[Bash-completion-commits] [SCM] bash-completion branch, master, updated. 1.3-161-ga614028

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Sun May 1 12:28:47 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a614028a9b7e22b76f609a49dc7cfc2b8ad0abcd
Author: Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi>
Date:   Sun May 1 14:24:29 2011 +0300

    _parse_help: Implement in bash instead of awk.
    It's more portable and maintainable this way, but also somewhat slower
    (but not slower enough that it'd actually matter).

diff --git a/bash_completion b/bash_completion
index 2b8cf6e..fbaddd0 100644
--- a/bash_completion
+++ b/bash_completion
@@ -748,32 +748,33 @@ _init_completion()
-    # Print first found long option, or first short if not found.
+    local line i option option2 IFS=$' \t\n,/|'
     eval local cmd=$1
-    "$cmd" ${2:---help} 2>&1 | awk \
-        '{
-             if ($0 !~ /^[ \t]*-/) { next }
-             gsub("[,/|]", " ");
-             x = -1;
-             for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
-                 if ($i ~ /^--[^-]/) { x = i ; break }
-                 if ($i !~ /^-/) { break }
-             }
-             if (x == -1) { x = 1 }
-             if ($x ~ /^---/) { next }
-             if ($x ~ /^--?[[]no[]]./) {
-                 y = $x ; sub("[[]no[]]", "", y)
-                 z = $x ; sub("[[]no[]]", "no", z)
-                 sub("[=<{[].*", "", y)
-                 sub("[=<{[].*", "", z)
-                 print y
-                 print z
-             }
-             else {
-                 sub("[=<{[].*", "", $x)
-                 print $x
-             }
-         }'
+    "$cmd" ${2:---help} 2>&1 | while read line; do
+        [[ $line == *([ $'\t'])-* ]] || continue
+        # Take first found long option, or first one (short) if not found.
+        option=
+        for i in $line; do
+            case $i in
+                ---*) break ;;
+                --?*) option=$i ; break ;;
+                -?*)  [[ $option ]] || option=$i ;;
+                *)    break ;;
+            esac
+        done
+        [[ $option ]] || continue
+        # Expand --[no]foo to --foo and --nofoo
+        if [[ $option == *\[no\]?* ]]; then
+            option2=${option/\[no\]/}
+            printf '%s\n' "${option2%%[=<{[]*}"
+            option=${option/\[no\]/no}
+        fi
+        printf '%s\n' "${option%%[=<{[]*}"
+    done
 # This function completes on signal names


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