[apt-proxy-devel] r593 - in people/halls/rework/apt_proxy: . test

Chris Halls halls at costa.debian.org
Mon Feb 20 09:39:22 UTC 2006

Author: halls
Date: Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
New Revision: 593

* Add test_requests with end to end client requests (needs internet)
* Added more tests for CacheEntry and fetchers
* Requests for http backends work enough to return files to clients,
  most of the time :)

Modified: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py
--- people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py	(original)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/apt_proxy.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@
         self.factory = factory
         self.config = config # apBackendConfig configuration information
         self.base = config.name # Name of backend
-        self.uris=[]
+        self.uris = [] # Sequence of BackendServers, in order of preference
         self.queue = fetchers.DownloadQueue()
+        self.entries = {} # Hash of active cache entries
+        self.packages = None # Packages database for this backend
         log.debug("Created Backend: " + self.base)
         for uri in config.backends:
@@ -91,8 +93,10 @@
         a new object is created if it does not already exist
         if self.entries.has_key(path):
+            log.debug("Cache entry exists: %s, %s entries" %(path,len(self.entries)))
             return self.entries[path]
+            log.debug("New Cache entry: "+path)
             e = cache.CacheEntry(self, path)
             self.entries[path] = e
             return e
@@ -282,7 +286,7 @@
     def finish(self):
         "Finish request after streaming"
-        log.debug("finish" , 'Fetcher')
+        log.debug("finish" , 'Request')
         if self.factory.config.disable_pipelining:
             if hasattr(self.transport, 'loseConnection'):
@@ -358,7 +362,15 @@
     self.packages: all versions of a certain package name.
-    databases=('update_times', 'access_times', 'packages')
+    def __init__ (self, config):
+        self.runningFetchers = {}
+        self.backends = {}
+        self.config = config
+        self.periodicCallback = None
+        self.databases = databaseManager(self)
     def periodic(self):
         "Called periodically as configured mainly to do mirror maintanace."
@@ -376,63 +388,15 @@
             self.periodicCallback = None
     def __del__(self):
-        for f in self.databases:
-            try:
-                if hasattr(self, f): 
-                    getattr(self, f).close()
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-    def __init__ (self, config):
-        self.runningFetchers = {}
-        self.backends = []
-        self.config = config
-        self.periodicCallback = None
+        pass
+        #self.closeDatabases()
     def __getattr__ (self, name):
-        def open_shelve(dbname):
-            from bsddb3 import db,dbshelve
-            shelve = dbshelve.DBShelf()
-            db_dir = self.config.cache_dir+'/'+status_dir+'/db'
-            if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
-                os.makedirs(db_dir)
-            filename = db_dir + '/' + dbname + '.db'
-            if os.path.exists(filename):
-                 try:
-                     log.debug('Verifying database: ' + filename)
-                     shelve.verify(filename)
-                 except:
-                     os.rename(filename, filename+'.error')
-                     log.msg(filename+' could not be opened, moved to '+filename+'.error','db', 1)
-                     log.msg('Recreating '+ filename,'db', 1)
-            try:
-               log.debug('Opening database ' + filename)
-               shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
-            # Handle upgrade to new format included on 1.9.20.
-            except db.DBInvalidArgError:
-                log.msg('Upgrading from previous database format: %s' % filename + '.previous')
-                import bsddb.dbshelve
-                os.rename(filename, filename + '.previous')
-                previous_shelve = bsddb.dbshelve.open(filename + '.previous')
-                shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
-                for k in previous_shelve.keys():
-                    shelve[k] = previous_shelve[k]
-                log.msg('Upgrade complete')
-            return shelve
-        if name == 'update_times':
-            self.update_times = open_shelve('update')
-            return self.update_times
-        elif name == 'access_times':
-            self.access_times = open_shelve('access')
-            return self.access_times
-        elif name == 'packages':
-            self.packages = open_shelve('packages')
-            return self.packages
+        # Auto open database if requested
+        if name in self.databases.table_names:
+            db = self.databases.get(name)
+            setattr(self, name, db)
+            return db
             raise AttributeError(name)
@@ -599,15 +563,25 @@
                 self.packages[package] = packages
+    def closeDatabases(self):
+        log.msg('---------closeDBS----------')
+        for db in self.databases.table_names:
+            log.debug("hasattr" + db, 'db')
+            if getattr(self.databases, db) is not None:
+                log.debug("closing " + db, 'db')
+                getattr(self,db).close()
+                delattr(self,db)
+                setattr(self.databases, db, None)
     def stopFactory(self):
+        log.msg('---------stop----------')
         import packages
-        self.dumpdbs()
-        self.update_times.close()
-        self.access_times.close()
-        self.packages.close()
+        # self.dumpdbs()
+        self.backends = {}
+        #self.closeDatabases()
     def dumpdbs (self):
         def dump_update(key, value):
@@ -648,3 +622,56 @@
     def debug(self, message):
+class databaseManager:
+    update_times = None
+    access_times = None
+    packages = None
+    table_names=['update_times', 'access_times', 'packages']
+    database_files=['update', 'access', 'packages']
+    def __init__(self, factory):
+        self.factory = factory
+    def get(self, name):
+        idx = self.table_names.index(name)
+        db = getattr(self,name)
+        if db is None:
+            db = self.open_shelve(self.database_files[idx])
+            setattr(self, name, db)
+        return db
+    def open_shelve(self, dbname):
+        from bsddb3 import db,dbshelve
+        shelve = dbshelve.DBShelf()
+        db_dir = self.factory.config.cache_dir+'/'+status_dir+'/db'
+        if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
+            os.makedirs(db_dir)
+        filename = db_dir + '/' + dbname + '.db'
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+                try:
+                    log.debug('Verifying database: ' + filename)
+                    shelve.verify(filename)
+                except:
+                    os.rename(filename, filename+'.error')
+                    log.msg(filename+' could not be opened, moved to '+filename+'.error','db', 1)
+                    log.msg('Recreating '+ filename,'db', 1)
+        try:
+            log.debug('Opening database ' + filename)
+            shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
+        # Handle upgrade to new format included on 1.9.20.
+        except db.DBInvalidArgError:
+            log.msg('Upgrading from previous database format: %s' % filename + '.previous')
+            import bsddb.dbshelve
+            os.rename(filename, filename + '.previous')
+            previous_shelve = bsddb.dbshelve.open(filename + '.previous')
+            shelve = dbshelve.open(filename)
+            for k in previous_shelve.keys():
+                shelve[k] = previous_shelve[k]
+            log.msg('Upgrade complete')
+        return shelve

Modified: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/cache.py
--- people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/cache.py	(original)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/cache.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, reactor
 from twisted.web import http
 from twisted.protocols import basic
-import os, re, stat
+import os, re, stat, time, sys
 from misc import log
 class CacheEntry:
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
         if self.state == self.STATE_NEW:
             if os.path.exists(self.file_path):
+                self.stat_file()
                 if self.check_age():
@@ -154,29 +155,37 @@
         return a Deferred to be trigered when we find out.
         log.debug("check_cached: "+self.path, 'CacheEntry')
-        verifier = FileVerifier(self, self.path, self.factory.config)
+        verifier = FileVerifier(self.file_path, self.factory.config)
         d = verifier.verify()
-    def check_age(self):
+    def stat_file(self):
-        Read file age and check if file should be updated / refreshed
+        Read file age
-        stat_tuple = os.stat(self.path)
+        stat_tuple = os.stat(self.file_path)
         self.file_mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
         self.file_size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
         log.debug("Modification time:" + 
-                  "file_ok")
+                  "CacheEntry")
+    def check_age(self):
+        """
+        Read file age and check if file should be updated / refreshed
+        @return True if file is still valid, False if file is out of date
+        """
         update_times = self.factory.update_times
-        if update_times.has_key(self.uri): 
-            last_access = update_times[self.uri]
+        if update_times.has_key(self.cache_path): 
+            last_access = update_times[self.cache_path]
             log.debug("last_access from db: " + 
-                      "file_ok")
+                      "CacheEntry")
             last_access = self.file_mtime
@@ -186,53 +195,56 @@
         if not self.filetype.mutable:
             log.debug("file is immutable: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
-            deferred.callback(None)
+            return True
         elif last_access < min_time:
             log.debug("file is too old: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
-            update_times[self.uri] = cur_time  # TODO: Is this right?
-            deferred.errback()
+            return False
             log.debug("file is ok: "+self.file_path, 'CacheEntry')
-            deferred.callback(None)
+            return True
-    def send_cached_file(self):
+    def send_cached_file(self, unused=None):
         File is up to date - send complete file from cache to clients
         log.msg("sending file from cache:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
-        self.transfer_file(self.path)
+        self.transfer_file(self.file_path)
     def end_send_cached(self):
         Processing continues here when the file has been sent from the cache
-        pass
+        self.file_sent()
     def transfer_file(self, filename):
         Send given file to clients
-        log.msg("transfer_file:" + self.file_path, "CacheEntry")
-        stat_tuple = os.stat(filename)
-        self.file_mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
-        self.file_size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
-        size = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE]
-        self.state = self.STATE_SENDFILE
-        if size > 0:
-            log.debug("Sending file to clients:%s size:%s" % (filename, size), 'CacheEntry')
-            self.streamfile = open(filename,'rb')
-            #fcntl.lockf(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH)
+        log.msg("transfer_file:" + filename, "CacheEntry")
+        try:
+            stat_tuple = os.stat(filename)
+            self.file_mtime = stat_tuple[stat.ST_MTIME]
+            self.file_size = stat_tuple[stat.ST_SIZE]
+            size = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE]
-            for request in self.requests:
-                if request.start_streaming(self.file_size, self.file_mtime):
-                    basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(self.streamfile, request) \
-                                      .addBoth(self.file_transfer_complete, request, filename)
-        else:
-            log.debug("Sending empty file to clients:%s" % (filename), 'CacheEntry')
-            for request in self.requests:
-                if request.start_streaming(self.file_size, self.file_mtime):
-                    request.finish()
+            self.state = self.STATE_SENDFILE
+            if size > 0:
+                log.debug("Sending file to clients:%s size:%s" % (filename, size), 'CacheEntry')
+                self.streamfile = open(filename,'rb')
+                #fcntl.lockf(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH)
+                for request in self.requests:
+                    if request.start_streaming(self.file_size, self.file_mtime):
+                        basic.FileSender().beginFileTransfer(self.streamfile, request) \
+                                        .addBoth(self.file_transfer_complete, request, filename)
+            else:
+                log.debug("Sending empty file to clients:%s" % (filename), 'CacheEntry')
+                for request in self.requests:
+                    if request.start_streaming(self.file_size, self.file_mtime):
+                        request.finish()
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.debug("Unexpected error: %s" % (e), 'CacheEntry')
+            raise
     def file_transfer_complete(self, result, request, filename):
         log.debug("transfer complete: " + filename, 'CacheEntry')
@@ -248,7 +260,7 @@
         if(not os.path.exists(self.filedir)):
-    def start_download(self):
+    def start_download(self, parm=None):
         Start file transfer from backend server
@@ -339,6 +351,8 @@
         self.state = self.STATE_SENT
+        self.factory.update_times[self.cache_path] = time.time()
+        self.state = self.STATE_NEW
     def init_tempfile(self):

Modified: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/fetchers.py
--- people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/fetchers.py	(original)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/fetchers.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
                 os.utime(self.local_file, (time.time(), 0))
-        self.cacheEntry.download_data_end()
+        self.download_complete()
     def connection_failed(self, reason = None):
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
         so the file is sent from our cache
+        self.deferred.callback((True, ""))
 class FileFetcher:
@@ -270,6 +271,7 @@
     def download(self, fetcher, uri, mtime):
         # Request file from backend
         self.fetcher = fetcher
+        self.uri = uri
         backendServer = self.parent.backendServer
         if self.proxy is None:
             serverpath = backendServer.path
@@ -321,8 +323,8 @@
     def handleEndHeaders(self):
         if self.http_status == http.NOT_MODIFIED:
-            log.debug("NOT_MODIFIED " + str(self.status_code),'http_client')
-            self.parent.up_to_date()
+            log.debug("Backend server reported file is not modified: " + self.uri,'http_client')
+            self.fetcher.up_to_date()
         elif self.http_status == http.NOT_FOUND:
             log.debug("Not found on backend server",'http_client')
@@ -966,7 +968,9 @@
         if self.activeFile is None:
+        else:
+            log.debug("queue file " + cacheEntry.cache_path, 'DownloadQueue')
     def startNextDownload(self):
         if len(self.queue)>0:
             log.debug("start next download", 'DownloadQueue')
@@ -985,7 +989,7 @@
             log.debug("download queue is empty", 'DownloadQueue')
     def downloadFinished(self, result):
-        success, messaage = result
+        success, message = result
         if success:
             log.debug("download complete", 'DownloadQueue')

Modified: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py
--- people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py	(original)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_apt_proxy.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
@@ -73,8 +74,10 @@
         self.cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.aptproxy')
         self.config = self.default_config.replace('[DEFAULT]','[DEFAULT]\ncache_dir=' + self.cache_dir)
     def tearDown(self):
+        log.debug('Removing temporary directory: ' + self.cache_dir)
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, self.cache_dir)
 class FactoryInitTest(apTestHelper):
     def setUp(self):
         self.default_config = config1

Modified: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_cache.py
--- people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_cache.py	(original)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_cache.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -16,20 +16,27 @@
 """Unit test for cache.py"""
-import os
+import os, time, shutil
 from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 from StringIO import StringIO
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
 from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper
 from apt_proxy.cache import CacheEntry
 from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
 class DummyRequest:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.finished = False
+        self.streamed = 0
     def finishCode(self, code, reason):
-        pass
+        self.finished = True
+    def start_streaming(self, file_size, file_mtime):
+        self.streamed = self.streamed + 1
-class FactoryVersionFuncsTest(apTestHelper):
+class CacheEntryTest(apTestHelper):
     def setUp(self):
         Make a configuration with a single backend
@@ -46,13 +53,17 @@
         self.c = apConfig(StringIO(config))
         self.factory = Factory(self.c)
+        self.backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
+        self.entry = CacheEntry(self.backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
+        self.request = DummyRequest()
     def tearDown(self):
-    def testCacheEntryInit(self):
-        backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
-        entry = CacheEntry(backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
-        self.assertEquals(entry.backend, backend, "CacheEntry did not initialise backend")
+    def testInit(self):
+        entry = self.entry
+        self.assertEquals(entry.backend, self.backend, "CacheEntry did not initialise backend")
         self.assertEquals(entry.factory, self.factory, "CacheEntry did not initialise factory")
         self.assertEquals(entry.path, "testdir/testfile.deb")
         self.assertEquals(entry.file_path, self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir/testfile.deb")
@@ -62,35 +73,112 @@
         self.assertEquals(entry.filebase, "testfile")
         self.assertEquals(entry.fileext, ".deb")
         self.assertEquals(len(entry.requests), 0)
-    def testCacheEntryAddClient(self):
-        backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
-        entry = CacheEntry(backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
-        r = DummyRequest()
-        entry.add_request(r)
-        self.assertEquals(len(entry.requests), 1)
-    def testCacheEntryAddDuplicate(self):
-        backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
-        entry = CacheEntry(backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
-        r = DummyRequest()
-        entry.add_request(r)
-        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, entry.add_request, r)
-    def testCacheEntryRemove(self):
-        backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
-        entry = CacheEntry(backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
-        r = DummyRequest()
-        entry.add_request(r)
-        entry.remove_request(r)
-        self.assertEquals(len(entry.requests), 0)
-    def testCacheEntryStartDownload(self):
+    def testAddClient(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.entry.requests), 1)
+    def testAddDuplicate(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.entry.add_request, self.request)
+    def testRemove(self):
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
+        self.entry.remove_request(self.request)
+        self.assertEquals(len(self.entry.requests), 0)
+    def testStartDownload(self):
         def start_download(entry):
             # This test function replaces the normal
             # Backend.start_download so we can see that
             # it was called without starting the download
-            entry.entry_download_triggered = 1
-        backend = self.factory.getBackend("files")
-        backend.start_download = start_download
-        entry = CacheEntry(backend, "testdir/testfile.deb")
-        r = DummyRequest()
-        entry.add_request(r)
+            entry.entry_download_triggered = True
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        self.entry.add_request(self.request)
         # Check that our special function was called
-        self.assertEquals(entry.entry_download_triggered, 1)
+        self.assertTrue(self.entry.entry_download_triggered)
+    def testCachedFile(self):
+        """
+        Create a valid text file and check that CacheEntry starts
+        to stream the file
+        """
+        def start_download(entry):
+            # This test function replaces the normal
+            # Backend.start_download so we can see that
+            # it was called without starting the download
+            entry.test_download = True
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        entry = CacheEntry(self.backend, "testdir/test.txt")
+        entry.test_download = False
+        entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(entry.file_path, 'w')
+        f.write('12345')
+        f.close()
+        entry.add_request(self.request)
+        while not entry.test_download and not self.request.streamed:
+            #print "iterate.."
+            reactor.iterate(0.1)
+        # Check that our special function was not called
+        self.assertFalse(entry.test_download)
+        self.assertTrue(self.request.streamed)
+    def testVerifyFail(self):
+        """
+        Create a bogus .deb and check that CacheEntry starts
+        a download
+        """
+        def start_download(entry):
+            # This test function replaces the normal
+            # Backend.start_download so we can see that
+            # it was called without starting the download
+            entry.test_download = True
+        self.backend.start_download = start_download
+        entry = CacheEntry(self.backend, "testdir/test.deb")
+        entry.test_download = False
+        entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(entry.file_path, 'w')
+        f.write('this is not a real .deb')
+        f.close()
+        entry.add_request(self.request)
+        while not entry.test_download and not self.request.streamed:
+            #print "iterate.."
+            reactor.iterate(0.1)
+        # Check that our special function was not called
+        self.assertTrue(entry.test_download)
+        self.assertFalse(self.request.streamed)
+    def testCheckAgeImmutable(self):
+        # testfile.deb is immutable
+        self.entry.file_mtime = 0
+        self.assertTrue(self.entry.check_age())
+        self.entry.file_mtime = time.time()+1000
+        self.assertTrue(self.entry.check_age())
+    def testCheckAgeMmutable(self):
+        # pretend that testfile.deb is immutable, i.e.
+        # it will be updated like Packages, Release
+        self.entry.filetype.mutable = True
+        self.entry.file_mtime = 0
+        self.assertFalse(self.entry.check_age())
+        self.entry.file_mtime = time.time()+1000
+        self.assertTrue(self.entry.check_age())
+    def testCreateDirectory(self):
+        dirname = self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir"
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, dirname) # Will return exception if directory does not exist
+        self.entry.create_directory()
+        os.stat(dirname) # Will return exception if directory does not exist
+    def testStatFile(self):
+        filename = self.cache_dir+"/files/testdir/testfile.deb"
+        self.entry.create_directory()
+        f = open(filename, 'w')
+        f.write('12345')
+        f.close()
+        close_time = time.time()
+        self.entry.stat_file()
+        self.assertApproximates(self.entry.file_mtime, close_time, 1)
+        self.assertEquals(self.entry.file_size, 5)

Added: people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_requests.py
--- (empty file)
+++ people/halls/rework/apt_proxy/test/test_requests.py	Mon Feb 20 09:39:20 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+"""This module tests the client protocol itself"""
+import os
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
+from twisted.web import http
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy_conf import apConfig
+from apt_proxy.test.test_apt_proxy import apTestHelper
+from apt_proxy.cache import CacheEntry
+from apt_proxy.apt_proxy import Factory
+from apt_proxy.misc import log
+class uriRequester(http.HTTPClient):
+    """
+    Helper class to request files and parse responses
+    """
+    def __init__(self, factory):
+        self.factory = factory
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        """
+        Http connection made
+        """
+        # print "connection made! requesting:", self.factory.filename
+        self.sendCommand("GET", self.factory.filename)
+        self.sendHeader('host', self.factory.host)
+        self.endHeaders()
+    #def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+    def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
+        log.debug('handleStatus: (%s) %s - %s, expected:%s' % 
+                   (version, code, message, self.factory.expectedResponse), 'uriRequesterTest')
+        self.http_status = int(code)
+    #def dataReceived(self, data):
+    #    print "Data received: "+data
+    def handleResponse(self, buffer):
+        log.debug('data received: %s bytes' % (len(buffer)), 'uriRequesterTest')
+        self.received_len = len(buffer)
+        if self.http_status != self.factory.expectedResponse:
+            self.factory.failed()
+        else:
+            self.factory.passed()
+class requestFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+    """
+    Helper factory to connect to apt-proxy and send
+    HTTP requests using uriRequester
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, host, expectedResponse):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.host = host
+        self.testDone = False
+        self.testPassed = False
+        self.timedOut = False
+        self.expectedResponse = expectedResponse
+        self.timeout = reactor.callLater(5, self.timeout)
+    #def startedConnecting(self, connector):
+    #    print 'Started to connect.'
+    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+        p = uriRequester(self)
+        p.factory = self
+        self.protocol = p
+        return p
+    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+        log.debug('Lost connection.  Reason:'+ str(reason))
+        self.testDone = True
+        self.cancelTimeout()
+    def cancelTimeout(self):
+        if self.timeout is not None:
+            self.timeout.cancel()
+            self.timeout = None
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+        print 'Connection failed. Reason:', reason
+        self.failed()
+    def timeout(self):
+        # print 'Test timeout'
+        self.timeout = None
+        self.testDone = True
+        self.timedOut = True
+    def passed(self):
+        self.testDone = True
+        self.testPassed = True
+        self.cancelTimeout()
+    def failed(self):
+        self.testDone = True
+        self.cancelTimeout()
+class TestRequestHelper(apTestHelper):
+    def setUp(self, config):
+        apTestHelper.setUp(self)
+        config = self.config + '\n' + config
+        self.c = apConfig(StringIO(config))
+        self.factory = Factory(self.c)
+        self.factory.configurationChanged()
+        self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.factory, interface="")
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.port.stopListening()
+        self.factory.stopFactory()
+        del(self.factory)
+        apTestHelper.tearDown(self)
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, self.cache_dir)
+    def doRequest(self, file, responseCode):
+        portno = self.port.getHost().port
+        clientFactory = requestFactory(file, "localhost:%s"% (portno), responseCode)
+        connection = reactor.connectTCP("localhost", portno, clientFactory)
+        while clientFactory.testDone == False:
+            #print "iterate.."
+            reactor.iterate(0.1)
+        self.assertNotEquals(clientFactory.timedOut, True)
+        self.assertEquals(clientFactory.testPassed, True)
+        connection.disconnect()
+class FileBackendTest(TestRequestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        filedir = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd()+"/../test_data/packages")
+        config = ("dynamic_backends=off\n"+
+                  "[files]\n" +
+                  "backends=file://" + filedir)
+        #print "config: " + config
+        TestRequestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        self.doRequest('/files/test.gz', http.NOT_FOUND)
+    def testPackagesFile(self):
+        self.doRequest('/files/Packages.gz', http.OK)
+    def testForbidden(self):
+        self.doRequest('/notbackend/Release', http.NOT_FOUND)
+class DebianHttpBackendTest(TestRequestHelper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Make a configuration with a single backend
+        [files]
+        backends=file:///<path to test packages directory>
+        """
+        config = ("""
+        """)
+        #print "config: " + config
+        TestRequestHelper.setUp(self, config)
+    def testNotFound(self):
+        self.doRequest('/debian/NotHere.gz', http.NOT_FOUND)
+    def testReleaseFile(self):
+        file = '/debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        filepath = self.cache_dir + file
+        # File should not be in cache
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, filepath)
+        self.doRequest(file, http.OK)
+        # Check that file was really placed in cache
+        os.stat(filepath) 
+    def testCached(self):
+        backend = 'debian'
+        file = '/' + backend + '/dists/stable/Release.gpg'
+        filepath = self.cache_dir + file
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, os.stat, filepath) # File is not in cache
+        self.doRequest(file, http.OK)
+        os.stat(filepath) # File is in cache
+        self.doRequest(file, http.OK)
+        #b = self.factory.getBackend(backend)
+        # TODO
+        log.debug("Downloading second copy", 'DebianHttpBackendTest')
+        self.factory.config.min_refresh_delay = 0
+        self.doRequest(file, http.OK)

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