[PATCH 2/3] autodetect Perl packages

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Mon Sep 8 16:02:02 UTC 2014

Hey Gregor,

gregor herrmann [2014-09-08 16:59 +0200]:
> > We'd effectively skip the POD tests for autopkgtest, which I personally
> > find quite acceptable. (In case it's not clear, they are about checking
> > documentation syntax and/or function coverage.)
> Agreed.
> Change committed and pushed (in pkg-perl-tools), further
> thoughts/reviews/comments/tests welcome.


I monkey-patched
in a running test (using -s to get me a shell on failure, editing the
file, and re-run), works fine!

So both the Ruby and the Perl issues are committed in git now
(gem2deb and pkg-perl-tools), thus I pushed the autopkgtest ruby and
perl patches to autopkgtest.

As already said, tomorrow autopkgtest 3.4.1 will go to testing, so I'd
like to upload autopkgtest 3.5 with those soon. When could you do a
new pkg-perl-tools upload?


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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