Bug#833503: autopkgtest: accesses the internet during build
Chris Lamb
lamby at debian.org
Fri Aug 12 08:30:58 UTC 2016
Hi Martin,
> - Violating a "may not" is not an RC bug as per policy 1.1.
Fair and trumps all :) However:
> - While this is technically part of a "required" d/rules target, it
> only affects running the tests. These can be skipped with
I'm not sure this would make any difference.. I mean, you can disable
all sorts of things - there's nothing special about skipping checks.
> These tests get skipped if "apt-get download" fails,
> thus this is *not* an FTBFS if network access does not actually
> work.
I think you may have misread my initial bug report.
It was never my claim that it was a FTBFS, more that an internet
connection is attempted in the first place ("Whilst autopkg builds
successfully [..]") which leaks privacy etc. etc.
> that would make regressions harder to detect.
But isn't that the whole point of the ci.debian.org/autopkgtest
service itself..?
> I recommend to install [ca-certificates] in your system as well.
In a normal system, of course, but I'm building *deliberately* to
find these issues so I will leave it uninstalled unless it is
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
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