[Bash-completion-devel] bash completion for xargs

David Paleino d.paleino at gmail.com
Fri May 16 21:10:29 UTC 2008

fixed 392495 bash-completion/20060301-4

Hi Tim,

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:40:20 +1000, Tim Connors wrote:

> I believe xargs completion shouldn't be done through merely _longopt
> -- it should be using the _command meta-command completion (at least
> instead of _longopt -- but perhaps could be made to use both of them),
> since you can supply programs with quite complicated sets of flags
> before the list of filenames that xargs additionally tacks on the end.
> Most commandline invocations of xargs aren't done using any of the
> xargs flags (well, until the user finds problems with their xargs
> invocation), and thus we find the user will be wanting the
> meta-command completion more often than the longopt completions.

I believe this is already fixed in the latest bash-completion package (i.e.
20060301-4). I'm thus closing this bug, please feel free to comment further.


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