[Aptitude-svn-commit] r4150 - branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude

Daniel Burrows dburrows at costa.debian.org
Wed Sep 21 19:02:26 UTC 2005

Author: dburrows
Date: Wed Sep 21 19:02:26 2005
New Revision: 4150

Update smart pointer documentation.

Modified: branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/README.SMART-POINTERS
--- branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/README.SMART-POINTERS	(original)
+++ branches/aptitude-0.3/aptitude/README.SMART-POINTERS	Wed Sep 21 19:02:26 2005
@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@
       (ref_ptr.h).  This is a templated class, like auto_ptr, and
       generally works as you expect.  To enforce the use of ref_ptr,
       all widget constructors are protected; static ::create methods
-      are provided to actually allocate a new widget.
+      are provided to actually allocate a new widget.  Because the
+      vscreen_widget class initializes its reference count to 1, the
+      ::create method should explicitly decref() its return value; see
+      the existing ::create routines for examples.
       To make code a bit more readable, adopt the convention of
       creating typedefs for ref_ptr wrappers around new classes.  For
@@ -101,8 +104,7 @@
       Doing so will prevent "this" from being deleted until the
       current method terminates and is probably good practice in
-      general.  However, you can get away without it if you know that
-      you are being called via a ref_ptr.
+      general.
     - Beware sigc::bind.  sigc::bind is an easy way to create bad
       circularities; moreover, it's actually unsafe to bind a ref_ptr

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