[Bash-completion-commits] [SCM] bash-completion branch, master, updated. fd8ade00774b26ccfb3466f58c4d67cd09b2af15

Guillaume Rousse Guillaume.Rousse at inria.fr
Sun Nov 7 00:16:20 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 83fc41d5b1eae79f74fd4df0a74bfb27336e4776
Author: Guillaume Rousse <Guillaume.Rousse at inria.fr>
Date:   Sat Nov 6 23:42:22 2010 +0100

    use same indentation convention as for bash code

diff --git a/completions/helpers/perldoc b/completions/helpers/perldoc
index a366eed..2b7b7eb 100755
--- a/completions/helpers/perldoc
+++ b/completions/helpers/perldoc
@@ -5,91 +5,91 @@ use File::Spec::Functions qw( rel2abs catdir catfile no_upwards );
 sub uniq { my %seen; grep { not $seen{$_}++ } @_ }
 sub get_command_line {
-	my $comp = substr $ENV{'COMP_LINE'}, 0, $ENV{'COMP_POINT'};
-	return split /[ \t]+/, $comp, -1; # if not good enough, use Text::ParseWords
+    my $comp = substr $ENV{'COMP_LINE'}, 0, $ENV{'COMP_POINT'};
+    return split /[ \t]+/, $comp, -1; # if not good enough, use Text::ParseWords
 sub slurp_dir {
-	opendir my $dir, shift or return;
-	no_upwards readdir $dir;
+    opendir my $dir, shift or return;
+    no_upwards readdir $dir;
 sub suggestion_from_name {
-	my ( $file_rx, $path, $name ) = @_;
-	return if not $name =~ /$file_rx/;
-	return $name.'::' if -d catdir $path, $name;
-	return $1;
+    my ( $file_rx, $path, $name ) = @_;
+    return if not $name =~ /$file_rx/;
+    return $name.'::' if -d catdir $path, $name;
+    return $1;
 sub suggestions_from_path {
-	my ( $file_rx, $path ) = @_;
-	map { suggestion_from_name $file_rx, $path, $_ } slurp_dir $path;
+    my ( $file_rx, $path ) = @_;
+    map { suggestion_from_name $file_rx, $path, $_ } slurp_dir $path;
 sub get_package_suggestions {
-	my ( $pkg ) = @_;
-	my @segment = split /::|:\z/, $pkg, -1;
-	my $file_rx = qr/\A(${\quotemeta pop @segment}\w*)(?:\.pm|\.pod)?\z/;
-	my $home = rel2abs $ENV{'HOME'};
-	my $cwd = rel2abs do { require Cwd; Cwd::cwd() };
-	my @suggestion =
-		map { suggestions_from_path $file_rx, $_ }
-		uniq map { catdir $_, @segment }
-		grep { $home ne $_ and $cwd ne $_ }
-		map { $_, ( catdir $_, 'pod' ) }
-		map { rel2abs $_ }
-		@INC;
-	# fixups
-	if ( $pkg eq '' ) {
-		my $total = @suggestion;
-		@suggestion = grep { not /^perl/ } @suggestion;
-		my $num_hidden = $total - @suggestion;
-		push @suggestion, "perl* ($num_hidden hidden)" if $num_hidden;
-	}
-	elsif ( $pkg =~ /(?<!:):\z/ ) {
-		@suggestion = map { ":$_" } @suggestion;
-	}
-	return @suggestion;
+    my ( $pkg ) = @_;
+    my @segment = split /::|:\z/, $pkg, -1;
+    my $file_rx = qr/\A(${\quotemeta pop @segment}\w*)(?:\.pm|\.pod)?\z/;
+    my $home = rel2abs $ENV{'HOME'};
+    my $cwd = rel2abs do { require Cwd; Cwd::cwd() };
+    my @suggestion =
+        map { suggestions_from_path $file_rx, $_ }
+        uniq map { catdir $_, @segment }
+        grep { $home ne $_ and $cwd ne $_ }
+        map { $_, ( catdir $_, 'pod' ) }
+        map { rel2abs $_ }
+        @INC;
+    # fixups
+    if ( $pkg eq '' ) {
+        my $total = @suggestion;
+        @suggestion = grep { not /^perl/ } @suggestion;
+        my $num_hidden = $total - @suggestion;
+        push @suggestion, "perl* ($num_hidden hidden)" if $num_hidden;
+    }
+    elsif ( $pkg =~ /(?<!:):\z/ ) {
+        @suggestion = map { ":$_" } @suggestion;
+    }
+    return @suggestion;
 sub get_function_suggestions {
-	my ( $func ) = @_;
-	my $perlfunc;
-	for ( @INC, undef ) {
-		return if not defined;
-		$perlfunc = catfile $_, qw( pod perlfunc.pod );
-		last if -r $perlfunc;
-	}
-	open my $fh, '<', $perlfunc or return;
-	my @suggestion;
-	my $nest_level = -1;
-	while ( <$fh> ) {
-		next if 1 .. /^=head2 Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions$/;
-		++$nest_level if /^=over/;
-		--$nest_level if /^=back/;
-		next if $nest_level;
-		push @suggestion, /^=item (-?\w+)/;
-	}
-	my $func_rx = qr/\A${\quotemeta $func}/;
-	return grep { /$func_rx/ } @suggestion;
+    my ( $func ) = @_;
+    my $perlfunc;
+    for ( @INC, undef ) {
+        return if not defined;
+        $perlfunc = catfile $_, qw( pod perlfunc.pod );
+        last if -r $perlfunc;
+    }
+    open my $fh, '<', $perlfunc or return;
+    my @suggestion;
+    my $nest_level = -1;
+    while ( <$fh> ) {
+        next if 1 .. /^=head2 Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions$/;
+        ++$nest_level if /^=over/;
+        --$nest_level if /^=back/;
+        next if $nest_level;
+        push @suggestion, /^=item (-?\w+)/;
+    }
+    my $func_rx = qr/\A${\quotemeta $func}/;
+    return grep { /$func_rx/ } @suggestion;
 sub usage {
-	die map "\n$_\n", (
-		"To use, issue the following command in bash:",
-		"\tcomplete -C perldoc-complete -o nospace -o default perldoc",
-		"You probably want to put that line in your ~/.bashrc file.\n",
-	);
+    die map "\n$_\n", (
+        "To use, issue the following command in bash:",
+        "\tcomplete -C perldoc-complete -o nospace -o default perldoc",
+        "You probably want to put that line in your ~/.bashrc file.\n",
+    );
 usage() if not exists $ENV{'COMP_LINE'};
@@ -98,5 +98,5 @@ my ( $cmd, @arg ) = get_command_line();
 my $word = pop @arg;
 print "$_\n" for ( @arg and @arg[-1] eq '-f' )
-	? get_function_suggestions( $word )
-	: get_package_suggestions( $word );
+    ? get_function_suggestions( $word )
+    : get_package_suggestions( $word );


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