Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration, Week 3

Brandon Fairchild csbit32 at
Fri Jun 6 18:23:00 UTC 2014

Status Report for Debian Continuous Integration - Week 3

This week I started working on the package history page and made some 
improvements to the web UI.

The following was done this week:

* Simplified previously written code
* Moved the status charts on the main page to their own page
* Displayed browse by prefix and a search box on the main page
* Changed the color of tmpfail from gray to yellow
* Updated the header and footer of the web UI
* Created a basic appearance for the package history page

The code can be found on my git repo. [0]
Current screenshots are also on the wiki. [1]

Next week I am going to continue making web UI improvements and I am 
also going to work on getting data from a package's history.json file to 
be able to display a package's test history on a specific architecture 
and suite.

Brandon Fairchild


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