[Bash-completion-devel] Bug#498474: Bug#498474: TAB always outputs -sh: <( compgen -f -X -- '...' ): No such file or directory

David Paleino d.paleino at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 19:50:40 UTC 2008

tags 498474 unreproducible moreinfo

Ciao Lucio,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:28:49 +0200, Lucio Crusca wrote:

> Whenever I type a prefix and then hit TAB, I see the folowing on the console:
> -sh: <( compgen -d -- 'Mai' ): No such file or directory
> -sh: <( compgen -f -X  -- 'Mai' ): No such file or directory

That "-sh" is looking weird to me. 

If you look at the source code, those lines should be in the _filedir() function
(marked with *):

    local IFS=$'\t\n' xspec

    _expand || return 0

    local toks=( ) tmp
    while read -r tmp; do
        [[ -n $tmp ]] && toks[${#toks[@]}]=$tmp
*   done < <( compgen -d -- "$(quote_readline "$cur")" )
    if [[ "$1" != -d ]]; then
        while read -r tmp; do
            [[ -n $tmp ]] && toks[${#toks[@]}]=$tmp
*       done < <( compgen -f -X "$xspec" -- "$(quote_readline "$cur")" )

    COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" "${toks[@]}" )

As you can see, that "-sh" is not appearing anywhere.
Did you hack our code? ;) :P

> where Mai is the prefix I've keyed in.
> The output of ls is:
> $ ls
> log  Maildir
> The bug happens with any command, be it "cd Mai<TAB>", "rm -rf Mai<TAB>", "ls
> Mai<TAB>" or others. It happens even when there's no file starting with the
> prefix.
> I think the bug is a grave one because my bash-completion is actually
> unusable.

I'm sorry but... well... I just can't reproduce it:

$ pwd
$ mkdir bug
$ cd bug/
$ pwd
$ touch log; mkdir Maildir
$ cd Mai<TAB>
$ cd Maildir/^C
$ rm -rf Mai<TAB>
$ rm -rf Maildir/^C
$ ls Mai<TAB>
$ ls Maildir/^C

My suggestion here is to try reinstalling bash-completion:

# apt-get --reinstall install bash-completion

Hope this helps,

 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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