Bug#778907: adt-setup-vm: configure grub only if it is installed

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Sun Feb 22 10:00:19 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 pending

Hey Christian,

Christian Kastner [2015-02-21 18:05 +0100]:
> -if [ "$(chroot "$root" dpkg --print-architecture)" = "i386" ]; then
> +if [ "$(chroot "$root" dpkg --print-architecture)" = "i386" ] && [ -d "$root/etc/default/grub.d" ]; then

That isn't the correct test. /etc/default/grub.d doesn't exist by
default, only /etc/default/grub. This also collides with another fix
that I pushed:


So I updated the test to check for "update-grub" instead:


vmdebootstrapping sid now works again.



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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