResult.callback(None)
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        entry = CacheEntry(self.backend, "testdir/test.deb")
+        entry.test_download = False
+        entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(entry.file_path, 'w')
+        f.write('this is not a real .deb')
+        f.close()
+        entry.add_request(self.request)
+        return self.testResult
+    testVerifyFail.timeout = 2
+    def testCheckAgeImmutable(self):
+        # testfile.deb is immutable
+        self.entry.file_mtime = 0
+        self.failUnless(self.entry.check_age())
+        self.entry.file_mtime = time.time()+1000
+        self.failUnless(self.entry.check_age())
+    def testCheckAgeMmutable(self):
+        # pretend that testfile.deb is immutable, i.e.
+        # it will be updated like Packages, Release
+        self.entry.filetype.mutable = True
+        self.entry.file_mtime = 0
+        self.failIf(self.entry.check_age())
+        self.entry.file_mtime = time.time()+1000
+        self.failUnless(self.entry.check_age())
+    def testCreateDirectory(self):
+        dirname = self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir"
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, dirname) # Will return exception if directory does not exist
+        self.entry.create_directory()
+        os.stat(dirname) # Will return exception if directory does not exist
+    def testStatFile(self):
+        filename = self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir/testfile.deb"
+        self.entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(filename, 'w')
+        f.write('12345')
+        f.close()
+        close_time = time.time()
+        self.entry.stat_file()
+        self.assertApproximates(self.entry.file_mtime, close_time, 3)
+        self.assertEquals(self.entry.file_size, 5)
+class FileTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def testUnknownFiletype(self):
+        self.assertEquals(findFileType('unknownfile.xxx'), None)
+    def testFileTypes(self):
+        # Test filname recognition
+        # First entry - filename to test
+        # Second entry - mime type
+        # Third entry - mutable (can this file be changed in the archive?)
+        tests = [ ('test.deb', 'application/dpkg', False),
+                  ('test2.udeb', 'application/dpkg', False),
+                  ('Release.dsc', 'text/plain', False),
+                  ('file.diff.gz', 'x-gzip', False),
+                  ('Packages.gz', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('Packages.bz2', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('Sources.bz2', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages.diff/Index', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages.diff/2006-06-05-1427.58.gz', 'text/plain', False),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/source/Sources.diff/Index', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/source/Sources.diff/2006-06-05-1427.58.gz', 'text/plain', False),
+                  ('dists/sid/Contents-i386', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/Contents-i386.gz', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/Contents-i386.diff/Index', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/Contents-i386.diff/2006-06-02-1349.52.gz', 'text/plain', False),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-de', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-de.gz', 'text/plain', True),
+                  ('dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-de.bz2', 'text/plain', True)
+                ]
+        for name,mimetype,mutable in tests:
+            log.debug('Testing filetype, name=%s mimetype=%s mutable=%s' % (name, mimetype, mutable))
+            result = findFileType(name)
+            self.assertNotEquals(result, None)
+            self.assertEquals(mimetype, result.contype)
+            self.assertEquals(mutable, result.mutable)

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_config.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_config.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_config.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 from StringIO import StringIO
-from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig, ConfigError
 class EmptyConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@
 timeout = 888
+bandwidth_limit = 2323
 backends = ftp://a.b.c
 timeout = 999
+bandwidth_limit = 3434
 backends = 
@@ -79,4 +81,17 @@
+    def testBandwidthLimit(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.c.bandwidth_limit, 2323)
+        self.assertEquals(self.c.backends['backend1'].bandwidth_limit,3434)
+        self.assertEquals(self.c.backends['backend2'].bandwidth_limit,2323)
+class BrokenTimeoutTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def testBrokenTimeout(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ConfigError, apConfig, StringIO("[Default]\ntimeout = "))
+class DefaultsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.c = apConfig(StringIO(""))
+    def testDefaultReadLimit(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.c.bandwidth_limit, None)

Added: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_fetchers.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_fetchers.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+"""This module tests the Fetcher classes"""
+import time, os, socket, signal, string
+from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer, error
+from twisted.protocols import ftp
+from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, credentials
+from twisted.python import failure
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
+from apt_proxy.cache import CacheEntry
+from apt_proxy.fetchers import HttpFetcher, FetcherHttpClient, FtpFetcher, Fetcher, \
+     RsyncFetcher, DownloadQueue, DownloadQueuePerClient
+from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper, FactoryTestHelper
+backends = http://localhost/nothing-really
+backends = ftp://localhost/nothing-really
+class FetcherHttpTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config1)
+    def testInit(self):
+        "Brief init test"
+        backend = self.factory.getBackend('backend1')
+        backendServer = backend.uris[0]
+        httpFetcher = HttpFetcher(backendServer)
+        httpFetcher.proxy = None # Would otherwise have been set by httpFetcher.connect
+        connection = FetcherHttpClient(httpFetcher)
+class FetcherFtpInitTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config1)
+    def testInit(self):
+        "Brief init test"
+        backend = self.factory.getBackend('ftp')
+        backendServer = backend.uris[0]
+        ftpFetcher = FtpFetcher(backendServer)
+class FetcherFtpTestHelper(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        self.ftpserver = FtpServer()
+        port = self.ftpserver.start()
+        config = (config1 +
+                  "[test_ftp]\n" +
+                  "backends=" + str(port))
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_ftp')
+        self.backendServer = self.backend.uris[0]
+        self.ftpFetcher = FtpFetcher(self.backendServer)
+        self.ftpFetcher.debug = 1
+    def tearDown(self):
+        # We don't care about deferreds left over e.g. pending connection
+        #delayeds = reactor.getDelayedCalls()
+        #for d in delayeds:
+        #    d.cancel()
+        self.ftpFetcher.disconnect()
+        self.ftpFetcher = None
+        self.ftpserver.stop()
+        self.ftpserver = None
+        FactoryTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+class FetcherFtpTest(FetcherFtpTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        FetcherFtpTestHelper.setUp(self)
+    def testConnect(self):
+        "Test connect"
+        return self.ftpFetcher.connect()
+    testConnect.timeout = 2
+    def testConnectFail(self):
+        "Test connect failure"
+        self.ftpserver.stop()
+        d = self.ftpFetcher.connect()
+        def callBack(result):
+            raise RuntimeError("Connect should have failed")
+        def errorBack(result):
+            result.trap(error.ConnectionRefusedError)
+        # Reverse meaning of deferred, ie errorback = as expected
+        d.addCallbacks(callBack, errorBack)
+        return d
+    testConnectFail.timeout = 2
+class DummyFetcher:
+    def __init__(self, deferred):
+        self.deferred = deferred
+        self.error_code = None # Anticipated error
+        self.wait_for_mtime = False
+        self.wait_for_not_found = False
+    def download_failed(self, code, reason):
+        if self.error_code is not None and \
+            self.error_code == code:
+            self.deferred.callback()
+        else:
+            self.deferred.errback(None)
+    def server_mtime(self, time):
+        if self.wait_for_mtime == True:
+            self.deferred.callback(None)
+    def file_not_found(self):
+        if self.wait_for_not_found == True:
+            self.deferred.callback(None)
+class FetcherFtpProtocolTest(FetcherFtpTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        FetcherFtpTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        self.resultCallback = defer.Deferred()
+        self.fetcher = DummyFetcher(self.resultCallback)
+        self.fetcher.backendServer = self.backendServer
+    def tearDown(self):
+        FetcherFtpTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        "Test for file not found"
+        d = self.ftpFetcher.connect()
+        d.addCallback(self.NotFoundConnectCallback)
+        return self.resultCallback
+    testNotFound.timeout = 1
+    def NotFoundConnectCallback(self,result):
+        self.fetcher.wait_for_not_found = True
+        self.ftpFetcher.download(self.fetcher, 'notHereFile', 0)
+    def MtimeConnectCallback(self,result):
+        log.debug("connection made", 'FetcherFtpProtocolTest')
+        self.fetcher.wait_for_mtime = True
+        self.ftpFetcher.download(self.fetcher, 'packages/Packages', 0)
+    def testMtime(self):
+        "Test mtime request"
+        def FetchSize():
+            pass
+        self.ftpFetcher.ftpFetchSize = FetchSize # We don't want to get size afterwards
+        d = self.ftpFetcher.connect()
+        d.addCallback(self.MtimeConnectCallback)
+        return self.resultCallback
+    testMtime.timeout = 1
+class FtpServer:
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start FTP server, serving test data
+        @ret port number that server listens on
+        This routine was hacked from twisted/tap/ftp.py
+        """
+        root = '../test_data'
+        f = ftp.FTPFactory()
+        r = ftp.FTPRealm(root)
+        f.tld = root
+        p = portal.Portal(r)
+        p.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous)
+        f.userAnonymous = 'anonymous'
+        f.portal = p
+        f.protocol = ftp.FTP
+        self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, f, interface="")
+        portnum = self.port.getHost().port
+        log.debug("Ftp server listening on port %s" %(portnum))
+        self.factory = f
+        return portnum
+    def stop(self):
+        #pass
+        self.port.stopListening()
+        self.factory.stopFactory()
+class RsyncFetcherTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    """
+    Set up a cache dir and a factory
+    """
+    rsync_config="""
+backends = rsync://
+    class DummyFetcher:
+        def __init__(self, backend, backendServer):
+            self.backend = backend
+            self.backendServer = backendServer
+            self.cacheEntry = backend.get_cache_entry("testdir/testfile.deb")
+        def fetcher_internal_error(self, message):
+            log.debug('fetcher_internal_error: %s' % (message))
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, self.rsync_config)
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('rsync')
+        self.backendServer = self.backend.get_first_server()
+        self.f = RsyncFetcher(self.backendServer)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.f.disconnect()
+    def testRsyncInit(self):
+        self.assertEquals(self.f.backendServer, self.backendServer)
+    def testConnect(self):
+        return self.f.connect() # connect returns a deferred that fires
+    def testDownload(self):
+        self.f.connect()
+        dummyFetcher = self.DummyFetcher(self.backend, self.backendServer)
+        self.f.download(dummyFetcher, 'test', time.time())
+class RsyncServer(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
+    """
+    Starts an rsync daemon on localhost for testing
+    """
+    rsyncCommand = '/usr/bin/rsync'
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start rsync server, serving test data
+        @ret port number that server listens on
+        """
+        self.rsync_dir = '../test_data'
+        # Find a port number for the rsync server process:
+        # Start listening on a random port, then close it
+        s = socket.socket()
+        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        s.listen(1)
+        self.rsync_port = s.getsockname()[1]
+        s.close()
+        self.rsync_confpath = self.rsync_dir + os.sep + 'testrsync.conf'
+        self.write_rsyncconf()
+        args = (self.rsyncCommand, '--daemon', '--config=' + self.rsync_confpath, '--verbose', '--no-detach')
+        self.rsyncProcess = reactor.spawnProcess(self, self.rsyncCommand, args, None,self.rsync_dir)
+        # wait for server to start
+        s2 = socket.socket()
+        while s2:
+            try:
+                s2.connect(('', self.rsync_port))
+                break
+            except:
+                pass
+            reactor.iterate(0.1)
+        s2.close()
+        log.debug("rsync server listening on port %s" %(self.rsync_port))
+        return self.rsync_port
+    def stop(self):
+        if self.rsyncProcess and self.rsyncProcess.pid:
+            log.debug("killing rsync child pid " + 
+                      str(self.rsyncProcess.pid), 'RsyncServer')
+            self.rsyncProcess.loseConnection()
+            os.kill(self.rsyncProcess.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+    def write_rsyncconf(self):
+        f = open(self.rsync_confpath, 'w')
+        f.write("address =\n")
+        f.write("port = %s\n" % (self.rsync_port))
+        f.write("log file = %s\n" %(self.rsync_dir+os.sep+'testrsync.log'))
+        f.write("[apt-proxy]\n")
+        f.write("path = %s\n" %(self.rsync_dir))
+        f.write("use chroot = false\n") # Can't chroot becuase daemon isn't root
+        f.close()
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        "Data received from rsync process to stdout"
+        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
+            if len(s):
+                log.debug('rsync: ' + s, 'RsyncServer')
+    def errReceived(self, data):
+        "Data received from rsync process to stderr"
+        for s in string.split(data, '\n'):
+            if len(s):
+                log.err('rsync error: ' + s, 'RsyncServer')
+    def processEnded(self, status_object):
+        if isinstance(status_object, failure.Failure):
+            log.debug("rsync failure: %s" %(status_object)
+                  ,'RsyncServer')
+        else:
+            log.debug("Status: %d" %(status_object.value.exitCode)
+                      ,'RsyncServer')
+            # Success?
+            exitcode = status_object.value.exitCode
+class FetcherRsyncTestHelper(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        self.rsyncserver = RsyncServer()
+        port = self.rsyncserver.start()
+        config = (config1 +
+                  "[test_rsync]\n" +
+                  "backends=" + str(port) + '/apt-proxy')
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_rsync')
+        self.backendServer = self.backend.uris[0]
+        self.rsyncFetcher = RsyncFetcher(self.backendServer)
+        self.rsyncFetcher.debug = 1
+    def tearDown(self):
+        # We don't care about deferreds left over e.g. pending connection
+        #delayeds = reactor.getDelayedCalls()
+        #for d in delayeds:
+        #    d.cancel()
+        self.rsyncFetcher.disconnect()
+        self.rsyncFetcher = None
+        self.rsyncserver.stop()
+        self.rsyncserver = None
+        FactoryTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+class FetcherRsyncProtocolTest(FetcherRsyncTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        FetcherRsyncTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        self.resultCallback = defer.Deferred()
+        self.fetcher = DummyFetcher(self.resultCallback)
+        self.fetcher.backendServer = self.backendServer
+    def tearDown(self):
+        FetcherRsyncTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        "Test for file not found"
+        d = self.rsyncFetcher.connect()
+        d.addCallback(self.NotFound2)
+        return self.resultCallback
+    testNotFound.timeout = 1
+    def NotFound2(self,result):
+        self.fetcher.wait_for_not_found = True
+        fileName = 'notHereFile'
+        self.fetcher.cacheEntry = self.backend.get_cache_entry(fileName)
+        self.rsyncFetcher.download(self.fetcher, fileName, 0)
+QueueConfig = """
+class DummyFetcher:
+    def __init__(self, backend):
+        self.backend = backend
+    def connect(self):
+        # We always conect
+        d = defer.succeed(True)
+        return d
+    def disconnect(self):
+        pass
+    def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
+        fetcher.cacheEntry.state = CacheEntry.STATE_DOWNLOAD
+        pass
+class DummyServer:
+    fetcher = DummyFetcher
+    path = 'Dummy'
+    uri = 'dummy://'
+class DummyBackend:
+    name = 'Dummy'
+    def get_first_server(self):
+        return DummyServer()
+class DummyCacheEntry:
+    """
+    Class that provides basic CacheEntry information
+    """
+    STATE_NEW = CacheEntry.STATE_NEW
+    def __init__(self, cache_dir, backend, file):
+        self.filename = os.path.basename(file)
+        self.path = file
+        self.cache_path = backend + os.sep + file
+        self.file_path = cache_dir + os.sep + self.cache_path
+        self.file_mtime = None
+        self.requests = []
+        self.state = self.STATE_NEW
+class DownloadQueueTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, QueueConfig)
+        self.queue = DownloadQueue()
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_queue')
+    def testInit(self):
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queue), 0)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.fetcher, None)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.activeFile, None)
+    def testAddFile(self):
+        entry = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test.deb')
+        entry.backend = DummyBackend()
+        self.queue.addFile(entry)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queue), 0)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.activeFile, entry)
+        self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB
+    def testDownloadComplete(self):
+        entry = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test.deb')
+        entry.backend = DummyBackend()
+        self.queue.addFile(entry)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.activeFile, entry)
+        self.queue.downloadFinished([True, 'Test complete'])
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.activeFile, None)
+        self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB
+class DummyRequest:
+    def __init__(self, fileno=0):
+        self.fileno=fileno
+        self.finished = False
+        self.streamed = 0
+    def finishCode(self, code, reason):
+        self.finished = True
+    def start_streaming(self, file_size, file_mtime):
+        self.streamed = self.streamed + 1
+    def getFileno(self):
+        return self.fileno
+class DownloadQueuePerClientTest(FactoryTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up a factory using the additional config given
+        """
+        FactoryTestHelper.setUp(self, QueueConfig)
+        self.queue = DownloadQueuePerClient()
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend('test_queue')
+    def testInit(self):
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues), 0)
+    def testSeparateFilesAndClients(self):
+        req1 = DummyRequest(123)
+        req2 = DummyRequest(234)
+        entry1 = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test1.deb')
+        entry1.requests = [req1]
+        entry1.backend = DummyBackend()
+        entry2 = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test2.deb')
+        entry2.requests = [req2]
+        entry2.backend = entry1.backend
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 0)
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.queue.queues.has_key(req1.fileno), True)
+        self.queue.addFile(entry1)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 1)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req1.fileno].activeFile, entry1)
+        self.queue.addFile(entry2)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 2)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req2.fileno].activeFile, entry2)
+        self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB
+    def testSeparateFiles(self):
+        req1 = DummyRequest(123)
+        req2 = DummyRequest(123)
+        entry1 = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test1.deb')
+        entry1.requests = [req1]
+        entry1.backend = DummyBackend()
+        entry2 = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test2.deb')
+        entry2.requests = [req2]
+        entry2.backend = entry1.backend
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 0)
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.queue.queues.has_key(req1.fileno), True)
+        self.queue.addFile(entry1)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 1)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req1.fileno].activeFile, entry1)
+        self.queue.addFile(entry2)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 1)
+        # Entry 2 should have been added to the first queue, and entry1 will
+        # still be active
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req2.fileno].activeFile, entry1)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req2.fileno].queue[0], entry2)
+        self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB
+    def testSeparateClients(self):
+        # 2 clients requesting 1 file
+        req1 = DummyRequest(123)
+        req2 = DummyRequest(234)
+        entry1 = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test1.deb')
+        entry1.requests = [req1]
+        entry1.backend = DummyBackend()
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 0)
+        self.assertNotEquals(self.queue.queues.has_key(req1.fileno), True)
+        self.queue.addFile(entry1)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 1)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req1.fileno].activeFile, entry1)
+        entry2 = entry1
+        entry2.requests.append(req2)
+        # Entry 2 will have been added to a second queue, but will be immediately
+        # dequeued because it is on entry 1's queue
+        self.queue.addFile(entry2)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 2)
+        self.assertEquals(self.queue.queues[req2.fileno].activeFile, None)
+        self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB
+    def testDownloadComplete(self):
+        req = DummyRequest(678)
+        entry = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'test_queue', 'test.deb')
+        entry.backend = DummyBackend()
+        entry.requests = [req]
+        self.queue.addFile(entry)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 1)
+        self.queue.queues[req.fileno].closeFetcher()
+        # Check that queue for this client has been removed
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.queue.queues.keys()), 0)
+        #self.queue.stop() # Cancel timeout CB

Modified: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_packages.py
--- trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_packages.py	(original)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_packages.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 """Unit test for packages.py"""
-from apt_proxy.packages import AptPackages, PackageFileList, get_mirror_versions, AptDpkgInfo
+from apt_proxy import packages 
+#import AptPackages, PackageFileList, get_mirror_versions, AptDpkgInfo, cleanup
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
 from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
@@ -24,10 +25,20 @@
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 import shutil, os, re, glob
+class DummyCacheEntry:
+    """
+    Class that provides basic CacheEntry information
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cache_dir, backend, file):
+        self.filename = os.path.basename(file)
+        self.path = file
+        self.cache_path = backend + os.sep + file
+        self.file_path = cache_dir + os.sep + self.cache_path
 class PackageFileListTest(apTestHelper):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.f = PackageFileList('test', self.cache_dir)
+        self.f = packages.PackageFileList('test', self.cache_dir)
     def tearDown(self):
         del(self.f) # Needed otherwise we'll get a database exception when cache dir is removed
@@ -35,9 +46,9 @@
     def testAddPackages(self):
         shutil.copytree('../test_data/packages', self.cache_dir+'/packages')
-        self.f.update_file('packages/Packages')
+        self.f.update_file(DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'packages','Packages'))
-        self.f.update_file('packages/Packages.gz') # This file should not be added
+        self.f.update_file(DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'packages','Packages.gz')) # This file should not be added
         self.assertNotIn('packages/Packages.gz', self.f.get_files())
         # Remove packages file and check that it is removed from database
@@ -47,7 +58,7 @@
 class PackagesCacheTest(apTestHelper):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.p = AptPackages('test', self.cache_dir)
+        self.p = packages.AptPackages('test', self.cache_dir)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -56,7 +67,7 @@
     def testReLoadEmpty(self):
-        self.p = AptPackages('test', self.cache_dir)
+        self.p = packages.AptPackages('test', self.cache_dir)
 class PackagesTestHelper(apTestHelper):
@@ -64,9 +75,9 @@
     def setUp(self):
-        self.p = AptPackages('test1', self.cache_dir)
+        self.p = packages.AptPackages('test1', self.cache_dir)
         shutil.copytree('../test_data/packages', self.cache_dir+'/packages')
-        self.p.file_updated('packages/Packages')
+        self.p.file_updated(DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir, 'packages','Packages'))
         #print "Cache dir:", self.cache_dir, '\n'
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -83,11 +94,11 @@
 def get_test_deb_name():
     "Return filename of test deb file"
     debs = glob.glob('../test_data/packages/apt_*_*.deb')
-    return debs[0]
+    return debs[-1]
 def get_test_deb_info():
     "Return an AptDpkgInfo for our test deb"
-    return AptDpkgInfo(get_test_deb_name())
+    return packages.AptDpkgInfo(get_test_deb_name())
 class AptDpkgInfoTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def testGetInfo(self):
@@ -109,19 +120,23 @@
         self.factory = Factory(self.c)
         # Register test package files in db
-        self.factory.getBackend('packages').get_packages_db().file_updated('packages/Packages')
+        entry = DummyCacheEntry(self.cache_dir,'packages','Packages')
+        self.factory.getBackend('packages').get_packages_db().file_updated(entry)
         # Get version of apt used for testing
         self.aptinfo = get_test_deb_info()
         #print self.cache_dir
     def tearDown(self):
+        packages.cleanup(self.factory)
     def testGetAllMirrorVersions(self):
-        aptversions = get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'apt')
+        aptversions = packages.get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'apt')
         self.assertEquals(self.aptinfo['Version'], aptversions[0][0])
         testdeb_name = get_test_deb_name().replace('../test_data/','') # strip test data directory
         self.assertEquals(testdeb_name, aptversions[0][1])
-        self.assertEquals([], get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'unknown'))
+        self.assertEquals([], packages.get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'unknown'))
     def testGetEmptyMirrorVersions(self):
-        self.assertEquals([], get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'unknown'))
+        self.assertEquals([], packages.get_mirror_versions(self.factory, 'unknown'))
+    #def testGetMirrorPath(self):
+        #self.assertEquals([], packages.get_mirror_path(self.factory, 'unknown'))

Added: trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_requests.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/apt_proxy/test/test_requests.py	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+"""This module tests the client protocol itself"""
+import os, time
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted import web
+from twisted.web import http
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
+from apt_proxy.cache import CacheEntry
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
+from apt_proxy.fetchers import DownloadQueue
+from apt_proxy.test.test_fetchers import RsyncServer
+from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper
+class uriData:
+    """
+    class containing test data for a request
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, expectedResponse, if_modified_since=None, expectedSize=None, filePath=None, abortTransfer=False):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.expectedResponse = expectedResponse
+        self.if_modified_since = if_modified_since
+        self.filePath = filePath
+        self.abortTransfer = abortTransfer
+        if expectedSize is not None:
+            self.expectedSize = expectedSize # If not none, the file sent should have this size
+        elif filePath is not None:
+            # Get size of actual file
+            self.expectedSize = os.path.getsize(filePath)
+        else:
+            self.expectedSize = None
+class uriRequester(http.HTTPClient):
+    """
+    class to request files and parse responses
+    """
+    class requestFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+        """
+        Helper factory to connect to apt-proxy and send
+        HTTP requests using uriRequester
+        """
+        #def startedConnecting(self, connector):
+        #    print 'Started to connect.'
+        def __init__(self, request):
+            self.request = request
+        def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+            "Pass incoming connection to our request"
+            return self.request
+        def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+            log.debug('Lost connection.  Reason:'+ str(reason))
+        def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+            log.err('Connection failed. Reason:', reason, 'requestFactory')
+            self.request.failed()
+    def __init__(self, host, *testData):
+        """
+        Start test. *testData holds classes of uriData
+        """
+        self.factory = self.requestFactory(self)
+        self.host = host
+        self.deferred = defer.Deferred() # Deferred that returns result of test
+        self.http_status = None
+        self.received_len = 0
+        self.tests=testData
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        """
+        Http connection made
+        """
+        log.debug("connection made to test apt-proxy server", 'uriRequester')
+        for i in range(0,len(self.tests)):
+            test = self.tests[i]
+            log.debug("requesting: %s" %(test.filename), 'uriRequester')
+            #self.sendCommand("GET", test.filename)
+            self.transport.write('%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % ("GET", test.filename))
+            self.sendHeader('Host', self.host)
+            if len(self.tests)>1 and i != len(self.tests):
+                self.sendHeader('Connection','keep-alive')
+            else:
+                self.sendHeader('Connection','close')
+            if test.if_modified_since is not None:
+                datetime = http.datetimeToString(test.if_modified_since)
+                self.sendHeader('if-modified-since', datetime)
+            self.sendHeader("User-Agent", "apt-proxy test suite test_requests.py")
+            self.endHeaders()
+        self.getNextTest() # Start first test
+    def getNextTest(self):
+        # Ready for next status code
+        self.firstLine = 1 
+        #self.length = None
+        self.__buffer = ''
+        if len(self.tests):
+            self.nextTest = self.tests[0]
+            self.tests = self.tests[1:]
+            log.debug("waiting for test results for: " + self.nextTest.filename, 'uriRequester')
+        else:
+            log.debug('test passed', 'uriRequester')
+            self.deferred.callback(None)
+    #def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+    def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+        log.debug('handleStatus: (%s) %s - %s, expected:%s' % 
+                   (version, code, message, self.nextTest.expectedResponse), 'uriRequester')
+        self.http_status = int(code)
+    def dataReceived(self, data):
+        self.received_len = self.received_len + len(data)
+        log.debug("data received, len: %s" % (self.received_len), 'uriRequester')
+        if self.nextTest.abortTransfer == False:
+            http.HTTPClient.dataReceived(self, data)
+        else:
+            self.passed() # Trigger disconnection of connection
+    class ResponseError:
+        pass
+    class SizeError:
+        pass
+    def handleResponse(self, buffer):
+        received_len = len(buffer)
+        log.debug('data received: %s bytes, expected:%s' % (received_len, self.nextTest.expectedSize), 'uriRequester')
+        if self.http_status != self.nextTest.expectedResponse:
+            log.debug('test FAILED: response code (%s) is not %s' % 
+                       (self.http_status, self.nextTest.expectedResponse), 'uriRequester')
+            self.failed(self.ResponseError())
+        elif self.nextTest.expectedSize is not None and received_len != self.nextTest.expectedSize:
+            log.debug('test FAILED: received %s bytes, but expected %s' % 
+                    (received_len, self.nextTest.expectedSize), 'uriRequester')
+            self.failed(self.SizeError())
+        else:
+            self.passed()
+    def passed(self):
+        self.getNextTest()
+    def failed(self, data):
+        log.debug('test failed', 'uriRequester')
+        self.deferred.errback(data)
+class TestRequestHelper(apTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self, config):
+        apTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        config = self.config + '\n' + config
+        log.debug("config:\n" + config, 'TestRequestHelper')
+        self.c = apConfig(StringIO(config))
+        self.factory = Factory(self.c)
+        #self.factory.configurationChanged()
+        self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.factory, interface="")
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.port.stopListening()
+        self.factory.stopFactory()
+        del(self.factory)
+        apTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, self.cache_dir)
+    def doRequest(self, *data):
+        portno = self.port.getHost().port
+        host = "" % (portno)
+        for d in data:
+            log.debug("Starting test connection to %s, file:%s:" %(host, d.filename), 'uriRequesterTest')
+        client = uriRequester(host, *data)
+        connection = reactor.connectTCP("", portno, client.factory)
+        self.connection = connection
+        client.deferred.addBoth(lambda x: connection.disconnect())
+        self.lastRequestFactory = client
+        return client.deferred
+class FileBackendTest(TestRequestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        self.filedir = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()+"/../test_data/packages")
+        config = ("dynamic_backends=off\n"+
+                  "[files]\n" +
+                  "backends=file://" + self.filedir)
+        #print "config: " + config
+        TestRequestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        return self.doRequest(uriData('/files/test.gz', http.NOT_FOUND))
+    testNotFound.timeout = 1
+    def testPackagesFile(self):
+        file = 'Packages.gz'
+        d = uriData('/files/'+file, http.OK, filePath=self.filedir+os.sep+file)
+        return self.doRequest(d).addCallback(self.PackagesFile2)
+    testPackagesFile.timeout = 1
+    def PackagesFile2(self, x):
+        backend = self.factory.getBackend('files')
+        # Check that request was deleted from backend
+        self.assertEquals(len(backend.entries), 0)
+    def testForbidden(self):
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData('/notbackend/Release', http.NOT_FOUND))
+        return d
+    testForbidden.timeout = 1
+class WebServer:
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start web server, serving test data
+        @ret port number that server listens on
+        """
+        root = web.static.File("../test_data")
+        #self.application = service.Application('web')
+        site = web.server.Site(root)
+        #self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.application, interface="")
+        self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface="")
+        return self.port.getHost().port
+    def stop(self):
+        self.port.stopListening()
+class BackendTestBase:
+    """
+    Class to perform a series of requests against a test backend.
+    Derived classes should arrange for a local server to serve
+    files from the test_daya directory.
+    """
+    # Name of test backend
+    backendName = 'test_data'
+    def setUp(self, backend_uri):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        @param backend_uri: backend server uri e.g.
+        """
+        config = ("dynamic_backends=off\n" +
+                  "[test_data]\n" +
+                  "backends=" + str(backend_uri))
+        TestRequestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+        self.testfilesdir = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()+"/../test_data")
+    def tearDown(self):
+        log.debug("tearDown", self.debugname)
+        TestRequestHelper.tearDown(self)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        return self.doRequest(uriData('/test_data/NotHere.gz', http.NOT_FOUND))
+    testNotFound.timeout = 2
+    def downloadFile(self, file='/packages/Packages.gz'):
+        """
+        Download a file to cache
+        self.backend is set to backend name
+        self.file is set to last filename
+        self.filepath is set to last physical filename
+        """
+        return self.downloadFiles(file)
+    def getFilePaths(self, file):
+        """
+        Given a filename, generate real filename and request path
+        """
+        filename = '/' + self.backendName + file
+        sourcepath = self.testfilesdir+file
+        destpath = self.cache_dir + filename
+        # File should not be in cache
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, destpath)
+        return filename, sourcepath, destpath
+    def downloadFiles(self, *files):
+        """
+        Download a number of files to cache
+        """
+        data = []
+        self.filepaths = []
+        for f in files:
+            self.filename, sourcepath, destpath = self.getFilePaths(f)
+            self.filepaths.append(destpath)
+            data.append(uriData(self.filename, http.OK, filePath=sourcepath))
+        d = self.doRequest(*data)
+        def checkPath(x):
+            # Check that files were really placed in cache
+            for f in self.filepaths:
+                os.stat(f)
+        d.addCallback(checkPath)
+        return d
+    def testPackagesFile(self):
+        return self.downloadFile().addCallback(self.PackagesFile2)
+    def PackagesFile2(self, x):
+        # Check access time datbase was updated
+        self.assertApproximates(self.factory.access_times[self.filename], time.time(), 6)
+    testPackagesFile.timeout = 2
+    def testNotModifiedGreater(self):
+        "Check http not modified is sent for new file"
+        d = self.downloadFile()
+        self.testResult = defer.Deferred()
+        d.addCallback(self.NotModifiedGreater2)
+        d.addErrback(lambda x: self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure()))
+        return self.testResult
+    def NotModifiedGreater2(self, x):
+        log.debug("testNotModifiedGreater: starting second client", self.debugname)
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData(self.filename, http.NOT_MODIFIED, time.time()))
+        d.chainDeferred(self.testResult)
+    testNotModifiedGreater.timeout = 3
+    def testNotModifiedExact(self):
+        d= self.downloadFile()
+        self.testResult = defer.Deferred()
+        d.addCallback(self.NotModifiedGreater2)
+        d.addErrback(lambda x: self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure()))
+        return self.testResult
+    def NotModifiedExact2(self, x):
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData(self.filename, http.NOT_MODIFIED, os.path.getmtime(self.filepath)))
+        d.chainDeferred(self.testResult)
+    testNotModifiedExact.timeout = 2
+    def testCloseFetcherImmediately(self):
+        DownloadQueue.closeTimeout = 0 # Close fetcher immediately
+        return self.downloadFile().addCallback(self.CloseFetcherImmediately2)
+    def CloseFetcherImmediately2(self, x):
+        queues = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName).queue.queues.values()
+        self.assertEquals(len(queues), 0)
+    testCloseFetcherImmediately.timeout = 2
+    def testLeaveFetcherOpen(self):
+        DownloadQueue.closeTimeout = 2 # 2 second delay to close
+        return self.downloadFile().addCallback(self.LeaveFetcherOpen2)
+    def LeaveFetcherOpen2(self, x):
+        queues = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName).queue.queues.values()
+        self.assertNotEquals(len(queues), 0)
+    testLeaveFetcherOpen.timeout = 4
+    def testAutoCloseFetcher(self):
+        DownloadQueue.closeTimeout = 0.1
+        d = self.downloadFile()
+        self.autoclosedeferred = defer.Deferred()
+        d.addCallback(self.AutoCloseFetcher2)
+        d.addErrback(lambda x: self.autoclosedeferred.errback(failure.Failure()))
+        return self.autoclosedeferred
+    def AutoCloseFetcher2(self, x):
+        # File is downloaded, now check fetcher state
+        self.f = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName).queue.queues.values()[0].fetcher
+        reactor.callLater(0.2, self.AutoCloseFetcher3)
+    def AutoCloseFetcher3(self):
+        queues = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName).queue.queues.values()
+        self.assertEquals(len(queues), 0)
+        self.autoclosedeferred.callback(None)
+    testAutoCloseFetcher.timeout = 2
+    def testCached(self):
+        self.testResult = defer.Deferred()
+        d = self.downloadFile()
+        d.addCallback(self.Cached2)
+        d.addErrback(self.CachedError)
+        return self.testResult
+    def Cached2(self, x):
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData(self.filename, http.OK, filePath=self.filepaths[0]))
+        d.addCallback(self.Cached3)
+        d.addErrback(self.CachedError)
+    def Cached3(self, x):
+        log.debug("Downloading second copy", self.debugname)
+        self.factory.config.min_refresh_delay = 0
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData(self.filename, http.OK, filePath=self.filepaths[0]))
+        d.addCallback(self.CachedPass)
+        d.addErrback(self.CachedError)
+    def CachedPass(self, x):
+        self.testResult.callback(None)
+    def CachedError(self, x):
+        log.debug("testCached ERROR", self.debugname)
+        self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure())
+    testCached.timeout = 2
+    def testBwLimit(self):
+        "Bandwidth limiting"
+        b = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName)
+        b.config.bandwidth_limit = 10000000
+        # We're not testing here that limiting is applied, just that the code runs
+        return self.downloadFile(file='/packages/apt_0.0.1_test.deb')
+    testBwLimit.timeout = 2
+    def testAbort(self):
+        "Abort with complete_clientless_downloads=off"
+        import twisted
+        twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.debug = True
+        b = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName)
+        b.config.bandwidth_limit = 10
+        # We're not testing here that limiting is applied, just that the code runs
+        filename, sourcepath, destpath = self.getFilePaths('/packages/apt_0.0.1_test.deb')
+        d = self.doRequest(uriData(filename, http.OK, filePath=sourcepath, abortTransfer=True))
+        d.addCallback(self.Abort2)
+        return d
+    testBwLimit.timeout = 2
+    def Abort2(self, x):
+        "Connection was aborted, check that fetchers were closed"
+    # This test does not work with current twisted http client :(
+    #def testPipeline(self):
+        #"Test pipelined GETs"
+        #return self.downloadFiles('/packages/Packages.gz', '/packages/Packages', '/packages/Packages.bz2')
+    #testPipeline.timeout = 2
+    def testEmpty(self):
+        "Test download of empty file"
+        return self.downloadFiles('/packages/empty.txt')
+    testEmpty.timeout = 2
+    #def testTimeout(self):
+        #pass
+    #testTimeout.todo = True
+    #def setFileTime(self):
+        #"cache file modification time is set to same time as server time"
+        #pass
+    #setFileTime.todo = True
+    #def doubleDownload(self):
+        #"download, delete from cache, re-request file"
+        #pass
+    #doubleDownload.todo = True
+    # More TODO tests:
+    # - file mtime is same as server mtime
+    # - correct file path is entered in databases after download
+class HttpBackendTest(TestRequestHelper, BackendTestBase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        self.debugname = 'HttpBackendTest'
+        self.httpserver = WebServer()
+        port = self.httpserver.start()
+        uri = "" + str(port)
+        BackendTestBase.setUp(self, uri)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.httpserver.stop()
+        BackendTestBase.tearDown(self)
+class FtpBackendTest(TestRequestHelper, BackendTestBase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        import test_fetchers
+        import twisted
+        self.debugname = 'FtpBackendTest'
+        self.ftpserver = test_fetchers.FtpServer()
+        port = self.ftpserver.start()
+        uri = "" + str(port)
+        BackendTestBase.setUp(self, uri)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.ftpserver.stop()
+        BackendTestBase.tearDown(self)
+        # The ftp classes use callLater(0, ...) several times, so allow
+        # those calls to complete
+        reactor.iterate()
+        reactor.iterate()
+class RsyncBackendTest(TestRequestHelper, BackendTestBase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        self.debugname = 'RsyncBackendTest'
+        self.rsyncserver = RsyncServer()
+        port = self.rsyncserver.start()
+        uri = "rsync://" + str(port) + '/apt-proxy'
+        BackendTestBase.setUp(self, uri)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.rsyncserver.stop()
+        BackendTestBase.tearDown(self)
+    def testTempFile(self):
+        "rysnc Tempfile is detected"
+        b = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName)
+        b.config.bandwidth_limit = 100000
+        self.downloadFile(file='/packages/apt_0.0.1_test.deb')
+        reactor.callLater(0.5, self.TempFile2)
+        self.testResult = defer.Deferred()
+        return self.testResult
+    def TempFile2(self):
+        fetcher = self.factory.getBackend(self.backendName).queue.queues.values()[0].fetcher.fetcher
+        fetcher.findRsyncTempFile()
+        file = fetcher.rsyncTempFile
+        log.debug("rsync TempFile is %s" % (file), self.debugname)
+        fetcher.disconnect()
+        self.connection.disconnect()
+        if file is not None:
+            self.testResult.callback("Tempfile is %s" %(file))
+        else:
+            self.testResult.errback(failure.Failure())
+    testTempFile.timeout=2
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -1,3 +1,68 @@
+apt-proxy (1.9.33+svn) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Acknowledge NMU by Luk Claes, thanks! (Closes: #359798)
+  * Change maintainer to myself and add Otavio to Uploaders, at
+    Otavio's request. Thanks Otavio for all your work.
+  * Fix breakage caused by new twisted (Closes: #375677)
+  * http_proxy can now be set in each [backend] section
+  * Add support for username and password in http_proxy parameter.
+    Thanks to Thomas Champagne for the patch
+    (Closes: #323147, #327239)
+  * Move fetchers and cache management into separate files
+  * Add bandwidth_limit configuration parameter to limit download
+    rates (Closes: #306095, #259011)
+  * Add support for rsync port specification
+  * Always check cache directory and logfile permissions when package
+    is installed, thanks Ben Hutchings for the patch (Closes: #312969)
+  * Add more unit tests
+  * Remove obsolete debian/TODO from source package
+  * Update doc/TODO, removing fixed items
+  * Recognise apt package diff files (*.diff/Index). Thanks
+    Florian Weimer for the patch (Closes: #336433)
+  * Add debhelper to Build-Depends, needed for dh_clean in clean target
+  * Remove http scheme, host and port from requested URL (Closes: #374405)
+  * Add download queueing mechanism. Clients can now use HTTP pipelining to
+    request files, and each file will be queued at the corresponding backend.
+    Each separate apt client connection generates a connection to the
+    backend. (Closes: #261802)
+  * HTTP pipelining now works and is enabled by default
+    (Closes: #272206, #141312)
+  * Fix shutdown code (Closes: #359805)
+  * Remove reference to v1 in description (Closes: #337966)
+  * Give a meaningful error message if an empty time is given in the
+    configuration file (Closes: #304611)
+  * Reorganise download process to be more logical, fixing several problems
+    (Closes: #329764)
+  * Remove references to -i parameter in apt-proxy.conf manpage.
+    (Closes: #328983)
+  * In example apt-proxy.conf, remove references to non-US archive
+    (Closes: #329935)
+  * Support updated Python policy, thanks Matthias Klose. (Closes: #377322)
+ -- Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>  Thu,  3 Aug 2006 18:12:27 +0100
+apt-proxy (1.9.33-0.1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Update for bsddb module (Closes: #352917).
+  * Add comma in depends (Closes: #353386, #350551, #354668, #355228).
+  * Updated Vietnamese debconf translation (Closes: #313121).
+  * Complete manpage translation with po4a (Closes: #334380).
+  * Fix typos in apt-proxy.conf.5 (Closes: #355225).
+  * Remove extra 'by default' from apt-proxy.8 (Closes: #355229).
+  * Add German debconf translation (Closes: #352484).
+  * Updated French debconf translation (Closes: #328689).
+  * Add Portuguese debconf translation (Closes: #330202).
+  * Add Swedish debconf translation (Closes: #331515).
+  * Add Catalan debconf translation (Closes: #336384).
+  * Updated Danish debconf translation (Closes: #340132).
+  * Updated Dutch debconf translation (Closes: #356210).
+  * Add Spanish debconf translation (Closes: #333874).
+  * Updated Czech debconf translation (Closes: #335361).
+  * Updated French manpage translation (Closes: #332304).
+ -- Luk Claes <luk at debian.org>  Wed, 29 Mar 2006 00:05:51 +0200
 apt-proxy (1.9.33) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Chris Halls ]

Modified: trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/debian/control	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/control	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 Source: apt-proxy
 Section: admin
 Priority: extra
-Maintainer: Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org>
-Uploaders: Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+Maintainer: Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.6.2
-Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.13), po-debconf, help2man, python-twisted (>= 1.0.0), python, python-apt, po4a (>= 0.18.1)
+XS-Python-Version: current
+Build-Depends: debhelper
+Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.13), po-debconf, help2man, python-twisted (>= 2.4), python (>= 2.3.5-1), python-apt, po4a (>= 0.18.1), python-central (>= 0.5)
 Package: apt-proxy
 Architecture: all
-Depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0, ${python:Depends}, python-twisted (>= 1.3.0-7) | python2.3 (<< 2.3.5-1), python-twisted (>= 1.0.0), python-twisted-web | python-twisted (<< 2.1.0) python-apt (>= 0.5.8), python-bsddb3, bzip2, logrotate, adduser
+Depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0, ${python:Depends}, python-twisted-web (>= 0.6) | python-twisted (<< 2.1.0), python-apt (>= 0.5.8), bzip2, logrotate, adduser
 Conflicts: apt-proxy-v2 (<= 1.9.5)
 Replaces: apt-proxy-v2 (<= 1.9.5)
 Suggests: rsync
-Description: Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder development
- This is version 2 of apt-proxy which will, when ready, replace apt-proxy v1.
- .
+XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
+Description: Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder
  apt-proxy automatically builds a Debian HTTP mirror based
  on requests which pass through the proxy.  It's great for
  multiple Debian machines on the same network with a slower

Modified: trunk/debian/po/cs.po
--- trunk/debian/po/cs.po	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/po/cs.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 12:19-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-13 15:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-23 11:25+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jan Outrata <outrataj at upcase.inf.upol.cz>\n"
-"Language-Team: Czech <provoz at debian.cz>\n"
+"Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at debian.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "I will build /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf based on your old settings if "
 "you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be "

Modified: trunk/debian/po/da.po
--- trunk/debian/po/da.po	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/po/da.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy 1.9.18\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 12:19-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-10-15 18:08+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-21 07:09+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Morten Brix Pedersen <morten at wtf.dk>\n"
 "Language-Team: Danish <dansk at klid.dk>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "I will build /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf based on your old settings if "
 "you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be "
 "written to /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
 msgstr ""
 "Jeg vil bygge /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf baseret på dine gamle "
-"indstillinger hvis du allerede har en sådan fil. I hvert tilfælde, vil en "
-"sikkerhedskopi blive skrevet til /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
+"indstillinger hvis du ikke allerede har en sådan fil. I hvert tilfælde, "
+"vil en sikkerhedskopi blive skrevet til "
 #. Type: note
 #. Description

Modified: trunk/debian/po/fr.po
--- trunk/debian/po/fr.po	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/po/fr.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy_1.9.15\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy_1.9.32\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 12:19-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-23 15:00+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-09-16 20:40+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Olivier Trichet <olivier.trichet at freesurf.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "I will build /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf based on your old settings if "
 "you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be "
@@ -65,8 +64,7 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-msgid ""
-"There are also other issues documented in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
+msgid "There are also other issues documented in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
 msgstr ""
 "D'autres problèmes liés à cette mise à niveau sont documentés dans /usr/"
@@ -97,3 +95,4 @@
 "Il est recommandé de lire ces avertissements ainsi que le fichier /usr/share/"
 "doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING et d'adapter la configuration qui se trouve dans le "
 "fichier /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf."

Modified: trunk/debian/po/nl.po
--- trunk/debian/po/nl.po	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/po/nl.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 12:19-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-11-09 01:09+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-10 14:00+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bart Cornelis <cobaco at linux.be>\n"
 "Language-Team: debian-l10n-duth <debian-l10n-dutch at lists.debian.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -38,35 +38,20 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-msgid ""
-"apt-proxy has been rewritten in python and the new configuration file format "
-"is incompatible with previous version. Hopefully you will like the new "
-"format better :)"
-msgstr ""
-"apt-proxy is herschreven in python en het nieuwe bestandsformaat van het "
-"configuratiebestand is incompatibel met de de vorige versie. Hopelijk vindt "
-"u het nieuwe formaat beter :-)"
+msgid "apt-proxy has been rewritten in python and the new configuration file format is incompatible with previous version. Hopefully you will like the new format better :)"
+msgstr "apt-proxy is herschreven in python en het nieuwe bestandsformaat van het configuratiebestand is incompatibel met de de vorige versie. Hopelijk vindt u het nieuwe formaat beter :-)"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"I will build /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf based on your old settings if "
-"you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be "
-"written to /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
-msgstr ""
-"Als u dit bestand nog niet heeft, wordt /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf "
-"opgebouwd aan de hand van uw oude instellingen. Zowieso wordt er een "
-"reservekopie opgeslagen onder de naam /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
+msgid "I will build /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf based on your old settings if you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be written to /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
+msgstr "Wanneer /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf nog niet bestaat wordt deze opgebouwd aan de hand van uw oude instellingen. Er wordt altijd een reservekopie opgeslagen onder de naam /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
-msgid ""
-"There are also other issues documented in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
-msgstr ""
-"Er zijn verdere issues gedocumenteerd in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
+msgid "There are also other issues documented in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
+msgstr "Er zijn verdere issues gedocumenteerd in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -77,20 +62,12 @@
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:19
-msgid ""
-"The upgrading script dumped some warnings and they have been mailed to "
-"root at localhost."
-msgstr ""
-"Het opwaarderingsscript gaf enkele waarschuwingen; deze zijn naar "
-"root at localhost gemaild."
+msgid "The upgrading script dumped some warnings and they have been mailed to root at localhost."
+msgstr "Het opwaarderingsscript gaf enkele waarschuwingen; deze zijn naar root at localhost gemaild."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:19
-msgid ""
-"You should read those warnings and /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING and "
-"revise your configuration (/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf)"
-msgstr ""
-"U kunt deze waarschuwingen en /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING best "
-"nalezen en vervolgens uw configuratie herzien (/etc/apt-prox/apt-proxy-v2."
+msgid "You should read those warnings and /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING and revise your configuration (/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf)"
+msgstr "U kunt deze waarschuwingen en /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING best nalezen en vervolgens uw configuratie herzien (/etc/apt-prox/apt-proxy-v2.conf)"

Modified: trunk/debian/po/vi.po
--- trunk/debian/po/vi.po	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/po/vi.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy 1.9.28\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy 1.9.30\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 12:19-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-05-12 23:46+0930\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-12 12:04+0930\n"
 "Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>\n"
 "Language-Team: Vietnamese <gnomevi-list at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #. Description
 #: ../templates:3
 msgid "Upgrading from pre-v1.9 packages."
-msgstr "Cập nhât từ các gói tin trước phiên bản 1.9..."
+msgstr "Cập nhât từ các gói tin trước phiên bản 1.9."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
 "you didn't already have such file. In any case, a backup file will be "
 "written to /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
 msgstr ""
-"Sẽ xây dụng /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf đựa vào các thiết lập cũ của "
+"Sẽ xây dụng «/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf» đựa vào các thiết lập cũ của "
 "bạn nếu bạn chưa có tập tin như vậy. Trong bất cứ trường hợp nào, sẽ ghi một "
-"tập tin lưu trữ vào /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup"
+"tập tin lưu trữ vào «/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup»."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 msgid ""
 "There are also other issues documented in /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING"
 msgstr ""
-"Cũng có một số vấn đề khác được diễn tả trong tài liệu /usr/share/doc/apt-"
-"proxy/UPGRADING (cập nhật)"
+"Cũng có một số vấn đề khác được diễn tả trong tài liệu «/usr/share/doc/apt-"
+"proxy/UPGRADING» (cập nhật)"
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 "The upgrading script dumped some warnings and they have been mailed to "
 "root at localhost."
 msgstr ""
-"Tập lệnh cập nhật đã đổ một số cảnh báo mà được gởi cho root at localhost."
+"Tập lệnh cập nhật đã đổ một số cảnh báo mà được gởi cho «root at localhost»."
 #. Type: note
 #. Description
@@ -82,5 +82,6 @@
 "You should read those warnings and /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING and "
 "revise your configuration (/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf)"
 msgstr ""
-"Bạn hãy đọc những cảnh báo ấy và tài liệu /usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/UPGRADING "
-"và cũng sửa đổi cấu hình của bạn (/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf)."
+"Bạn hãy đọc những cảnh báo ấy và tài liệu «/usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/"
+"UPGRADING» và cũng sửa đổi cấu hình của bạn («/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2."

Modified: trunk/debian/postinst
--- trunk/debian/postinst	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/postinst	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -11,63 +11,63 @@
 set -e
 case "$1" in
-	# Check if the user exist and do what is needed
-	if ! id $APTPROXY_USER > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-	    # Create user
-	    echo creating $APTPROXY_USER user...
-	    adduser --quiet --system --ingroup nogroup \
-		--home $CACHEDIR --no-create-home $APTPROXY_USER
-	    # Make apt-proxy user own cache directory
-	    # Create a blank logfile owned by apt-proxy user
-	    chmod 640 $APTPROXY_LOGFILE
-	fi
-	PREV="$2"
-	db_fget $NAME/upgrading-v2 had_v2_conf || true
-	had_v2_conf=$RET
-	if dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV"  lt-nl 1.9; then
-	    if [ -x /usr/sbin/update-inetd ]; then
-	      echo "Disabling inetd's apt-proxy v1 line."
-	      update-inetd --comment-chars "#<apt-proxy-v2># " --disable 9999
-	      invoke-rc.d inetd restart
-	    fi
-	    db_fset $NAME/upgrading-v2 seen false || true
-	    db_input medium $NAME/upgrading-v2 || true
-	    db_go
-	fi
-	if
-	    dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV"  lt-nl 1.9 && ( ! $had_v2_conf ) \
-	    && [ -r /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf ]
-	then
-	    echo Customising configuration file based on old settings.
-	    cp -a --backup=numbered /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf \
-			/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup
-	    OUTPUT=$(/usr/sbin/apt-proxy-v1tov2 /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf \
-					/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup\
-					2>&1 \
-					> /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf )
-	    echo "$OUTPUT" > /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
-	    chown aptproxy:adm /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
-	    chmod 640 /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
-	    echo "The log of conversion was save in /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log."
-	    if [ -n "$OUTPUT" ]; then
-		db_fset $NAME/upgrading-v2-result seen false
-		db_input high $NAME/upgrading-v2-result || true
-		db_go
-	    fi
-	fi
-	# Older versions got database permissions wrong #288829
-	if dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV" lt-nl 1.9.27; then
-	    if [ -d /var/cache/apt-proxy/.apt-proxy ]; then
-		echo "Fixing database owner."
-		chown -R aptproxy.nogroup /var/cache/apt-proxy/.apt-proxy
-	    fi
-	fi
+        # Check if the user exist and do what is needed
+        if ! id $APTPROXY_USER > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+            # Create user
+            echo creating $APTPROXY_USER user...
+            adduser --quiet --system --ingroup nogroup \
+                --home $CACHEDIR --no-create-home $APTPROXY_USER
+        fi
+        # Make apt-proxy user own cache directory
+        chown -R $APTPROXY_USER $CACHEDIR
+        # Create a blank logfile owned by apt-proxy user
+        touch $APTPROXY_LOGFILE
+        chmod 640 $APTPROXY_LOGFILE
+        PREV="$2"
+        db_fget $NAME/upgrading-v2 had_v2_conf || true
+        had_v2_conf=$RET
+        if dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV"  lt-nl 1.9; then
+            if [ -x /usr/sbin/update-inetd ]; then
+              echo "Disabling inetd's apt-proxy v1 line."
+              update-inetd --comment-chars "#<apt-proxy-v2># " --disable 9999
+              invoke-rc.d inetd restart
+            fi
+            db_fset $NAME/upgrading-v2 seen false || true
+            db_input medium $NAME/upgrading-v2 || true
+            db_go
+        fi
+        if
+            dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV"  lt-nl 1.9 && ( ! $had_v2_conf ) \
+            && [ -r /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf ]
+        then
+            echo Customising configuration file based on old settings.
+            cp -a --backup=numbered /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf \
+                        /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup
+            OUTPUT=$(/usr/sbin/apt-proxy-v1tov2 /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf \
+                                        /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf.backup\
+                                        2>&1 \
+                                        > /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf )
+            echo "$OUTPUT" > /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
+            chown aptproxy:adm /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
+            chmod 640 /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log
+            echo "The log of conversion was save in /var/log/apt-proxy-v1tov2.log."
+            if [ -n "$OUTPUT" ]; then
+                db_fset $NAME/upgrading-v2-result seen false
+                db_input high $NAME/upgrading-v2-result || true
+                db_go
+            fi
+        fi
+        # Older versions got database permissions wrong #288829
+        if dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV" lt-nl 1.9.27; then
+            if [ -d /var/cache/apt-proxy/.apt-proxy ]; then
+                echo "Fixing database owner."
+                chown -R aptproxy.nogroup /var/cache/apt-proxy/.apt-proxy
+            fi
+        fi

Modified: trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/debian/rules	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/rules	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-	po4a doc/po4a.cfg
 	$(MAKE) -C doc apt-proxy-import.8
+	po4a doc/po4a.cfg
 	touch build-stamp
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+	dh_pycentral

Modified: trunk/doc/TODO
--- trunk/doc/TODO	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/TODO	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 File permision's on the cache are too strict, there is nothing wrong in all
 users reading the debs and Packages files.
-it looks like it is leaking FileVerifiers
 Verification times out with big files and considers them corrupted even if
 they are OK.
 	- We could have three levels of checking.
@@ -13,10 +11,6 @@
 	 - when we find that stat doesn't match, we schedule a check and serve
 	   anyway. We don't check before serving.
-To get streaming from rsync without the LD_PRELOAD hack:
-	- Since we know the pid, we can read from /proc/$pid/fd/3 and get the
-	  streaming from there ala 'tail -f'
 ---------------- "Not so urgent" mark ---------------------------
 Handle database corruption in a more conservative way.
@@ -24,17 +18,11 @@
 Support /etc/init.d/apt-proxy reload as kill -HUP
   - auto reload apt-proxy.conf support too?
-Report an error at /etc/init.d/apt-proxy start if something is already
-listening on the port (current behaviour is no error and message in logfile only)
 Add a configuration parameter which says 'never delete the final version of
 a package, even if older than max_age'
 	Maybe it should be "never delete files which still appear in current
 	Packages.gz listings"
-When a file transfer is finished, move the temporary file instead of coping
 Mirror house-keeping:
 MAX_VERSIONS: keep track of versions per distro (potato/woody/sid)
 		python-apt should help on that
@@ -56,14 +44,8 @@
 	Maybe we should write an AptProxyClientFile so it can be added to
 	factory.runningClients to prevent that.
-Cleanup orphan entries in packages.db also
 Implement HEAD method
-Parse options:
-	--conf
-	...
 per backend 'min_age'
 	we won't bother to update a Packages file before it is "min_age" old
@@ -87,8 +69,6 @@
 sources.list wouldn't need to be modified and apt could be forced to ignore
 http_proxy environment variable.
-Add support to make apt-proxy request to a another proxy like squid.
 consider doing file integrity checks after downloading instead of before
 serving to improve performance.
@@ -100,9 +80,6 @@
 	- to access mirrors which may have it.
 	- sincronizing two caches
-Consider using apt-build to get "auto recompiled for your processor" packages.
- - warning apt-build changes your system compiler.. ugh.  Chris
 Deal with permissions problems in the cache gracefully, not like this:
 22/08/2002 17:23 [AptProxy,1,] [debug:9]CHECKING_CACHED
@@ -126,22 +103,5 @@
 Accept numeric ports in backend configuration
----------------- Clean up of naming conventions -------------
-To help Chris get his head around the code :)
-Some suggestions that were hashed out:
-- Reduce imports at top of file -
-16:54 < ranty> but I don't understand how you plan to fix the namespace problem.
-16:56 < haggai> oh, not really.  My only suggestion is to avoid excessibe use of 'import', or maybe to split into smaller source files
-move 'import' to the place where it is needed if posible.
----------------- OLD LIST from v1 ---------------------------
-TODO list for apt-proxy
-- Return a better error message if the backend servers do not exist, rather
-  than 'directory does not exist'
 - Add debconf questions for default user and cache directory

Modified: trunk/doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc
--- trunk/doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 2. Import files from apt's cache:
-    apt\-proxy\-import \-i /var/cache/apt/archives
+    apt\-proxy\-import /var/cache/apt/archives
 You can import the apt\-move generated cache into apt\-proxy using the following command:
-    apt\-proxy\-import \-r \-i /var/cache/apt\-move
+    apt\-proxy\-import \-r /var/cache/apt\-move
 This tells apt\-proxy\-import to recuse over each directory in the apt\-move cache.

Modified: trunk/doc/apt-proxy.8
--- trunk/doc/apt-proxy.8	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/apt-proxy.8	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 \fBapt\-proxy\fP is a python program designed to be run as an stand alone
 server via twistd, and provides a clean, caching, intelligent proxy for
 \fBapt\-get\fP, which speaks HTTP to apt\-get clients, and http, ftp or rsync to
-the backend server(s)\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999 by default\&.
+the backend server(s)\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999\&.
 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR

Modified: trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf
--- trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
 ;; Use HTTP proxy?
 ;http_proxy = host:port
+;; Limit download rate from backend servers (http and rsync only), in bytes/sec
+;bandwidth_limit = 100000
 ;; Enable HTTP pipelining within apt-proxy (for test purposes)
@@ -85,15 +88,6 @@
-;; Debian debian-non-US archive
-;timeout will be the global value
-backends =
-	http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian-non-US
-	http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-US
-	ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian
 ;; Debian security archive
 backends = 

Modified: trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf.5
--- trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf.5	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/apt-proxy.conf.5	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 make upgrading from v1 easier.
 The configuration file is divided up into several sections, where each \fI[resource]\fP
-section defines a seperate resource. The \fBDEFAULT\fP section applies to all resources.
+section defines a separate resource. The \fBDEFAULT\fP section applies to all resources.
 The supplied \fIapt\-proxy\&.conf\fP will work out of the box, but it is best to
 change the backends you use to a mirror closer to you.  There are some in the
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 .B dynamic_backends
-By default apt\-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamicaly if not already
+By default apt\-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamically if not already
 defined. Specify \fBoff\fP to restrict the available backends to those
 listed in the configuration file.  Default: on
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@
 disabled by default until this is fixed.  Set to \fB0\fP to enable experimental
 http pipelining.  Default: 1
+.B bandwidth_limit = \fIamount\fR
+When downloading from a backend server, limit the download speed to 
+\fIamount\fR bytes per second. Note this applies to \fBhttp\fP and \fBrsync\fP
+backends only. Default: no limit
 All other sections in the configuration file will be interpreted as resource
@@ -112,6 +118,11 @@
 .B passive_ftp
 Override the global setting of passive_ftp
+.B bandwidth_limit
+Set a bandwidth limit for downloads for this resource, overriding the global
 To access a resource that's listed under a specific section name, simply append

Modified: trunk/doc/po/apt-proxy.pot
--- trunk/doc/po/apt-proxy.pot	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/po/apt-proxy.pot	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-19 14:21-0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-29  0:11+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:5 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:4
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:5 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:4 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "SYNOPSIS"
 msgstr ""
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:10 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:8 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:6
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:10 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:8 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:8 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:6
 #, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@
 "B<apt-proxy> is a python program designed to be run as an stand alone server "
 "via twistd, and provides a clean, caching, intelligent proxy for B<apt-get>, "
 "which speaks HTTP to apt-get clients, and http, ftp or rsync to the backend "
-"server(s)\\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999 by default\\&."
+"server(s)\\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999\\&."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:16 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:29
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:19
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:19 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:32
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<-c>, B<--config-file=>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:56 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:18 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:148
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:56 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:18 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:66 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:186
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "FILES"
 msgstr ""
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:61 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:24 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:152
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:61 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:24 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:77 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:190
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "SEE ALSO"
 msgstr ""
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:161
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:68 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:199
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "BUGS"
 msgstr ""
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:73 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:73 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "AUTHORS"
 msgstr ""
@@ -221,20 +221,22 @@
 msgid "November 2002"
 msgstr ""
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
 # type: TH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
 msgstr ""
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
 # type: TH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " "
+msgid "  "
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:2 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:3
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:2 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:3 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:3
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr ""
@@ -275,12 +277,12 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:20 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:150
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:20 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:188
 msgid "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:152
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:190
 msgid "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
 msgstr ""
@@ -290,106 +292,223 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:29 doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:42
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:29 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:82
 msgid "B<apt-proxy>(8), B<apt-proxy.conf>(5)"
 msgstr ""
-#.  Man page was originaly copied from apt-proxy man page.
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+# type: TH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+# type: TH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "March 2006"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:5
+msgid "apt-proxy-import - Import packages into the apt-proxy cache."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:8
+msgid "B<apt-proxy-import> [I<options>] I<E<lt>filenameE<gt> >..."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:11
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: apt-proxy has not been tested under this version of twisted "
+"(2.2.0).  WARNING: although it should work without problem."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:13
+msgid "apt-proxy-import B<-r> [options] E<lt>directoryE<gt> ..."
+msgstr ""
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:13
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-V>, B<--version>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:17
+msgid "print version and quit"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:20
+msgid "give verbose output"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:20
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--debug>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:23
+msgid "debug output"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-q>, B<--quiet>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:26
+msgid "try not to write messages to stdout"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:26
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--recursive>"
+msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:4
-msgid "[NAME] apt-proxy-import - Import packages into the apt-proxy cache."
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:29
+msgid "recurse into subdirectories"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:9
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:32
+msgid "Display this help and exit."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:35
+msgid "Configuration file"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:37
+msgid "apt-proxy-import imports .deb files into the apt-proxy cache."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:41
 msgid ""
-"/apt-proxy-import imports / It uses the package lists to determine where "
-"each file should be placed, so you should run B<'apt-get update'> to allow "
-"apt-proxy to update the package lists before running apt-proxy-import."
+"It uses the package lists to determine where each file should be placed, so "
+"you should run B<'apt-get update'> to allow apt-proxy to update the package "
+"lists before running apt-proxy-import."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:44
+msgid "WARNING: although it should work without problem.  apt-proxy-import 1.9.x"
+msgstr ""
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:44
+#, no-wrap
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:14
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:48
 msgid ""
-"[USING TO BOOTSTRAP A NEW APT-PROXY CACHE] If you have been using apt "
-"standalone, you probably have built up a large collection of .debs or .udebs "
-"in apt's cache directory.  You can import these files into apt-proxy as "
+"If you have been using apt standalone, you probably have built up a large "
+"collection of .debs or .udebs in apt's cache directory.  You can import "
+"these files into apt-proxy as follows:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:50
 msgid "1. Update apt-proxy's filelists:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:18
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:52
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-get update\n"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:21
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:55
 msgid "2. Import files from apt's cache:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:23
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:57
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-proxy-import -i /var/cache/apt/archives\n"
 msgstr ""
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:58
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:27
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:60
 msgid ""
-"[IMPORTING APT-MOVE CACHE] You can import the apt-move generated cache into "
-"apt-proxy using the following command:"
+"You can import the apt-move generated cache into apt-proxy using the "
+"following command:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:30
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:63
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-proxy-import -r -i /var/cache/apt-move\n"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:33
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:66
 msgid ""
 "This tells apt-proxy-import to recuse over each directory in the apt-move "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:36
-msgid "[FILES] \\ /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:68
+msgid "\\ /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:38
-msgid "[SEE ALSO]"
-msgstr ""
-# type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:48
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:71
 msgid ""
-"[BUGS] apt-proxy-import does not use I<max_age> or I<max_versions> to clean "
-"the cache directory on import."
+"apt-proxy-import does not use I<max_age> or I<max_versions> to clean the "
+"cache directory on import."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:50
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:73
 msgid "It does not yet import source.tar.gz or Packages files."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:52
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:75
 msgid "You must run it as the apt-proxy user or as root."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:54
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:77
 msgid ""
-"[AUTHORS] Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
+"Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
 "E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -404,7 +523,7 @@
 # type: TH
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:2
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "21 Nov 2002"
+msgid "5 Jan 2006"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
@@ -416,72 +535,89 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:9
 msgid ""
 "B<apt-proxy\\&.conf> is the configuration file for apt-proxy.  When "
-"apt-proxy starts up, it will read B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf>\\&."
+"apt-proxy starts up, it will read I</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf>\\&."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:12
 msgid ""
-"B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf> will be read instead if it exists to "
+"I</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf> will be read instead if it exists to "
 "make upgrading from v1 easier."
 msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:15
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is divided up into several sections, where each "
+"I<[resource]> section defines a separate resource. The B<DEFAULT> section "
+"applies to all resources."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:19
+msgid ""
+"The supplied I<apt-proxy\\&.conf> will work out of the box, but it is best "
+"to change the backends you use to a mirror closer to you.  There are some in "
+"the default file, and it may be enough just to reorder the lines in the "
+msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:13
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:21
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "[DEFAULT]"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:15
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:23
 msgid "This section holds options global to the whole apt-proxy:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:24
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<address>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:20
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:28
 msgid ""
 "IP address on which apt-proxy will listen for requests. Multiple addresses "
 "have a empty space between it."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:21
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:29
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<port>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:24
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:32
 msgid "TCP port on which apt-proxy will listen for requests."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:25
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:33
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<min_refresh_delay>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:30
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:38
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, means that Packages and other control files will "
 "not be refreshed more frequently than this number of seconds\\&."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:31 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:92
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:39 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:96
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<timeout>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:36
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:44
 msgid ""
 "Maximum I/O timeout in seconds for backend transfers. Default: 30 seconds.  "
 "If no response is received from a backend server in this time, apt-proxy "
@@ -489,24 +625,24 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:37
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:45
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<cache_dir>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:40
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:48
 msgid "Cache directory.  Default: /var/cache/apt-proxy"
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:41
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:49
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<cleanup_freq>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:46
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:54
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the time between housekeeping attempts: "
 "delete files that have not been accessed in max_age, scan cache directories "
@@ -514,26 +650,26 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:47
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:55
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<max_age>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:51
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:59
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the maximum age of files before deletion "
 "from the cache."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:52
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:60
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<max_versions>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:59
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:67
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the maximum number of versions of a "
 "\\&.deb to keep.  This is the number of versions per distribution, for "
@@ -543,13 +679,13 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:60 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:106
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:111
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<passive_ftp>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:65
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:73
 msgid ""
 "Specify B<on> to use passive FTP, which works from behind a firewall, but "
 "may not be supported on all servers.  Specify B<off> to use active FTP "
@@ -557,38 +693,38 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:66
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<http_proxy>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:69
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:77
 msgid "Specify B<hostname:port> to use an upstream proxy."
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:70
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:78
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<dynamic_backends>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:75
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:83
 msgid ""
-"By default apt-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamicaly if not already "
+"By default apt-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamically if not already "
 "defined. Specify B<off> to restrict the available backends to those listed "
 "in the configuration file.  Default: on"
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:76
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:84
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<disable_pipelining>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:82
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:90
 msgid ""
 "apt-proxy can use HTTP pipelining to fetch several files at once (up to 10), "
 "but this can generate multiple connections to each backend server.  "
@@ -597,70 +733,83 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:84
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:92
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "BACKENDS"
-msgstr ""
-# type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:87
-msgid ""
-"All other sections will be interpreted as backend names, and the options "
-"specified within are local to the backend."
+msgid "RESOURCES"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:91
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:95
 msgid ""
-"The supplied apt-proxy\\&.conf will work out of the box, but I suggest you "
-"look for a mirror closer to you\\&.  There are some in the default "
-"apt-proxy\\&.conf and it may be enough just to reorder the lines in the "
+"All other sections in the configuration file will be interpreted as resource "
+"names.  The options in the section apply to this resource only."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:95
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:99
 msgid "Overrides the global timeout"
 msgstr ""
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:96
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:100
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "B<backends = E<lt>protocolE<gt>://E<lt>serverE<gt>/E<lt>directoryE<gt>>"
+msgid ""
+"B<backends = "
+">I<E<lt>protocolE<gt>>B<://>I<E<lt>serverE<gt>>B</>I<E<lt>directoryE<gt>>B< "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:99
-msgid "A list of backend URLs\\&."
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:103
+msgid "A list one or more URLs referring to servers which hold debian packages\\&."
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:101
-msgid "Protocol - internet protocol to use: http, ftp or rsync"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:106
+msgid "I<protocol>: internet protocol to use: http, ftp or rsync"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:103
-msgid "Server - hostname of the backend server to contact"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:108
+msgid "I<server>: hostname of the backend server to contact"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:105
-msgid "Directory - directory name to prepend requests to for this server"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:110
+msgid "I<directory>: directory name to prepend requests to for this server"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:109
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:114
 msgid "Override the global setting of passive_ftp"
 msgstr ""
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:115
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:120
+msgid ""
+"To access a resource that's listed under a specific section name, simply "
+"append the section name (without the brackets) to the end of your deb source "
+"line in /etc/apt/sources.list"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:122
+msgid "B<Debian main>"
+msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:113
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:125
 msgid "This example shows how to give clients access to the main Debian archive:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:117
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:129
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
@@ -669,25 +818,25 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:122
-msgid "Using this configuration, the client would use a B<sources.list> entry like:"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:134
+msgid "Using this configuration, the client would use a I<sources.list> entry like:"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:125
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:137
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "    deb http://server:9999/debian/ woody main\n"
+msgid "    deb http://server:9999/debian woody main\n"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:130
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:142
 msgid ""
 "And so the file request `/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb' "
 "would turn into a backend request of first"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:133
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:145
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "    "
@@ -695,12 +844,12 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:136
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:148
 msgid "and if that failed,"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:139
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:151
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "    "
@@ -708,13 +857,12 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:142
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "and the file would be placed in\n"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:154
+msgid "and apt-proxy will place the downloaded package in"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:144
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:156
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 "    "
@@ -722,31 +870,76 @@
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:147
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:159
+msgid "B<backports.org>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:161
+msgid "The backports.org website tells you to use this I<sources.list> line:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:164
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "    deb http://www.backports.org/debian sarge-backports main\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:168
+msgid ""
+"You can add this to apt-proxy by creating a new section in "
+"I<apt-proxy\\&.conf>\\&.  In the new section, add a backends entry for the "
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:172
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    [backports]\n"
+"    backends = http://www.backports.org/debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:177
+msgid ""
+"On the clients, replace the URL with one pointing to the apt-proxy resource "
+"name, in the form I<http://hostname:port/backend>. If your apt-proxy "
+"hostname is I<proxy> and it is running on port 9999, you would write:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:180
 #, no-wrap
+msgid "   deb http://proxy:9999/backports sarge-backports main\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:185
 msgid ""
 "For many more examples, see the supplied "
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:158
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:196
 msgid "B<apt-proxy(8),> B</usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/README,> B<apt-proxy-import(8)>"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:163
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:201
 msgid "Plenty sure.  Please report."
 msgstr ""
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:164
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:202
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "AUTHOR"
 msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:165
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:203
 msgid ""
 "apt-proxy v2 was written by Manuel Estrada Sainz "
 "E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>\\&."

Modified: trunk/doc/po/fr.po
--- trunk/doc/po/fr.po	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/po/fr.po	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
-# Translation of fr.po to french
+# translation of fr.po to French
 # Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet <surcouf at debianfr.net>, 2004.
 #  <surcouf at gmx.fr>, 2004.
+# Sylvain Archenault <sylvain.archenault at laposte.net>, 2005.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: apt-proxy\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-18 11:55-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-17 01:20+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet <surcouf at debianfr.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-29  0:11+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-18 19:14+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sylvain Archenault <sylvain.archenault at laposte.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"
 # type: TH
 #.  Man page copied from apt.conf man page.
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:2
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "15 Jul 2005"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "15 jul 2005"
 # type: SH
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:3
@@ -39,11 +41,11 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:5
 msgid "apt-proxy - A proxy for saving bandwidth to Debian servers"
 msgstr ""
-"apt\\-proxy \\- Un mandataire pour économiser de la bande passante sur les "
+"apt-proxy - Un mandataire pour économiser de la bande passante sur les "
 "serveurs Debian"
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:5 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:4
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:5 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:4 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:5
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "SYNOPSIS"
 msgstr "SYNOPSIS"
@@ -51,53 +53,53 @@
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:8
 msgid "B<apt-proxy> I<[options] [logfile]>"
-msgstr "B<apt\\-proxy> I<[options] [fichier de log]>"
+msgstr "B<apt-proxy> I<[options] [fichier de journal]>"
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:10 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:8 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:6
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:10 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:8 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:8
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:6
 #, no-wrap
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:15
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "B<apt-proxy> is a python program designed to be run as an stand alone server "
 "via twistd, and provides a clean, caching, intelligent proxy for B<apt-get>, "
 "which speaks HTTP to apt-get clients, and http, ftp or rsync to the backend "
-"server(s)\\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999 by default\\&."
+"server(s)\\&.  apt-proxy listens by default on port 9999\\&."
 msgstr ""
-"B<apt\\-proxy> est un logiciel écrit en python, conçu pour tourner de lui-"
+"B<apt-proxy> est un logiciel écrit en python, conçu pour fonctionner de lui-"
 "même via twistd et qui fournit un serveur mandataire (« proxy ») propre, "
-"cachant et intelligent pour B<apt\\-get>.Il communique via HTTP avec les "
-"clients apt\\-get et HTTP ou FTP aux serveurs\\&. Normalement, il est "
-"configuré sur le port TCP 9999, principalement parce que c'est la "
-"configuration par défaut, et que les gens sont paresseux\\&."
+"cachant et intelligent pour B<apt-get>. Il communique via HTTP avec les "
+"clients apt-get et via HTTP, FTP et rsync avec les serveur(s) finaux. apt-"
+"proxy écoute par défaut sur le port 9999."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:16 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:29
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<-h>, B<--help>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "B<-h>, B<--help>"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:19
 msgid "Display usage information\\&."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Affiche les informations d'utilisation"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:19
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:19 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:32
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<-c>, B<--config-file=>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "B<-c>, B<--config-file=>"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:22
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Configuration file.  This defaults to /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
-msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
+msgstr ""
+"Fichier de configuration. Le fichier par défaut est /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-"
 # type: SH
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:23
@@ -107,14 +109,13 @@
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:27
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Once B<apt-proxy> is configured on a host SERVER, users then edit their "
 "B<sources\\&.list> file to point to the proxy (which uses the http protocol "
 "to serve clients), like so:"
 msgstr ""
-"Une fois qu'B<apt\\-proxy> est configuré, les utilisateurs doivent éditer "
-"leur fichier B<sources\\&.list> pour utiliser le serveur mandataire ou "
+"Une fois qu'B<apt-proxy> est configuré, les utilisateurs doivent éditer leur "
+"fichier B<sources.list> pour utiliser le serveur mandataire ou "
 "« proxy » (qui utilise le protocole HTTP pour servir les clients), comme "
 "suit :"
@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@
 "deb http://SERVER:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free\n"
 "deb-src http://SERVER:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free\n"
 msgstr ""
-"deb http://SERVER:9999/main stable main contrib non\\-free\n"
-"deb\\-src http://SERVER:9999/main stable main contrib non\\-free\n"
+"deb http://SERVEUR:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb-src http://SERVEUR:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free\n"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:33
@@ -136,7 +137,6 @@
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:39
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "What path should be specified after the server name and port number depends "
 "on the configuration of B<apt-proxy> (which can restrict paths and send "
@@ -144,14 +144,12 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Le chemin devant être spécifié après le nom du serveur et le numéro de port "
-"dépendent de la configuration d'B<apt\\-proxy> (ce qui peut restreindre les "
-"chemins et envoyer des chemins différents à différents serveurs)\\&. Dans "
-"cet exemple, non\\-US/ et helixcode/ récupèrent actuellement des fichiers de "
-"différents serveurs\\&."
+"dépend de la configuration d'B<apt-proxy> (ce qui peut restreindre les "
+"chemins et envoyer des chemins différents à différents serveurs). Voir B< "
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:43
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Note that you can also use the nicknames `unstable', `frozen' etc, but "
 "Packages/Sources files may get duplicated, so it is best to use either the "
@@ -159,14 +157,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Notez que vous pouvez aussi utiliser les saveurs « unstable », « frozen », "
 "etc., mais les fichiers Packages/Sources seraient dupliqués, aussi il est "
-"conseillé d'utiliser soit le lien symbolique soit le nom de code mais de s'y "
+"conseillé d'utiliser soit le nom symbolique soit le nom de code et de s'y "
 # type: SH
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:44
 #, no-wrap
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:48
@@ -174,8 +172,8 @@
 "See B<apt-proxy.conf>(5)  for details of how to set up apt-proxy to use "
 "backends near to you."
 msgstr ""
-"Voir B<apt\\-proxy.conf>(5) pour les détails sur comment configurer apt-"
-"proxy afin d'utiliser les dorsaux proches de vous."
+"Voir B<apt-proxy.conf>(5) pour les détails sur comment configurer apt-proxy "
+"afin d'utiliser les serveurs proches de vous."
 # type: SH
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:49
@@ -191,26 +189,27 @@
 "from the back end and only doing a single fetch for any file, how ever many "
 "users request it from the proxy."
 msgstr ""
-"B<apt\\-proxy> réduit les besoins en bande passante des miroirs Debian en "
+"B<apt-proxy> réduit les besoins en bande passante des miroirs Debian en "
 "restreignant la fréquence des mises à jour des fichiers Packages, Releases "
-"et Sources depuis le serveur et en téléchargeant une seule fois pour tout "
+"et Sources depuis le serveur et en téléchargeant une seule fois chaque "
 "fichier, sans tenir compte du nombre d'utilisateurs qui en font la requête "
 "au mandataire (« proxy »)."
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:56 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:18 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:148
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:56 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:18 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:66
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:186
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "FILES"
 msgstr "FICHIERS"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:60
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf or /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
-msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
+msgstr "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf ou /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf"
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:61 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:24 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:152
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:61 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:24 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:77
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:190
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "SEE ALSO"
 msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"
@@ -218,10 +217,10 @@
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:65
 msgid "B<apt-proxy.conf>(5),B<apt-proxy-import>(8)"
-msgstr "B<apt-proxy.conf>(5),B<apt-proxy-import>(8)"
+msgstr "B<apt-proxy.conf>(5), B<apt-proxy-import>(8)"
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:161
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:68 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:199
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "BUGS"
 msgstr "ANOMALIES"
@@ -233,15 +232,15 @@
 "reduction in bytes transferred for binary packages, and much greater for "
 "source and other packages."
 msgstr ""
-"Les paquets ne sont pas compressés en utilisant l'option \\-\\-rsyncable de "
-"gzip, ce qui octroie une réduction de 30 % pour les paquets binaires, et "
+"Les paquets ne sont pas compressés en utilisant l'option --rsyncable de "
+"gzip, qui octroie une réduction de 30 % pour les paquets binaires, et "
 "beaucoup plus pour les paquets sources et autres."
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.8:73 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22
+#: doc/apt-proxy.8:73 doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:75
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "AUTHORS"
-msgstr "AUTEUR"
+msgstr "AUTEURS"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.8:75
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@
 "apt-proxy v2 was written by Manuel Estrada Sainz and is maintained by Otavio "
 "Salvador and Chris Halls."
 msgstr ""
-"apt-proxy·v2 a été écrit par Manuel Estrada Sainz et est maintenu par Chris "
+"apt-proxy v2 a été écrit par Manuel Estrada Sainz et est maintenu par Chris "
 # type: TH
@@ -262,22 +261,24 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "November 2002"
-msgstr "Novembre 2002"
+msgstr "novembre 2002"
 # type: TH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
 msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
 # type: TH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1
-#, no-wrap
-msgid " "
-msgstr "."
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:1 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "  "
+msgstr " "
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:2 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:3
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:2 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:3 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:3
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "NAME"
 msgstr "NOM"
@@ -286,13 +287,13 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:4
 msgid "apt-proxy-v1tov2 - Updates apt-proxy configuration to the new format."
 msgstr ""
-"apt-proxy-v1tov2·-·Convertit la configuration d'apt-proxy vers le nouveau "
+"apt-proxy-v1tov2 - Convertit la configuration d'apt-proxy vers le nouveau "
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:7
 msgid "B<apt-proxy-v1tov2> [v1_conf [v2_sample_conf]] E<gt> v2_conf"
-msgstr "B<apt-proxy-v1tov2>·[v1_conf·[v2_sample_conf]]·E<gt>·v2_conf"
+msgstr "B<apt-proxy-v1tov2> [v1_conf [v2_exemple_conf]] E<gt> v2_conf"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:11
@@ -300,8 +301,8 @@
 "apt-proxy-v1tov2 tries to update I<v2_sample_conf> with the configuration "
 "found in I<v1_conf> and writes the result to I<stdout>."
 msgstr ""
-"apt-proxy-v1tov2 tente de convertir I<v2_sample_conf> avec la configuration "
-"trouvée dans le fichier I<v1_conf> et écrira le résultat vers I<stdout>."
+"apt-proxy-v1tov2 tente de convertir I<v2_exemple_conf> avec la configuration "
+"trouvée dans le fichier I<v1_conf> et écrira le résultat sur I<stdout>."
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:14
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@
 "etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf for I<v2_sample_conf>."
 msgstr ""
 "Par défaut, il utilisera /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf pour I<v1_conf> et /"
-"etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf pour I<v2_sample_conf>."
+"etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf pour I<v2_example_conf>."
 # type: SH
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:15
@@ -326,96 +327,217 @@
 "fait pour vous."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:20 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:150
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:20 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:188
 msgid "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
-msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
+msgstr "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:152
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:22 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:190
 msgid "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
-msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy-v2\\&.conf"
+msgstr "/etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:24
 msgid "Manuel Estrada Sainz E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
-msgstr "Manuel·Estrada·Sainz·E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
+msgstr "Manuel Estrada Sainz E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:29 doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:42
+#: doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8:29 doc/apt-proxy-import.8:82
 msgid "B<apt-proxy>(8), B<apt-proxy.conf>(5)"
-msgstr "B<ap\\-proxy>(8), B<apt\\-proxy\\&.conf>(5)"
+msgstr "B<apt-proxy>(8), B<apt-proxy.conf>(5)"
+# type: TH
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
+#, no-wrap
+# type: TH
+#.  DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "March 2006"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:5
+msgid "apt-proxy-import - Import packages into the apt-proxy cache."
+msgstr "apt-proxy-import - Importe les paquets dans le cache d'apt-proxy."
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:8
+msgid "B<apt-proxy-import> [I<options>] I<E<lt>filenameE<gt> >..."
+msgstr "B<apt-proxy-import> [I<options>] I<E<lt>[fichier de journalL<gt> >..."
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:11
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: apt-proxy has not been tested under this version of twisted "
+"(2.2.0).  WARNING: although it should work without problem."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:13
+msgid "apt-proxy-import B<-r> [options] E<lt>directoryE<gt> ..."
+msgstr "apt-proxy-import B<-r> [options] E<lt>directoryE<gt> ..."
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:13
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPTIONS"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-V>, B<--version>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<--version>"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:17
+msgid "print version and quit"
+msgstr "Affiche la version"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:20
+msgid "give verbose output"
+msgstr "Sortie verbeuse"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:20
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--debug>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--debug>"
 # type: Plain text
-#.  Man page was originaly copied from apt-proxy man page.
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:4
-msgid "[NAME] apt-proxy-import - Import packages into the apt-proxy cache."
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:23
+msgid "debug output"
+msgstr "Sortie debug"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-q>, B<--quiet>"
+msgstr "B<-q>, B<--quiet>"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:26
+msgid "try not to write messages to stdout"
+msgstr "N'essaye pas d'écrire des messages dans stdout"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:26
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--recursive>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--recursive>"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:29
+msgid "recurse into subdirectories"
+msgstr "Récursif dans les sous répertoires"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:32
+msgid "Display this help and exit."
+msgstr "Affiche cette aide."
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:35
+msgid "Configuration file"
+msgstr "Fichier de configuration"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:37
+msgid "apt-proxy-import imports .deb files into the apt-proxy cache."
+msgstr " apt-proxy-import - Importe les paquets dans le cache d'apt-proxy."
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:41
+msgid ""
+"It uses the package lists to determine where each file should be placed, so "
+"you should run B<'apt-get update'> to allow apt-proxy to update the package "
+"lists before running apt-proxy-import."
 msgstr ""
-"[NOM] apt-proxy-import - Importe les paquets dans le cache d'apt-proxy."
+"Il utilise la liste de paquets pour déterminer où sera placé chaque fichier, "
+"aussi vous devriez lancer la commande B<'apt-get update'> pour permettre à "
+"apt-proxy de mettre à jour la liste de paquets avant de lancer apt-proxy-"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:9
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:44
 msgid ""
-"/apt-proxy-import imports / It uses the package lists to determine where "
-"each file should be placed, so you should run B<'apt-get update'> to allow "
-"apt-proxy to update the package lists before running apt-proxy-import."
+"WARNING: although it should work without problem.  apt-proxy-import 1.9.x"
 msgstr ""
-"/apt-proxy-import / Il utilise la liste de paquets pour déterminer où sera "
-"placé chaque fichier, aussi vous devriez lancer la commande B<'apt-get "
-"update'> pour permettre à apt-proxy de mettre à jour la liste de paquets "
-"avant de lancer apt-proxy-import."
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:44
+#, no-wrap
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:14
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:48
 msgid ""
-"[USING TO BOOTSTRAP A NEW APT-PROXY CACHE] If you have been using apt "
-"standalone, you probably have built up a large collection of .debs or .udebs "
-"in apt's cache directory.  You can import these files into apt-proxy as "
+"If you have been using apt standalone, you probably have built up a large "
+"collection of .debs or .udebs in apt's cache directory.  You can import "
+"these files into apt-proxy as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-"utilisé apt, vous avez probablement créé une importante collection de "
-"fichiers .deb ou .udeb dans le répertoire cache d'apt. Vous pouvez importer "
-"ces fichiers dans apt-proxy comme suit:"
+"Si vous aviez déjà utilisé apt, vous avez probablement créé une importante "
+"collection de fichiers .deb ou .udeb dans le répertoire cache d'apt. Vous "
+"pouvez importer ces fichiers dans apt-proxy comme suit :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:50
 msgid "1. Update apt-proxy's filelists:"
-msgstr "1. Mettre à jour la liste de fichiers d'apt-proxy:"
+msgstr "1. Mettre à jour la liste de fichiers d'apt-proxy :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:18
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:52
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-get update\n"
 msgstr "    apt-get update\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:21
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:55
 msgid "2. Import files from apt's cache:"
-msgstr "2. Importer des fichiers depuis le cache d'apt:"
+msgstr "2. Importer des fichiers depuis le cache d'apt :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:23
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:57
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-proxy-import -i /var/cache/apt/archives\n"
 msgstr "    apt-proxy-import -i /var/cache/apt/archives\n"
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:58
+#, no-wrap
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:27
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:60
 msgid ""
-"[IMPORTING APT-MOVE CACHE] You can import the apt-move generated cache into "
-"apt-proxy using the following command:"
+"You can import the apt-move generated cache into apt-proxy using the "
+"following command:"
 msgstr ""
-"[IMPORTER LE CACHE D'APT-MOVE] Vous pouvez importer le cache généré par apt-"
-"move dans apt-proxy en utilisant la commande suivante:"
+"Vous pouvez importer le cache généré par apt-move dans apt-proxy en "
+"utilisant la commande suivante :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:30
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:63
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "    apt-proxy-import -r -i /var/cache/apt-move\n"
 msgstr "    apt-proxy-import -r -i /var/cache/apt-move\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:33
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:66
 msgid ""
 "This tells apt-proxy-import to recuse over each directory in the apt-move "
@@ -424,44 +546,36 @@
 "dans le cache d'apt-move."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:36
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "[FILES] \\ /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
-msgstr "[FICHIERS] /etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
-# type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:38
-msgid "[SEE ALSO]"
-msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:68
+msgid "\\ /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf"
+msgstr "\\ /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:48
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:71
 msgid ""
-"[BUGS] apt-proxy-import does not use I<max_age> or I<max_versions> to clean "
-"the cache directory on import."
+"apt-proxy-import does not use I<max_age> or I<max_versions> to clean the "
+"cache directory on import."
 msgstr ""
-"[BOGUES] apt-proxy-import n'utilise pas les options I<max_age> ou "
-"I<max_versions> pour purger le répertoire cache pendant l'import."
+"apt-proxy-import n'utilise pas les options I<max_age> ou I<max_versions> "
+"pour purger le répertoire cache pendant l'import."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:50
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:73
 msgid "It does not yet import source.tar.gz or Packages files."
 msgstr "Il n'importe pas encore les fichiers source.tar.gz ou Packages."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:52
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:75
 msgid "You must run it as the apt-proxy user or as root."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous devez le lancer en tant que l'utilisateur d'apt-proxy ou en tant que "
+msgstr "Vous devez le lancer en tant qu'utilisateur apt-proxy ou root."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc:54
+#: doc/apt-proxy-import.8:77
 msgid ""
-"[AUTHORS] Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
+"Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
 "E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
 msgstr ""
-"[AUTEURS] Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
+"Chris Halls E<lt>halls at debian.orgE<gt>, Manuel Estrada Sainz "
 "E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
 # type: TH
@@ -469,157 +583,184 @@
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:2
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "apt-proxy\\&.conf"
-msgstr "apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
+msgstr "apt-proxy.conf"
 # type: TH
 #.  Man page copied from apt.conf man page.
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "21 Nov 2002"
-msgstr "21 Novembre 2002"
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "5 Jan 2006"
+msgstr "15 jul 2005"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:5
 msgid "apt-proxy\\&.conf - configuration file for apt-proxy"
-msgstr "apt-proxy\\&.conf - fichier de configuration pour apt-proxy"
+msgstr "apt-proxy.conf - fichier de configuration pour apt-proxy"
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:9
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "B<apt-proxy\\&.conf> is the configuration file for apt-proxy.  When apt-"
-"proxy starts up, it will read B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf>\\&."
+"proxy starts up, it will read I</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf>\\&."
 msgstr ""
-"B<apt-proxy\\&.conf>·est le fichier de configuration pour apt-proxy.  Au "
-"démarrage d'apt-proxy, il lira le fichier B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf>"
+"B<apt-proxy.conf> est le fichier de configuration pour apt-proxy. Au "
+"démarrage d'apt-proxy, il lira le fichier B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf>."
 # type: Plain text
 #: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:12
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf> will be read instead if it exists to "
+"I</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf> will be read instead if it exists to "
 "make upgrading from v1 easier."
 msgstr ""
-"B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2\\&.conf> sera lu à la place s'il existe afin "
-"de rendre la mise à jour depuis la v1 mieux transparente."
+"B</etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf> sera lu à la place s'il existe afin de "
+"rendre la mise à jour depuis la version 1 plus transparente."
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:15
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is divided up into several sections, where each I<"
+"[resource]> section defines a separate resource. The B<DEFAULT> section "
+"applies to all resources."
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The supplied I<apt-proxy\\&.conf> will work out of the box, but it is best "
+"to change the backends you use to a mirror closer to you.  There are some in "
+"the default file, and it may be enough just to reorder the lines in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier apt-proxy.conf fourni devrait fonctionner tel quel, mais il est "
+"suggéré de choisir un miroir plus proche de vous. Certains sont dans le "
+"fichier apt-proxy.conf par défaut et il devrait suffire de réordonner les "
+"lignes dans ce fichier."
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:13
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:21
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "[DEFAULT]"
 msgstr "[DÉFAUT]"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:15
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:23
 msgid "This section holds options global to the whole apt-proxy:"
-msgstr "Cette section contient les options globles à tout apt-proxy:"
+msgstr "Cette section contient les options globales d'apt-proxy :"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:16
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:24
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<address>"
 msgstr "B<address>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:20
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:28
 msgid ""
 "IP address on which apt-proxy will listen for requests. Multiple addresses "
 "have a empty space between it."
 msgstr ""
-"L'adresse IP sur laquelle apt-proxy sera à l'écoute des requêtes. Pour "
-"plusieurs adresses il faut avoir un espace entre elles."
+"L'adresse IP sur laquelle apt-proxy sera à l'écoute des requêtes. S'il y a "
+"plusieurs adresses, les séparer par un espace."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:21
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:29
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<port>"
 msgstr "B<port>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:24
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:32
 msgid "TCP port on which apt-proxy will listen for requests."
 msgstr "Le port TCP sur lequel apt-proxy sera à l'écoute des requêtes."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:25
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:33
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<min_refresh_delay>"
 msgstr "B<min_refresh_delay>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:30
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:38
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, means that Packages and other control files will "
 "not be refreshed more frequently than this number of seconds\\&."
 msgstr ""
-"Si différent de B<off>, il signifie que les fichiers Packages et autres "
-"control ne seront pas rafraîchis plus fréquemment que ce nombre de secondes"
+"Si différent de B<off>, cela signifie que les fichiers Packages et les "
+"autres fichiers de contrôle ne seront pas rafraîchis plus fréquemment que ce "
+"nombre de secondes."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:31 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:92
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:39 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:96
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<timeout>"
 msgstr "B<timeout>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:36
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:44
 msgid ""
 "Maximum I/O timeout in seconds for backend transfers. Default: 30 seconds.  "
 "If no response is received from a backend server in this time, apt-proxy "
 "will try the next server in the list.  Y"
 msgstr ""
+"Délai d'I/O dépassé pour les transferts. Défaut : 30 secondes. Si aucune "
+"réponse n'est reçue du serveur dans ce laps de temps, apt-proxy essaiera le "
+"serveur suivant de la liste."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:37
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:45
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<cache_dir>"
 msgstr "B<cache_dir>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:40
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:48
 msgid "Cache directory.  Default: /var/cache/apt-proxy"
-msgstr "Répertoire de cache:  Défaut: /var/cache/apt-proxy"
+msgstr "Répertoire de cache. Défaut : /var/cache/apt-proxy"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:41
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:49
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<cleanup_freq>"
 msgstr "B<cleanup_freq>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:46
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:54
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the time between housekeeping attempts: "
 "delete files that have not been accessed in max_age, scan cache directories "
 "and update internal tables, ..."
 msgstr ""
-"Si différent de B<off>, il indique la période entre les tentatives de "
-"nettoyage: les fichiers effacés qui n'ont pas été accédés depuis max_age, "
-"les scan de répertoires de cache et les mises à jour des tables internes, ..."
+"Si différent de B<off>, cela indique la période entre les tentatives de "
+"nettoyage : suppression des fichiers qui n'ont pas été accédés depuis "
+"max_age, analyse des répertoires de cache, mise à jour des tables "
+"internes, ..."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:47
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:55
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<max_age>"
 msgstr "B<max_age>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:51
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:59
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the maximum age of files before deletion "
 "from the cache."
 msgstr ""
-"Si différent de B<off>, il indique l'âge maximal des fichiers avant "
+"Si différent de B<off>, cela indique l'âge maximal des fichiers avant leur "
 "effacement du cache."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:52
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:60
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<max_versions>"
 msgstr "B<max_versions>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:59
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:67
 msgid ""
 "If different from B<off>, indicates the maximum number of versions of a \\&."
 "deb to keep.  This is the number of versions per distribution, for example "
@@ -627,66 +768,65 @@
 "kept: the last 2 stable versions, the last 2 testing versions and the last 2 "
 "unstable versions."
 msgstr ""
-"Si différent de B<off>, il indique le nombre maximum de version d'un "
-"\\&paquet debian à conserver.  Il y a un nombre de versions par "
-"distribution, par exemple mettre max_versions à 2 assurera qu'un maximum de "
-"6 paquets sera conservé: les deux dernières versions de stable, les deux "
-"dernières versions de testing et les deux dernières versions d'unstable."
+"Si différent de B<off>, cela indique le nombre maximum de version d'un "
+"paquet Debian à conserver. Il s'agit du nombre de versions par distribution. "
+"Par exemple, mettre max_versions à 2 assurera qu'un maximum de 6 paquets "
+"sera conservé : les deux dernières versions de stable, les deux dernières "
+"versions de testing et les deux dernières versions d'unstable."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:60 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:106
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:68 doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:111
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<passive_ftp>"
 msgstr "B<passive_ftp>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:65
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:73
 msgid ""
 "Specify B<on> to use passive FTP, which works from behind a firewall, but "
 "may not be supported on all servers.  Specify B<off> to use active FTP "
 "instead.  Default: on"
 msgstr ""
 "Spécifiez B<on> pour utiliser le FTP passif, qui fonctionne à travers un "
-"firewall, mais n'est pas supporté sur tous les serveurs.  Spécifiez B<off> "
-"pour utiliser le FTP actif à la place.  Défaut; on"
+"pare-feu, mais n'est pas géré sur tous les serveurs. Spécifiez B<off> pour "
+"utiliser le FTP actif à la place. Défaut : on"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:66
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:74
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<http_proxy>"
 msgstr "B<http_proxy>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:69
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:77
 msgid "Specify B<hostname:port> to use an upstream proxy."
-msgstr ""
-"Spécifiez B<nom d'hôte:numéro de port> pour utiliser un proxy en amont."
+msgstr "Indiquez B<nom d'hôte:port> pour utiliser un proxy amont."
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:70
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:78
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<dynamic_backends>"
 msgstr "B<dynamic_backends>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:75
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:83
 msgid ""
-"By default apt-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamicaly if not already "
+"By default apt-proxy will add HTTP backends dynamically if not already "
 "defined. Specify B<off> to restrict the available backends to those listed "
 "in the configuration file.  Default: on"
 msgstr ""
 "Par défaut, apt-proxy ajoutera les dorsaux HTTP dynamiquement s'ils ne sont "
 "pas déjà définis. Mettre à B<off> pour restreindre les dorsaux disponibles à "
-"ceux listés dans le fichier de configuration.  Défaut: on"
+"ceux listés dans le fichier de configuration. Défaut : on"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:76
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:84
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<disable_pipelining>"
 msgstr "B<disable_pipelining>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:82
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:90
 msgid ""
 "apt-proxy can use HTTP pipelining to fetch several files at once (up to 10), "
 "but this can generate multiple connections to each backend server.  "
@@ -695,85 +835,97 @@
 msgstr ""
 "apt-proxy peut utiliser la canalisation HTTP pour récupérer plusieurs "
 "fichiers en une fois (jusqu'à 10), mais ceci génère de multiples connexions "
-"sur chaque dorsaux.  La canalisation est désactivée par défaut jusqu'à ce "
-"qu'elle soit fixée.  Mettre à B<0> pour activer la canalisation "
-"expérimentale HTTP.  Défaut: 1"
+"sur chaque dorsal. La canalisation est désactivée par défaut jusqu'à ce que "
+"ce problème soit corrigé. Mettre à B<0> pour activer la canalisation "
+"expérimentale HTTP. Défaut : 1"
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:84
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:92
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "BACKENDS"
-msgstr "DORSAUX"
-# type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:87
-msgid ""
-"All other sections will be interpreted as backend names, and the options "
-"specified within are local to the backend."
+msgid "RESOURCES"
 msgstr ""
-"Toutes les autres sections devront être interprétées comme des noms de "
-"miroirs, et les options spécifiées avec seront locales à ce miroir."
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:91
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:95
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"The supplied apt-proxy\\&.conf will work out of the box, but I suggest you "
-"look for a mirror closer to you\\&.  There are some in the default apt-proxy"
-"\\&.conf and it may be enough just to reorder the lines in the file\\&."
+"All other sections in the configuration file will be interpreted as resource "
+"names.  The options in the section apply to this resource only."
 msgstr ""
-"Le fichier apt-proxy\\&.conf fourni devrait fonctionner tel quel, mais je "
-"vous suggère de choisir un miroir plus proche de vous\\&.  Nombreux sont "
-"dans le fichier apt-proxy.conf par défaut et il devrait être suffisant de ré-"
-"ordonner les lignes dans ce fichier\\&."
+"Toutes les autres sections devront être interprétées comme des noms de "
+"miroir, et les options qui y seront spécifiées seront spécifiques à ce "
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:95
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:99
 msgid "Overrides the global timeout"
-msgstr "Surcharger le temps de réponse global"
+msgstr "Supplanter le temps global d'expiration"
 # type: TP
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:96
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "B<backends = E<lt>protocolE<gt>://E<lt>serverE<gt>/E<lt>directoryE<gt>>"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:100
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "B<backends = >I<E<lt>protocolE<gt>>B<://>I<E<lt>serverE<gt>>B</>I<E<lt>directoryE<gt>>B< [...]>"
 msgstr "B<miroirs = E<lt>protocoleE<gt>://E<lt>serveurE<gt>/E<lt>répertoireE<gt>>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:99
-msgid "A list of backend URLs\\&."
-msgstr "Une liste d'URLs de dorsaux\\&."
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:103
+msgid ""
+"A list one or more URLs referring to servers which hold debian packages\\&."
+msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:101
-msgid "Protocol - internet protocol to use: http, ftp or rsync"
-msgstr "Protocole - protocole à utiliser: http, ftp ou rsync"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:106
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I<protocol>: internet protocol to use: http, ftp or rsync"
+msgstr "Protocole - protocole à utiliser : http, ftp ou rsync"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:103
-msgid "Server - hostname of the backend server to contact"
-msgstr "Serveur - nom d'hote du miroir à contacter"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:108
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I<server>: hostname of the backend server to contact"
+msgstr "Serveur - nom d'hôte du miroir à contacter"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:105
-msgid "Directory - directory name to prepend requests to for this server"
-msgstr ""
-"Répertoire - nom du répertoire où ajouter des demandes au début pour ce "
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:110
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I<directory>: directory name to prepend requests to for this server"
+msgstr "Répertoire - nom du répertoire où ajouter des demandes pour ce serveur"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:109
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:114
 msgid "Override the global setting of passive_ftp"
-msgstr "Surcharger la directive globale de passive_ftp"
+msgstr "Supplanter la configuration globale de passive_ftp"
+# type: SH
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:115
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:113
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:120
+msgid ""
+"To access a resource that's listed under a specific section name, simply "
+"append the section name (without the brackets) to the end of your deb source "
+"line in /etc/apt/sources.list"
+msgstr ""
+# type: TH
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:122
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "B<Debian main>"
+msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:125
 msgid ""
 "This example shows how to give clients access to the main Debian archive:"
 msgstr ""
-"Cet exemple montre comment donner aux clients accès à l'archive debian "
+"Cet exemple montre comment donner aux clients l'accès à l'archive Debian "
+"principale :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:117
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:129
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
@@ -781,138 +933,157 @@
 "           http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/\n"
 msgstr ""
-"           http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/\n"
+"backends = http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/\n"
+"            http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:122
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:134
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"Using this configuration, the client would use a B<sources.list> entry like:"
+"Using this configuration, the client would use a I<sources.list> entry like:"
 msgstr ""
 "En utilisant cette configuration, le client utilisera une entrée B<sources."
-"list> comme ceci:"
+"list> comme ceci :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:125
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "    deb http://server:9999/debian/ woody main\n"
-msgstr "    deb http://SERVER:9999/debian/ woody main\n"
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:137
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "    deb http://server:9999/debian woody main\n"
+msgstr "    deb http://SERVEUR:9999/debian/ woody main\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:130
-#, fuzzy
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:142
 msgid ""
 "And so the file request `/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb' "
 "would turn into a backend request of first"
 msgstr ""
-"Et ainsi la demande du fichier `/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1."
-"deb' sera convertie en une demande prioritaire"
+"Ainsi, la demande du fichier « /debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1."
+"deb » sera convertie en une demande d'abord de"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:133
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:145
+#, no-wrap
 msgid "    `http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\n"
-msgstr ""
-"    `http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\n"
-"    \n"
+msgstr "    « http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb »\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:136
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:148
 msgid "and if that failed,"
-msgstr "et s'il a échoué,"
+msgstr "et, en cas d'échec, de"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:139
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:151
+#, no-wrap
 msgid "    `http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\n"
+msgstr "    « http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb »\n"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:154
+msgid "and apt-proxy will place the downloaded package in"
 msgstr ""
-"    `http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\n"
-"    \n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:142
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:156
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "and the file would be placed in\n"
-msgstr "et le fichier devrait être placé dans\n"
+msgid "    `/var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\\&.\n"
+msgstr "     « /var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb ».\n"
+# type: TP
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "B<backports.org>"
+msgstr "B<port>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:144
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:161
+msgid "The backports.org website tells you to use this I<sources.list> line:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:164
 #, no-wrap
-msgid "    `/var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\\&.\n"
-msgstr "····`/var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/debian/woody/main/binary-i386/x11/foo_1-1.deb'\\&.\n"
+msgid "    deb http://www.backports.org/debian sarge-backports main\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:168
+msgid ""
+"You can add this to apt-proxy by creating a new section in I<apt-proxy\\&."
+"conf>\\&.  In the new section, add a backends entry for the URL:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:172
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"    [backports]\n"
+"    backends = http://www.backports.org/debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:177
+msgid ""
+"On the clients, replace the URL with one pointing to the apt-proxy resource "
+"name, in the form I<http://hostname:port/backend>. If your apt-proxy "
+"hostname is I<proxy> and it is running on port 9999, you would write:"
+msgstr ""
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:147
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:180
 #, fuzzy, no-wrap
-msgid "For many more examples, see the supplied /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf\\&.\n"
-msgstr "Pour d'autres exemples, voir le fichier /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf\\& fourni."
+msgid "   deb http://proxy:9999/backports sarge-backports main\n"
+msgstr "    deb http://SERVEUR:9999/debian/ woody main\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:158
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:185
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For many more examples, see the supplied /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy\\&.conf\\&."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour d'autres exemples, voir le fichier /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf.\n"
+# type: Plain text
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:196
 msgid ""
 "B<apt-proxy(8),> B</usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/README,> B<apt-proxy-import(8)>"
 msgstr ""
 "B<apt-proxy>(8), B</usr/share/doc/apt-proxy/README,>B<apt-proxy-import>(8)"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:163
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:201
 msgid "Plenty sure.  Please report."
-msgstr "Totalement sûr. Prière de rapporter."
+msgstr "Certainement. Veuillez nous en faire part."
 # type: SH
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:164
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:202
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "AUTHOR"
 msgstr "AUTEUR"
 # type: Plain text
-#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:165
+#: doc/apt-proxy.conf.5:203
 msgid ""
 "apt-proxy v2 was written by Manuel Estrada Sainz E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>"
 msgstr ""
-"apt\\-proxy·v2 a été écrit par Manuel Estrada Sainz E<lt>ranty at debian."
+"apt-proxy v2 a été écrit par Manuel Estrada Sainz E<lt>ranty at debian.orgE<gt>."
 # type: TH
-#~ msgid "03 Dec 2004"
-#~ msgstr "03 Décembre 2004"
+#~ msgid "October 2005"
+#~ msgstr "Octobre 2005"
-# type: Plain text
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "deb http://SERVER:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free\n"
-#~ "deb-src http://SERVER:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "deb http://SERVER:9999/main stable main contrib non\\-free\n"
-#~ "deb\\-src http://SERVER:9999/main stable main contrib non\\-free\n"
-# type: Plain text
-#~ msgid "Maximum I/O timeout in seconds for backend transfers."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Temps de réponse maximal des E/S en secondes pour les transferts dorsaux."
-# type: Plain text
-#~ msgid "deb http://SERVER:9999/helixcode/ woody main\n"
-#~ msgstr "deb http://SERVER:9999/helixcode/ woody main\n"
-# type: Plain text
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "NOTE: v2 doesn't officially support rsync backends, so for now the above "
-#~ "does not apply."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "NOTE : la seconde version ne gère pas officiellement rsync, donc, ce "
-#~ "qui suit ne s'applique pas."
+# type: TH
+#~ msgid "21 Nov 2002"
+#~ msgstr "21 novembre 2002"
-# type: Plain text
-#~ msgid "\n"
-#~ msgstr "\n"
+# type: SH
+#~ msgid "BACKENDS"
+#~ msgstr "DORSAUX"
 # type: Plain text
-#~ msgid "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
-#~ msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
+#~ msgid "A list of backend URLs\\&."
+#~ msgstr "Une liste de liens de dorsaux."
 # type: Plain text
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "B<apt\\-proxy>(8), B<apt\\-proxy.conf>(5)"
-#~ msgstr "/etc/apt\\-proxy/apt\\-proxy\\&.conf"
+#~ msgid "and the file would be placed in\n"
+#~ msgstr "et le fichier devrait être placé dans\n"

Modified: trunk/doc/po4a.cfg
--- trunk/doc/po4a.cfg	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/po4a.cfg	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 [po4a_paths] doc/po/apt-proxy.pot fr:doc/po/fr.po
 [type: man] doc/apt-proxy.8 fr:doc/apt-proxy.fr.8 add_fr:doc/apt-proxy.add.fr
-[type: man] doc/apt-proxy.conf.5
-[type: man] doc/apt-proxy-import.8.inc
-[type: man] doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8
+[type: man] doc/apt-proxy.conf.5 fr:doc/apt-proxy.conf.fr.5 add_fr:doc/apt-proxy.add.fr
+[type: man] doc/apt-proxy-import.8 fr:doc/apt-proxy-import.fr.8 add_fr:doc/apt-proxy.add.fr
+[type: man] doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.8 fr:doc/apt-proxy-v1tov2.fr.8 add_fr:doc/apt-proxy.add.fr

Modified: trunk/runtests
--- trunk/runtests	(original)
+++ trunk/runtests	Thu Aug  3 23:54:46 2006
@@ -2,21 +2,81 @@
 set -e
+testfiles="packages/Packages packages/Packages.gz packages/Packages.bz2
+           verify/invalid-gzip.gz 
+	   packages/apt_0.0.1_test.deb packages/empty.txt
+	   apt/apt_0.0.1_test.deb apt/apt_0.0.2_test.deb apt/apt_0.0.3_test.deb"
+rootdir="$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)"
+  dir=$1
+  version=$2
+  pkgdir=${dir}_${version}_test
+  cp -ra $dir $pkgdir
+  sed "s/^Version: .*/Version: ${version}/" < $dir/DEBIAN/control > $pkgdir/DEBIAN/control
+  dpkg --build $pkgdir
+  rm -r $pkgdir
-  echo Creating test data
-  mkdir -p test_data/packages
-  cd test_data/packages
-  echo Creating apt package from system
-  fakeroot -u dpkg-repack apt
+  mkdir -p $testdir
+  cd $testdir
+  make_data=
+  for f in $testfiles; do
+    if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then
+      make_data=1
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  if [ -z "$make_data" ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  echo "Creating test data"
+  [ ! -d $testdir/apt ] || rm -r $testdir/apt
+  mkdir -p $testdir/apt
+  cd $testdir/apt
+  echo Creating apt packages from system
+  fakeroot -u dpkg-repack --generate apt
+  mv dpkg-repack* apt
+  make_pkg apt 0.0.1
+  make_pkg apt 0.0.2
+  make_pkg apt 0.0.3
+  rm -r apt
+  echo Creating Packages file for apt directory
+  dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -c > Packages.gz
+  bzip2 -c < Packages > Packages.bz2
+  cd ..
+  [ ! -d $testdir/packages ] || rm -r $testdir/packages
+  mkdir -p $testdir/packages
+  cd $testdir/packages
+  cp ../apt/apt_0.0.1_test.deb .
   echo Creating Packages file for package
   dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -c > Packages.gz
+  bzip2 -c < Packages > Packages.bz2
+  touch empty.txt
+  cd ..
+  mkdir -p $testdir/verify
+  cd $testdir/verify
+  touch empty-unknown-file
+  echo "blah" > nonempty-unknown-file
+  gzip -c < nonempty-unknown-file > gzip.gz
+  cp nonempty-unknown-file invalid-gzip.gz
-[ -f test_data/packages/Packages ] || make_packages_dir
+cd $rootdir
 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
   set -- apt_proxy.test
-PYTHONPATH="`pwd`" trial --verbose --logfile `pwd`/unitttests.log $@
+rm -f `pwd`/unittests.log
+set -x
+PYTHONPATH="`pwd`" trial --logfile `pwd`/unittests.log $@

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