Redesigning the autopkgtest controller/workers CI system for Ubuntu and Debian

Andy Doan andy.doan at
Fri Mar 14 05:46:36 UTC 2014

On 03/14/2014 12:31 AM, Martin Pitt wrote:
> The rabbit queues are fine. The problem is with storing the results in
> swift. We have multiple writers and want to create a directory
> structure which can be traversed reasonably effectively, i. e. we need
> sortable file names. Either by having a counter at the end similar to
> jenkins (trusty/amd64/foo/37) or by having a timestamp
> (trusty/amd64/foo/20140314-150135) with extra .<number> suffixes on
> collisions.

I was suggesting that using that using the message's timestamp + 
message_id might get you that increasing value that you could use when 
creating your hierarchy in swift.

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