Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration, Week 12

Brandon Fairchild csbit32 at
Fri Aug 8 23:52:39 UTC 2014

Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration - Week 12

This week I worked on the package listing page and switched the charts 
back to the JavaScript data charts.

Switching back to the JavaScript data charts

The data charts were switched back to the JavaScript charts because of a 
problem with the Gruff chart library.

The JavaScript data charts were worked on to support multiple 
suite/architectures and are arranged in the same way on the status page 
(architectures per row and suites per column).

Overall status for a package

The package listing page now shows an overall status for each package 
instead of a package's suites and architectures. If a package is failing 
on any suite/architecture, the suite/architecture is displayed in the 
status column with a fail message. Otherwise, the package is considered 
to be passing and the message 'Passing everywhere' is shown.

Screenshots of the web UI can be found on the wiki. [0]

For the last week of Google Summer of Code I am going to clean up the 
code and work on the documentation.

Brandon Fairchild


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