Let autopkgtests be gating for testing migration in Buster: heads-up and brain-dump

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at debian.org
Wed Dec 21 20:13:07 UTC 2016

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 09:20:34PM +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi all,
> I already started this discussion on IRC (in both #debci and
> #debian-release), but for future reference, and some brain-dump I want
> to continue on the lists.
> As most of you have probably noticed by now, I have taken up the task to
> have Debian let debci/autopkgtest results be gating for
> unstable-to-testing migration (very similar to what Ubuntu already does
> for <release>-proposed-to-<release> migration). I would really love to
> see this happen early in the Buster release cycle. I have started a wiki
> page¹ to document the requirements and the (outcome of the) discussions.
> I'll try to keep that up-to-date with as we progress. As it is a wiki,
> feel free to contribute anything that isn't controversial.
> As I currently see it, from discussion with multiple of you, there are
> three pieces that need to play together in Debian:
> 1) autopkgtest: the testing platform
> 2) debci: the Debian CI worker
> 3) britney: where the migration policy is implemented and enforced
> Currently debci is testing packages in unstable. But similar to what
> Ubuntu is doing, I think that for this purpose we actually want to test
> in testing with only the possible candidate (and if needed it's
> dependencies) from unstable. Luckily, autopkgtest is nearly able to do
> that, except it needs to support Debian suites instead of only Ubuntu's
> "pockets".
> Apart from testing testing (no typo), and again copying Ubuntu, I think
> we want to run the test suites of the candidate *and* of all the reverse
> dependencies that have test suites. This way, you'll see when a
> candidate deteriorates testing. For this, debci need some changes: it
> needs a testing suite environment and it needs to call autopkgtest with
> the additional arguments. To enable debci to know *what* should be
> tested, britney must communicate to debci.
> Finally, of course, britney needs to be aware of debci results and take
> them into account during judgment.
> I think the logical order to for me to tackle (I mean, create the code)
> this is:
> 0) figure out how to test all of this without breaking the real
> instances (hints more than welcome).
> 1) fix autopkgtest to enable --apt-suite (next to the current --apt-pocket)
> In parallel:
> 2a) getting a testing suite up for debci and extend debci to be aware of
> the additional arguments for autopkgtest
> 2b) let britney generate a list of tests it would like to perform
> 2c) align on the transfer mechanism between britney(1) and debci
> 3) enable debci to swallow the commands from britney
> 4) enable the policy in britney
> Opinions? Other ideas?
> If not too many objections, I'll start with 0 and 1. And I sincerely
> hope that Antonio wants to help with 2a, but I'd like to hear his
> thoughts first.

Sure. My main concern here is knowing exactly what the interface between
britney and debci is going to be. Obviously we don't want a circular
dependency, so it seems that you are going towards britney knowing how
to deal with debci, and not the other way around.

On the debci side, we would need:

- when testing to see if package X can be let into testing, britney
  needs a way to say a) "test package X from unstable on a testing base"
  and b) "test package Y from testing with X from unstable".

  there would be one Y for each of the reverse dependencies of X, and
  that list would be generated by britney, I assume.

- a way for britney to "inject" these test requests, and a way for it to
  get their results back. This would probably require having some sort
  of identifier generated by britney that can be used by later to match
  the request to the results.

Does that make sense?
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