[Bash-completion-devel] [bash-completion-Bugs][311396] DBTS 511788: completion of usernames broken

bash-completion-bugs at alioth.debian.org bash-completion-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 12:58:31 UTC 2009

Bugs item #311396, was changed at 2009-01-30 10:52 by Leonard Crestez
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: David Paleino (hanska-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: DBTS 511788: completion of usernames broken 
Distribution: None
Originally reported in: Debian BTS
Milestone: None
Status: None
Original bug number: 511788

Initial Comment:

Completion of usernames is broken and "\: " or \ is inserted
chown cuser\:  (space at the end)
chown calestyo\\\:calestyo
etc. etc.

Completion of users/groups with a "." (which is widely used at big  
sites like firstname.secondname) and perhaps with other strange  
characters is even more broken ^^



Comment By: Leonard Crestez (cdleonard-guest)
Date: 2009-11-15 14:58

Hello; this has been annoying me and I decided to take a look. This bug affects chown and cpio.

1) COMP_WORDBREAKS and chown

In bash4 completion words are also split on colons and this messes up the completion. The easiest solution would be to override COMP_WORDBREAKS for a single completion; but as far as I know that's not possible in bash.

_get_cword ":" can emulate old behaviour but a similar variant is not available for _count_args. I worked around that calling _get_cword ":" in a loop. Presumably this could done by adding a parameter to _count_args but I wanted to avoid that.

I hit an unrelated bug in _get_cword4; the original implementation did not properly deal with multiple separators and escapes. It now behaves the same as _get_cword3.

On usernames with dots in them: It seems that _usergroup tries hard to treat a dot just like a colon for legacy reasons. Here's a quote from the info page on chown (man page is shorter):

    Some older scripts may still use `.' in place of the `:' separator.
    POSIX 1003.1-2001 (*note Standards conformance::) does not require
    support for that, but for backward compatibility GNU `chown' supports
    `.' so long as no ambiguity results.  New scripts should avoid the use
    of `.' because it is not portable, and because it has undesirable
    results if the entire OWNER`.'GROUP happens to identify a user whose
    name contains `.'.

The entire _usergroup function was broken for bash 3 and above. I made it work; but it's still hacky. It treats 'user\:group' and 'user:group' separately because the former is one word to readline while the latter is interpreted as three worlds. This means that in the first case you have to prefix your replies with user: and rely on -o filenames to escape the colon.

I added -o filenames to cpio completion. This change makes it handle --file arguments with spaces correctly and hopefully doesn't break anything.

It would make a log of sense for a function that sets COMPREPLY to call compopt as well; but that's a bash4 feature. As far as I can tell calling _filedir without -o filenames is *always* wrong.

I tested this patch manually with bash4 in debian and the older 3.* upstream releases. I did not look at the automated testing support.

Here's the patch (inline; it seems I can't attach to an existing item in alioth):

diff --git a/bash_completion b/bash_completion
index 8c054a1..b7fd215 100644
--- a/bash_completion
+++ b/bash_completion
@@ -373,8 +373,12 @@ __get_cword4()
     # calculate current word, negatively offset by n_idx
     cur="${tmp:$(__word_start "$tmp")}"
     while [[ $n_idx -gt 0 ]]; do
-        local tmp="${tmp%[$WORDBREAKS]$cur}"    # truncate passed string
-        local cur="${tmp:$(__word_start "$tmp")}" # then recalculate
+        #tmp="${tmp%[$WORDBREAKS]$cur}"    # truncate passed string
+        # Truncate passed string. First remove {#cur} trailing chars then trailing $WORDBREAKS
+        tmp="${tmp:0:${#tmp} - ${#cur}}"
+        tmp="${tmp%%+([$WORDBREAKS])}"
+        # Then recalculate
+        local cur="${tmp:$(__word_start "$tmp")}"
     printf "%s" "$cur"
@@ -656,19 +660,31 @@ _installed_modules()
         awk '{if (NR != 1) print $1}' )" -- "$1" ) )
-# This function completes on user:group format
+# This function completes on user or user:group format; as for chown and cpio.
+# The : must be added manually; it will only complete usernames initially.
+# The legacy user.group format is not supported.
     local IFS=$'\n'
-    cur=${cur//\\\\ / }
-    if [[ $cur = *@(\\:|.)* ]]; then
-        user=${cur%%*([^:.])}
-        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -P ${user/\\\\} -g -- ${cur##*[.:]}) )
+    cur=${cur//\\ / }
+    if [[ $cur = *\\:* ]]; then
+        # Completing group after 'user\:gr<TAB>'.
+        # Reply with a list of groups prefixed with 'user:'.
+        # Readline will replace the entire 'user\:gr' chunk and -o filenames
+        # will add a slash to our replies.
+        user=${cur%%*([^:])}
+        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -P ${user/\\} -g -- ${cur##*[:]}) )
     elif [[ $cur = *:* ]]; then
-        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -g -- ${cur##*[.:]} ) )
+        # Completing group after 'user:gr<TAB>'.
+        # Reply with a list of unprefixed groups since readline with
+        # split on : and replace the 'gr' part
+        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -g -- ${cur##*:} ) )
-        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S : -u -- "$cur" ) )
+        # Completing a partial 'usernam<TAB>'.
+        # Don't suffix with a : because readline will escape it and add a slash.
+        # It's better to complete into 'chown username ' than 'chown username\: '.
+        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -u -- "$cur" ) )
@@ -790,8 +806,10 @@ complete -F _service service
     local cur prev split=false
-    cur=`_get_cword`
-    prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
+    # Don't split user:group into separate words.
+    cur=`_get_cword ":"`
+    prev=`_get_pword ":"`
     _split_longopt && split=true
@@ -814,16 +832,30 @@ _chown()
             --no-dereference --from --silent --quiet --reference --recursive \
             --verbose --help --version' -- "$cur" ) )
-        _count_args
+        # The first non-option argument is an _usergroup; the rest are _filedir
+        # In bash4 COMP_WORDS is also broken on colons by default so we loop
+        # backwards calling _get_cword.
+        #
+        # Does not deal with chown --from a b<TAB>; completes b as filename
+        # Should attempt to swallow --from and --reference.
+        local i=1 after_usergroup=false
+        while true ; do
+            prev=`_get_cword ":" $i`
+            if [[ $prev = chown ]]; then
+                # Stop looking when we find the actual chown command.
+                break;
+            elif [[ $prev != -* ]]; then
+                after_usergroup=true
+                break;
+            fi
+            ((++i))
+        done
-        case $args in
-            1)
-                _usergroup
-                ;;
-            *)
-                _filedir
-                ;;
-        esac
+        if [[ $after_usergroup = true ]]; then
+            _filedir
+        else
+            _usergroup
+        fi
 } # _chown()
 complete -F _chown -o filenames chown
diff --git a/contrib/cpio b/contrib/cpio
index f28b1b2..24f82c6 100644
--- a/contrib/cpio
+++ b/contrib/cpio
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ _cpio()
     local cur prev split=false
-    cur=`_get_cword`
-    prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
+    cur=`_get_cword :`
+    prev=`_get_pword :`
     _split_longopt && split=true
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ _cpio()
-complete -F _cpio cpio
+complete -F _cpio -o filenames cpio
 # Local variables:


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