[GSoC2014][debci] Weekly report

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 17:13:49 UTC 2014


At the beginning of the week I had sent three patches for review to my mentor, 
they are pygts, crash and python-flake8. He accepted all of them, when I would 
send the patches I saw that exist a similar patch of python-flake8, because of 
this I sent only the patches of pygts and crash (the patch of pygts was 
During the week I work in another five packages, they are r-cran-batchjobs, 
r-cran-plyr, r-cran-rsqlite, r-cran-vcd and spamassassin. With spamassassin 
package my mentor and I can find a bug in autopkgtest and it was already 
reported. In another four R's packages I sent the patches to my mentor and he
accepted all of them. Today I sent all this patches.

Best regards,
Lucas Kanashiro Duarte
Engenharia de Software - FGA/UnB

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