Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration, Week 11

Brandon Fairchild csbit32 at
Fri Aug 1 23:06:26 UTC 2014

Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration - Week 11

This week I worked on minor improvements to the package search, fixed 
bugs, cleaned up code, and wrote some tests.

Improved package search

The package search now includes status marks to indicate a package's 
latest testing status on a suite/architecture. If a package is searched 
for, a status mark appears next to each search item.

Data chart generation

The row generation for the status page had to be fixed since the row 
layout was not generated correctly after I used some production data 

The chart generation also failed after using the production data. I 
found that earlier test data did not contain 'tmpfail'. The issue was 
quickly fixed. Now if a data entry does not contain tmpfail data the 
value defaults to 0.

I also started putting more common graph functionality in Debci::Graph 
so that the two subclasses don't have duplicate code.

X-axis labels for the charts

The charts now have x-axis labels. The charts display a month as a label 
for the first data point that belongs to that month. This is not 
currently finished because the labels aren't evenly spaced out and I am 
trying to fix it.

If I am not able to fix this, the charts will be switched back to 

Some screenshots of the data charts and the package search can be found 
on the wiki. [0]

The latest code can be found on my git repository. [1]

Next week I plan to fix the charts, finish working on the package 
search, and write tests.

Brandon Fairchild


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