Bug#711844: illegal-runtime-test-name on capital letters in test names

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Mon Jun 10 08:27:59 UTC 2013

reassign 711844 autopkgtest
severity 711844 wishlist
retitle 711844 autopkgtest: Allow uppercase letters in test names

On 2013-06-10 10:19, Maarten Lankhorst wrote:
> Package: lintian
> Version: 2.5.13
> When I was working on some packaging for xorg-integration-tests, I noticed that capital letters were not allowed
> in a test name. I can run xorg-integration-tests just fine with them, so it looks like a bug in lintian, or the
> autopkgtest documentation must be changed to explicitly allow capital letters in the test names.

Lintian is following the spec here:

    Test names are separated by whitespace and should contain only
    characters which are legal in package names, plus `/'.

"Uppercase" letters are not allowed in package names.

Re-assigning to autopkgtest as a wishlist bug.

> [...]
> The original test binary names are libX11 and libXi in xorg-integration-tests.git, so it would make sense to
> have the test names the same.


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