Bug#751574: autopkgtest: adt-virt-schroot fails to find non-existent schroot session

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Sun Jun 15 11:02:14 UTC 2014

Hello Neil,

Neil Williams [2014-06-15 11:26 +0100]:
> <VirtSubproc>: debug:  ++ schroot -qb -c unstable
> <VirtSubproc>: debug: auxverb = ['schroot', '-r', '-qd', '/', '-c', 'unstable64', '-u', 'root', '--'], downtmp = None
> <VirtSubproc>: debug:  ++ schroot -r -qd / -c unstable64 -u root -- mktemp -d /tmp/adt-run.XXXXXX
> <VirtSubproc>: debug:  ++ schroot -r -qd / -c unstable64 -u root -- chmod 1777 /tmp/adt-run.n2TxwA
> <VirtSubproc>: debug:  ++ schroot --location --all-sessions
> <VirtSubproc>: debug: cleanup...
> <VirtSubproc>: failure: could not find our session in ""

Thanks. Can you please copy&paste the output of these commands:

# schroot -qb -c unstable
# schroot --location --all-sessions

Then please clean up the session again with "schroot -e -c unstable-..."



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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