[Bash-completion-devel] Choosing D?VCS: survey

David Paleino d.paleino at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 18:29:47 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 08:59:30 +0100, David Paleino wrote:

> The voting deadline is Sat Feb 7, 23.59 UTC (2009-02-07T23:59Z if you prefer).

Sorry for the delay, been busy for other reasons.

Here are the results of the survey:

(md5sum of the image on Alioth: fa5a9e9fd1e254b1f5bf02de7655d440)

The votes are weighted with the priority given (i.e. one vote of "5" is the
same of five votes of "1"):

 |   VCS  |  Priority  |  Votes  |  Total  |
 |   Git  |      5     |    5    |    25   |
 |        |      4     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      3     |    2    |     6   |
 |        |      2     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      1     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      0     |    0    |     0   |
 |                  Total for Git:    31   |
 |   Svn  |      5     |    2    |    10   |
 |        |      4     |    1    |     4   |
 |        |      3     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      2     |    2    |     4   |
 |        |      1     |    2    |     2   |
 |        |      0     |    0    |     0   |
 |                  Total for Svn:    20   |
 |   Bzr  |      5     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      4     |    0    |     0   |
 |        |      3     |    1    |     3   |
 |        |      2     |    4    |     8   |
 |        |      1     |    2    |     2   |
 |        |      0     |    0    |     0   |
 |                  Total for Bzr:    13   |

Git is chosen as our favourite DVCS.

I've just requested the creation of a git repository tree for us:

As soon as it gets created, I'll set up proper post-receive mails (always
remember to `git push' now!), and import our bzr repository in it.

Happy bash-hacking!

 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
 `. `'`  GPG: 1392B174 ----|---- http://snipr.com/qa_page
   `-   2BAB C625 4E66 E7B8 450A C3E1 E6AA 9017 1392 B174
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