[Aptitude-svn-commit] r4089 - in branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude: . src/generic

Daniel Burrows dburrows at costa.debian.org
Thu Sep 15 01:23:38 UTC 2005

Author: dburrows
Date: Thu Sep 15 01:23:35 2005
New Revision: 4089

Add support to the manager for running computations in the background.

Modified: branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/ChangeLog
--- branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/ChangeLog	(original)
+++ branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/ChangeLog	Thu Sep 15 01:23:35 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 2005-09-14  Daniel Burrows  <dburrows at debian.org>
+	* src/resolver_manager.cc, src/resolver_manager.h:
+	  Add coarse-grained threading support: the manager can start a
+	  background thread for computations; thread-safety is ensured by
+	  completely stopping the thread before performing dangerous
+	  mutations.
 	* src/generic/immset.h:
 	  Fix a silly error in the implementation of clone(): pass the

Modified: branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.cc
--- branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.cc	(original)
+++ branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.cc	Thu Sep 15 01:23:35 2005
@@ -28,8 +28,21 @@
 #include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
+std::string ResolverManagerThreadClashException::errmsg() const
+  return "Internal error: attempt to run two simultaneous resolvers";
+// NB: we need a recursive mutex because some routines can be called
+// either by other routines of the class (already have a mutex lock)
+// or by the user (don't have a mutex lock); I could sidestep this
+// with some clever magic, but there's no point unless it turns out to
+// be a bottleneck.
 resolver_manager::resolver_manager(aptitudeDepCache *_cache)
-  :cache(_cache), resolver(0), selected_solution(0), out_of_time(false)
+  :cache(_cache), resolver(0), selected_solution(0), out_of_time(false),
+   out_of_solutions(false), background_resolver_active(false),
+   resolver_suspend_count(0), resolver_thread(NULL),
+   mutex(threads::mutex::attr(PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP))
   cache->pre_package_state_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &resolver_manager::discard_resolver));
   cache->package_state_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &resolver_manager::maybe_create_resolver));
@@ -41,29 +54,174 @@
-  delete resolver;
+  discard_resolver();
+  delete continuation;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i)
     delete solutions[i];
+class resolver_manager::background_suspender
+  resolver_manager &m;
+  /** A lock on the manager's main mutex; used as a way of reminding
+   *  myself to take that lock first.
+   */
+  threads::mutex::lock &l;
+  background_suspender(resolver_manager &_m,
+		       threads::mutex::lock &_l)
+    :m(_m), l(_l)
+  {
+    if(m.resolver_suspend_count == 0)
+      m.stop_background_resolver();
+    ++m.resolver_suspend_count;
+  }
+  ~background_suspender()
+  {
+    --m.resolver_suspend_count;
+    if(m.resolver_suspend_count == 0)
+      m.restart_background_resolver();
+  }
+// This assumes that background_resolver_active is empty when it
+// starts (see restart_background_resolver)
+// TODO: merge with the foreground stuff?
+void resolver_manager::background_thread_execution(int max_steps,
+						   int sol_num)
+  background_resolver_active.put(true);
+  try
+    {
+      aptitude_resolver::solution *sol = do_get_solution(sol_num);
+      continuation->success(*sol);
+      assert(background_resolver_active.take());
+      background_resolver_active.put(false);
+    }
+  // If the computation was interrupted, just terminate silently
+  // without clearing the background_resolver_active field.
+  catch(InterruptedException)
+    {
+      assert(background_resolver_active.take());
+      background_resolver_active.put(true);
+    }
+  catch(NoMoreSolutions)
+    {
+      continuation->no_more_solutions();
+      assert(background_resolver_active.take());
+      background_resolver_active.put(false);
+    }
+  catch(NoMoreTime)
+    {
+      continuation->no_more_time();
+      assert(background_resolver_active.take());
+      background_resolver_active.put(false);
+    }
+  // Other escaping exceptions should blow up the program, so don't
+  // worry about the state of background_resolver_active here.
+// Need this because sigc slots aren't threadsafe :-(
+struct resolver_manager::background_thread_bootstrap
+  int max_steps;
+  int sol_num;
+  resolver_manager &m;
+  background_thread_bootstrap(int _max_steps,
+			      int _sol_num,
+			      resolver_manager &_m)
+    :max_steps(_max_steps), sol_num(_sol_num), m(_m)
+  {
+  }
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    m.background_thread_execution(max_steps, sol_num);
+  }
+void resolver_manager::restart_background_resolver()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  if(background_resolver_active.take())
+    {
+      assert(resolver_thread == NULL);
+      resolver_thread = new threads::thread(background_thread_bootstrap(aptcfg->FindI(PACKAGE "::ProblemResolver::StepLimit", 5000), background_target, *this));
+    }
+  else
+    background_resolver_active.put(false);
+void resolver_manager::stop_background_resolver()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  if(background_resolver_active.take())
+    {
+      background_resolver_active.put(true);
+      assert(resolver_thread != NULL);
+      resolver->cancel_solver();
+      resolver_thread->join();
+    }
+  else
+    background_resolver_active.put(false);
 void resolver_manager::maybe_create_resolver()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   if(resolver == NULL && cache->BrokenCount() > 0)
 void resolver_manager::discard_resolver()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  stop_background_resolver();
+  // Now we know no background resolver is running, and we've locked
+  // out the other methods of this object, so this is guaranteed to be
+  // safe.
+  bool b;
+  assert(background_resolver_active.try_take(b));
+  background_resolver_active.put(false);
   delete resolver;
-  solutions.clear();
+  {
+    threads::mutex::lock l2(solutions_mutex);
+    solutions.clear();
+  }
-  out_of_time=false;
+  out_of_time.take();
+  out_of_time.put(false);
+  out_of_solutions.take();
+  out_of_solutions.put(false);
 void resolver_manager::create_resolver()
-  assert(resolver==NULL);
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  assert(resolver == NULL);
   // NOTE: the performance of the resolver is highly sensitive to
   // these settings; choosing bad ones can result in hitting
@@ -106,6 +264,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::set_debug(bool activate)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -113,21 +274,32 @@
 bool resolver_manager::resolver_exists() const
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return resolver != NULL;
 unsigned int resolver_manager::generated_solution_count() const
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  threads::mutex::lock l2(solutions_mutex);
   return solutions.size();
 bool resolver_manager::solution_generation_complete() const
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  // FIXME: does this need a lock in the resolver?
+  // background_suspender bs(*this, l);
   return resolver->exhausted();
 bool resolver_manager::solutions_exhausted() const
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
     return true;
@@ -137,62 +309,168 @@
 bool resolver_manager::solutions_at_start() const
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
     return true;
     return selected_solution == 0;
-const aptitude_resolver::solution &resolver_manager::get_solution(unsigned int solution_num)
+aptitude_resolver::solution *resolver_manager::do_get_solution(unsigned int solution_num)
+  threads::mutex::lock sol_l(solutions_mutex);
+  if(solution_num < solutions.size())
+    return solutions[solution_num];
   while(solution_num >= solutions.size())
+      sol_l.release();
-	  solutions.push_back(new aptitude_resolver::solution(resolver->find_next_solution(aptcfg->FindI(PACKAGE "::ProblemResolver::StepLimit", 5000))));
-	  out_of_time = false;
+	  generic_solution<aptitude_universe> sol = resolver->find_next_solution(aptcfg->FindI(PACKAGE "::ProblemResolver::StepLimit", 5000));
+	  sol_l.acquire();
+	  solutions.push_back(new aptitude_resolver::solution(sol.clone()));
+	  sol_l.release();
+	  out_of_time.take();
+	  out_of_time.put(false);
-	  out_of_time = true;
+	  out_of_time.take();
+	  out_of_time.put(true);
 	  throw NoMoreTime();
-	  selected_solution_changed();
+	  out_of_time.take();
+	  out_of_time.put(false);
+	  out_of_solutions.take();
+	  out_of_solutions.put(true);
 	  throw NoMoreSolutions();
-  return *solutions[solution_num];
+  return solutions[solution_num];
+const aptitude_resolver::solution &resolver_manager::get_solution(unsigned int solution_num)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
+  return *do_get_solution(solution_num);
 const aptitude_resolver::solution &resolver_manager::get_current_solution()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
-  if(out_of_time)
+  bool oot = out_of_time.take();
+  out_of_time.put(oot);
+  // Only throw NoMoreTime when we're trying to generate a new
+  // solution.
+  threads::mutex::lock sol_l(solutions_mutex);
+  oot = oot && selected_solution >= solutions.size();
+  sol_l.release();
+  if(oot)
     throw NoMoreTime();
+      sol_l.acquire();
       unsigned int start_size = solutions.size();
+      sol_l.release();
       const aptitude_resolver::solution &rval = get_solution(selected_solution);
+      sol_l.acquire();
       if(start_size != solutions.size())
-	selected_solution_changed();
+	{
+	  sol_l.release();
+	  selected_solution_changed();
+	}
       return rval;
+void resolver_manager::get_solution_background(unsigned int solution_num,
+					       background_continuation *k)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  threads::mutex::lock sol_l(solutions_mutex);
+  if(solution_num < solutions.size())
+    {
+      k->success(*solutions[solution_num]);
+      return;
+    }
+  sol_l.release();
+  bool active = background_resolver_active.take();
+  background_resolver_active.put(active);
+  if(active)
+    throw ResolverManagerThreadClashException();
+  else
+    {
+      // Prime the background thread:
+      background_resolver_active.take();
+      background_resolver_active.put(true);
+      background_target = solution_num;
+      continuation = k;
+      restart_background_resolver();
+    }
+void resolver_manager::get_current_solution_background(background_continuation *k)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  assert(resolver);
+  bool oot = out_of_time.take();
+  out_of_time.put(oot);
+  // Only throw NoMoreTime when we're trying to generate a new
+  // solution.
+  threads::mutex::lock sol_l(solutions_mutex);
+  oot = oot && selected_solution >= solutions.size();
+  sol_l.release();
+  if(oot)
+    k->no_more_time();
+  else
+    get_solution_background(selected_solution, k);
 void resolver_manager::reject_version(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
+  restart_background_resolver();
 void resolver_manager::unreject_version(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -202,6 +480,7 @@
 bool resolver_manager::is_rejected(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return resolver->is_rejected(ver);
@@ -209,6 +488,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::mandate_version(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -216,6 +498,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::unmandate_version(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -225,6 +510,7 @@
 bool resolver_manager::is_mandatory(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return resolver->is_mandatory(ver);
@@ -232,6 +518,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::harden_dep(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -239,6 +528,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::unharden_dep(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -248,6 +540,7 @@
 bool resolver_manager::is_hardened(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return resolver->is_hardened(dep);
@@ -255,6 +548,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::force_break_dep(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -262,6 +558,9 @@
 void resolver_manager::unforce_break_dep(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -271,6 +570,7 @@
 bool resolver_manager::is_forced_broken(const aptitude_resolver_dep &dep)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return resolver->is_forced_broken(dep);
@@ -278,12 +578,16 @@
 void resolver_manager::select_next_solution()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
 void resolver_manager::select_previous_solution()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   if(selected_solution == 0)
     throw NoMoreSolutions();
@@ -293,12 +597,16 @@
 const aptitude_resolver::solution &resolver_manager::next_solution()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return get_current_solution();
 const aptitude_resolver::solution &resolver_manager::previous_solution()
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
   return get_current_solution();
@@ -307,6 +615,9 @@
 				   const pkgCache::VerIterator &ver,
 				   int score)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);
@@ -314,8 +625,11 @@
-void resolver_manager::dump(ostream &out) const
+void resolver_manager::dump(ostream &out)
+  threads::mutex::lock l(mutex);
+  background_suspender bs(*this, l);

Modified: branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.h
--- branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.h	(original)
+++ branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/src/generic/resolver_manager.h	Thu Sep 15 01:23:35 2005
@@ -20,12 +20,16 @@
 // A higher-level resolver interface.  This code is responsible for
 // maintaining a list of previously observed solutions, for passing
 // certain actions on to the underlying resolver (protecting users
-// from having to actually import the whole resolver definition), and
-// for managing the resolver in the face of cache reloads and resets.
+// from having to actually import the whole resolver definition), for
+// managing the resolver in the face of cache reloads and resets, and
+// for managing threaded access to the resolver.
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "threads.h"
 #include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
 #include <sigc++/signal.h>
@@ -40,18 +44,25 @@
 template<typename PackageUniverse> class generic_solution;
 class aptitude_resolver;
-namespace threads
+/** An exception thrown when the user tries to start two threads at
+ *  once.
+ */
+class ResolverManagerThreadClashException : public Exception
-  class thread;
+  std::string errmsg() const;
 /** Manages a resolver for a single cache object.  When broken
  *  packages arise, a new resolver is created; whenever the state of a
  *  package changes, the resolver is deleted and reset.  While a
  *  resolver is active, users of this class can "select" a particular
- *  solution, then "generate" it.  Generating a solution is a
- *  potentially slow operation and support for pushing that action
- *  into a background thread will be provided in the future.
+ *  solution, then "generate" it.
+ *
+ *  Solutions can be generated in a background thread, but of course
+ *  only one background thread may be running at a time.  The
+ *  solutions returned should only be accessed from one thread at a
+ *  time unless you clone() them.
  *  Note: of course it would also be possible to simply query the
  *  manager for the Nth solution; however, using a selection pointer
@@ -60,6 +71,32 @@
 class resolver_manager : public sigc::trackable
+  /** This class represents the continuation of get_solution() in a
+   *  background thread.  See get_background_solution() for details.
+   */
+  class background_continuation
+  {
+  public:
+    virtual ~background_continuation();
+    /** Invoked when a solution has been successfully generated. */
+    virtual void success(const generic_solution<aptitude_universe> &) = 0;
+    /** Invoked when all solutions have been exhausted (corresponds to
+     *  the NoMoreSolutions exception).
+     */
+    virtual void no_more_solutions() = 0;
+    /** Invoked when time has expired. (corresponds to NoMoreTime) */
+    virtual void no_more_time() = 0;
+    /** Invoked when the solver was interrupted. (corresponds to
+     *  InterruptedException)
+     */
+    virtual void interrupted() = 0;
+  };
   /** The cache file on which this manager operates. */
   aptitudeDepCache *cache;
@@ -72,6 +109,12 @@
   std::vector<generic_solution<aptitude_universe> *> solutions;
+  /** A lock for the list of solutions; used to allow the background
+   *  thread to immediately post results without taking the big class
+   *  lock (since that might be taken by stop_background_resolver())
+   */
+  mutable threads::mutex solutions_mutex;
   /** The index of the currently selected solution. */
   unsigned int selected_solution;
@@ -81,11 +124,88 @@
    *  This is used so that the return value of get_current_solution()
    *  is stable.
-  bool out_of_time;
+  threads::box<bool> out_of_time;
+  /** If \b true, a find_next_solution() call will terminate with
+   *  NoMoreSolutions.  (this may be the case even if it is \b false)
+   */
+  threads::box<bool> out_of_solutions;
+  /** If \b true, a background thread should be active to calculate a
+   *  resolver solution.  This is a box to eliminate a potential race
+   *  between the very end of the background thread and the 'start a
+   *  background thread' routine.
+   */
+  threads::box<bool> background_resolver_active;
+  /** If background_resolver_active is \b true, then this is the
+   *  solution number which it is attempting to calculate.
+   */
+  unsigned int background_target;
+  /** Used to manage the background thread semi-automatically; counts
+   *  how many times it was suspended by the stack-based
+   *  background_suspend class.
+   */
+  int resolver_suspend_count;
+  /** If background_resolver_active is \b true, this is a callback
+   *  object to be used in handling the result of the background
+   *  thread's computation.
+   */
+  background_continuation *continuation;
+  /** The thread in which a background resolver is running, or \b NULL
+   *  if none is.
+   */
+  threads::thread *resolver_thread;
+  /** This lock is used to serialize all accesses to this object,
+   *  except background_get_solution().
+   */
+  mutable threads::mutex mutex;
   void discard_resolver();
   void create_resolver();
+  /** A class that bootstraps the routine below. */
+  class background_thread_bootstrap;
+  friend class background_thread_bootstrap;
+  /** A class that stops the background thread when it's created, and
+   *  restarts it when it's destroyed.  If background_resolver_active
+   *  is set to \b false in the meantime, the resolver won't be
+   *  restarted.
+   */
+  class background_suspender;
+  friend class background_suspender;
+  /** Low-level code to get a solution; it does not take the global
+   *  lock, does not stop a background thread, and may run either in
+   *  the foreground or in the background.  It is called by
+   *  background_thread_execution and get_solution.
+   */
+  generic_solution<aptitude_universe> *do_get_solution(unsigned int solution_number);
+  /** The actual background thread.
+   *
+   *  \param max_steps the limit of this thread's search
+   *  \param sol_num the number of solutions to be examined by this
+   *                 thread.
+   */
+  void background_thread_execution(int max_steps, int sol_num);
+  /** The caller should hold the mutex; if no resolver thread is
+   *  currently running and background_resolver_active is \b true,
+   *  then a new resolver will be started.
+   */
+  void restart_background_resolver();
+  /** The caller should hold the mutex; stops any running resolver
+   *  thread, but leaves background_resolver_active set.
+   */
+  void stop_background_resolver();
   /** Create a resolver if necessary. */
   void maybe_create_resolver();
@@ -122,10 +242,16 @@
    *  the list; will continue a search even if it ran out of time
    *  previously.
+   *  If solution_num < generated_solution_count, it is always safe to
+   *  call this from a foreground thread; otherwise, an exception will
+   *  be thrown if a background resolver exists.
+   *
    *  \throw NoMoreSolutions if the list of solutions is exhausted
    *  \throw NoMoreTime if time is exhausted while searching for
    *                    the solution (time here is counted separately
    *                    at each step).
+   *  \throw ResolverManagerThreadClashException if a new solution
+   *         would be generated and a background thread exists.
   const generic_solution<aptitude_universe> &get_solution(unsigned int solution_num);
@@ -135,10 +261,44 @@
    *  \throw NoMoreSolutions if the list of solutions is exhausted
    *  \throw NoMoreTime if time is exhausted while searching for the solution.
+   *  \throw ResolverManagerThreadClashException if a new solution
+   *         would be generated and a background thread exists.
   const generic_solution<aptitude_universe> &get_current_solution();
+  /** As get_solution, but run in a background thread if necessary.
+   *
+   *  \param solution_num the solution to retrieve
+   *
+   *  \param k a background_continuation object; when the background
+   *  computation is finished, a method corresponding to its result
+   *  will be invoked on continuation.  This method may be invoked in
+   *  either the foreground thread or the background thread, so it
+   *  should be threadsafe.
+   *
+   *  k is owned by this object and will be deleted at its discretion.
+   *
+   *  \throw ResolverManagerThreadClashException if a background
+   *         resolver already exists.
+   */
+  void get_solution_background(unsigned int solution_num,
+			       background_continuation *k);
+  /** As get_current_solution, but run in a background thread if
+   *  necessary.  Updates to the selected solution will not alter the
+   *  solution being computed by the background thread.
+   *
+   *  \param solution_num the solution to retrieve
+   * 
+   *  \param k the continuation of the background process; see
+   *           get_background_solution.
+   *
+   *  \throw ResolverManagerThreadClashException if a background
+   *         resolver already exists.
+   */
+  void get_current_solution_background(background_continuation *k);
   /** If \b true, all solutions have been generated. */
   bool solution_generation_complete() const;
@@ -260,7 +420,7 @@
   /** If a resolver exists, write its state (including scores, etc)
    *  to the given stream.
-  void dump(std::ostream &out) const;
+  void dump(std::ostream &out);
   /** This signal is emitted when the selected solution changes, or
    *  when the user takes an action that might change the number of

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