[Bash-completion-devel] Bug#272660: bash: completion of env vars broken (leading slash is added)

Morita Sho morita-pub-en-debian at inz.sakura.ne.jp
Sun Sep 14 07:27:41 UTC 2008


> Well, an option would really be using $dirnames (i.e. -o dirnames) instead of
> $filenames. But that has drawbacks:
> $ cd $H<TAB>
> $ cd $HOM<TAB>
> $ cd $HOME
> $ cd /tm<TAB>
> $ cd /tmp<TAB>
> $ cd /tmp
> ..while one would expect it to be /tmp/, so that the following <TAB> would show
> subdirectories... that's what -o filenames (or $filenames, in the file) does:
> adding a trailing backslash.
> I'm thinking to a way of adding the / to only directories, by not using
> $filenames.. someone is working behind the curtains ;)

I have some ideas to resolve this problem.

1) Remove -o filenames and emulate what -o filenames does in bash-completion,
in fact, add -S "/" option to `compgen -d` and add -S " " to `compgen -f`.

An attached patch emulate_-o_filenames.patch implements this behavior.

2) Or, remove -o filenames and dynamically enable -o filenames flag if needed.
According to the source code of Bash, compgen -f causes to set 1 to
rl_filename_completion_desired, which is Bash's internal variable for -o
filenames flag.
It is undocumented behavior but it works fine for me.

An attached patch enable_-o_filenames_dynamically.patch implements this behavior.

IMO, 2) looks better because 1) has small drawbacks as described below.

With -o filenames enabled:

 $ cd /usr/[TAB]
 X11R6/            i586-mingw32msvc/ lib64/            sbin/
 bin/              include/          libexec/          share/
 games/            lib/              local/            src/

Without -o filenames:

 $ cd /usr/[TAB]
 /usr/X11R6/             /usr/include/           /usr/local/
 /usr/bin/               /usr/lib/               /usr/sbin/
 /usr/games/             /usr/lib64/             /usr/share/
 /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/  /usr/libexec/           /usr/src/

As you can see Bash automatically strips leading /usr/ when -o filenames are
enabled. I think, however, that implement the emulation for this behavior in
bash-completion is impossible.

Morita Sho <morita-pub-en-debian at inz.sakura.ne.jp>

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