Bug#769687: no network is a common condition

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Tue Nov 18 12:10:16 UTC 2014

Hi Martin,

On Dienstag, 18. November 2014, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Why is that "outside parameters"? It's calling apt-get download for a
> few packages just as the build dep installation stage does?

no, it's not like that. you are using a specific mirror via http, while the 
host could use a file:// mirror via nfs or rsync or just 
/var/cache/apt/archives. -> your build results are unreliable and 

(you = your packages build process, the host = the stuff which prepares the 
build environment)

we've discussed this briefly on #debian-devel today and now there is #770016
"Clarify network access for building packages in main" against debian-policy 
to document this properly.


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