[Bash-completion-devel] Bug#463969: "$filenames to $default" is unnecessary. Please revert this.

Morita Sho morita-pub-en-debian at inz.sakura.ne.jp
Mon Jul 7 05:14:53 UTC 2008

 > bash-completion (20080705) unstable; urgency=low
 >     - $filenames to $default (Closes: #463969)
 >     - also show directory names (i.e. compgen -d) in COMPREPLY.

I should have explained clearly about this...

"compgen -d" adds directories explicitly, thus it is unnecessary to use $default.
Moreover, $filenames is required to allow the completion for directories appends 
'/' automatically.

Could you please revert to $filenames?

--- bash_completion.orig	2008-07-07 14:07:28.000000000 +0900
+++ bash_completion	2008-07-07 14:07:46.000000000 +0900
@@ -4068,7 +4068,7 @@
  				-- "$cur" ) )
  } &&
-complete -F _gdb $default gdb
+complete -F _gdb $filenames gdb

  # Postgresql completion


Morita Sho <morita-pub-en-debian at inz.sakura.ne.jp>

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