[Bash-completion-devel] Bug#495142: bash-completion: Broken "look" tab completion

David Paleino d.paleino at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 14:08:40 UTC 2008

Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> Trying to use tab after look, I am getting this:
> $ look [TAB]
> $ look usage: look [-bdf] [-t char] string [file ...]

That's normal, look is expecting a string, a letter at least :)..

> Another tab displays the files from the current directory.

That's default behaviour, it's not wrong -- but it's useless. look(1) is still
expecting a string, not a filename or anything else (oh, well... a filename,
but *after* a string)

> See also #495135

I decided to follow the approach of those guys: 2>/dev/null.

If the user doesn't provide anything.. well, we can't do anything as well ;)

See, for instance, providing just a letter:

$ look a<TAB>
Display all 14154 possibilities? (y or n)
$ look abbaglierest<TAB>
abbagliereste  abbaglieresti

Thanks for filing the bug though, at least we removed that annoying usage
banner. :)


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