Redesigning the autopkgtest controller/workers CI system for Ubuntu and Debian -- call for spec review

Martin Pitt mpitt at
Fri Mar 28 14:29:05 UTC 2014

Hey all,

thanks everyone for the meeting this week. Based on the discussion on
this mail thread, the hangout, various IRC meetings, and some
investigations I now drafted a spec about the goals, design, data
structure, failure case analysis, and debci TODO list. I'd would
appreciate if you could take some minutes to review this, check if you
agree on the design, try to come up with other scenarios what can go
wrong, etc:

It's a wiki, so please feel free to correct/adjust/amend stuff.
Discussion here is also welcome, of course.

Thank you, and enjoy your weekend!


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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