[Bash-completion-devel] I don't think this is a bug, that is why I am sending you a mail

Tommy Bollman tommy.bollman at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 14:22:46 UTC 2012


I don't think this is a bug, that is why I am sending you a mail, because
it is too much for your bugreports, and I think it is more of  a "me"
problem, and a software problem. And I have worked so HARD to make this
work, so I hope you take your time to look through the data I send with
you, because I guess you can easily pinpoint it. And I NEED this! I am
supposed to have a whole lot of stuff going on, where this will help me.

There is one thing with this I ought to tell you right away, and that is,
that I am having bash installed as login shell, correctly, but Snow Leopard
didn't ship with

My problem right now is this that it doesn't work at all; when I hit "ls"
for instance I get this as a result:
-bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long
878$ bash --version
-bash: /opt/local/bin/bash: Argument list too long

 I am using bash_complete Release 1.99 (downloaded 2 days ago)

I am using Mac Os X Snow Leopard Latest Patch 10.6.8

I am using " GNU bash, version 4.2.29(2)-release (i386-apple-darwin10.8.0)"

I use Terminal.app for Mac Os X Version 2.1.2 (273.1)  I have specified My
terminal type to xterm-color. LC_ALL, and that are sent to the shell from
the Terminal.app.

I'm sending both my .inputrc and my .bashrc, and I really hope you can and
will help me!

Thanks in advance!

Tommy Bollman /McUsr

My .bashrc looks like this, with your software in it, but then the
keyboard, is almost hanging, the commandline interpreter not working.

The other bash_complete you se there is version 1.3 for Bash 3.1x, which
don't work well.

# ************* set -v -x
# ************* Debug
# the help command is great for the interal bash commands!

export DISPLAY=:0.0
export IFS='
export TZ

export TMOUT=90000
# 25 hours in seconds before timeout

# ***********      SAFETY        ************************

ulimit -S -c 0
# Provides  control  over the resources available to the shell and
# to processes started by it, on systems that allow such  control.
#     -S option specify that the soft limit is set
#        for the given resource. A soft limit may be increased up to
#        the value of the hard limit.          (Automatic )
#     -c The maximum size of core files created (0)

# *************** SET - OPTIONS **************************

set -a
# Automatically mark variables  and  functions  which  are
# modified  or  created  for  export to the environment of
# subsequent commands. (shopt allexport)

set -b
# Report the status of terminated background jobs  immedi-
# ately, rather than before the next primary prompt.  This
# is effective only when job control is enabled.

# set -e
# Exit immediately if a simple command (see SHELL  GRAMMAR
# above) exits with a non-zero status.  The shell does not
# exit if the command that fails is part  of  the  command
# list  immediately  following  a  while or until keyword,
# part of the test in an if statement, part of a && or  ||
# list, or if the command's return value is being inverted
# via !.  A trap on ERR, if set, is  executed  before  the
# shell exits.

# set -f
# Disable pathname expansion.

set -h
# Remember  the location of commands as they are looked up
# for execution.  This is enabled by default.

# set -k #
# All arguments in the form of assignment  statements  are
# placed  in the environment for a command, not just those
# that precede the command name. (!! declare -x stmnts !!)

set -m    #  AV
# Monitor mode.  Job control is enabled.  This  option  is
# on  by  default  for  interactive shells on systems that
# support it (see JOB  CONTROL  above).   Background  pro-
# cesses  run  in a separate process group and a line con-
# taining their exit status is printed upon their  comple-
# tion.

# set -n
# Read commands but do not execute them.  This may be used
# to check a shell script  for  syntax  errors.   This  is
# ignored by interactive shells.

# *************** SET -o OPTIONS **************************

# allexport
# Same as -a. (Above)

# set -o braceexpand
# Same as -B. (Below)

set -o emacs
# Use an emacs-style command line editing inter-
# face. This is enabled by default when the shell
# is interactive, unless the shell is started with
# the --noediting option.

# set -o errtrace
# Same as -E. (Below)

# set -o functrace
# Same as -T. (Above)

# set -o errexit
# Same as -e. (Above)

# set -o hashall
# Same as -h. (Above)

# set -o histexpand
# Same as -H. (Below)

# set -o history
# Enable  command history, as described above under HISTORY.
# This option is on by default in interactive shells.

# seet -o keyword
# Same as -k. (Above)

# set -o monitor
# Same as -m (Above)

# set -o noclobber
# Same as -C. (Below)

# set -o noexec
# Same as -n. (Above)

# set -o noglob
# Same as -f. (Above)

# set -o
# nolog Currently ignored.

# set -o notify
# Same as -b. (Above)

# set -o nounset
# Same as -u. (Below)

# set -o onecmd
# Same as -t. (Below)

# set -o physical
# Same as -P. (Below)

# set -o pipefail
# If set, the return value of a pipeline is the
# value of the last (rightmost) command to exit
# with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands
# in the pipeline exit successfully. This option
# is disabled by default.

# set -o posix
# Change the behavior of bash where the default
# operation differs from the POSIX standard to
# match the standard (posix mode)

# set -o privileged
# Same as -p. (Below)

# set -o verbose
# Same as -v. (Below)

# set -o vi
# Use a vi-style command line editing interface.

# set -o xtrace
# Same as -x. (Below)

# *************** SET - OPTIONS **************************

# set -p
# Turn on privileged mode. In this mode, the $ENV and
# $BASH_ENV files are not processed, shell functions are
# not inherited from the environment, and the SHELLOPTS
# variable, if it appears in the environment, is ignored.
# If the shell is started with the effective user (group)
# id not equal to the real user (group) id, and the -p
# option is not supplied, these actions are taken and the
# effective user id is set to the real user id. If the -p
# option is supplied at startup, the effective user id is
# not reset. Turning this option off causes the effective
# user and group ids to be set to the real user and group
# ids.

# set -t
# Exit after reading and executing one command.

# set -u
# Treat unset variables as an error when performing param-
# eter expansion. If expansion is attempted on an unset
# variable, the shell prints an error message, and, if not

# set -v
# Print shell input lines as they are read.

# set -x
# After expanding each simple command, for command, case
# command, select command, or arithmetic for command, dis-
# play the expanded value of PS4, followed by the command
# and its expanded arguments or associated word list.

set -B
# The shell performs brace expansion (see Brace Expansion
# above). This is on by default.

set -C
# If set, bash does not overwrite an existing file with
# the >, >&, and <> redirection operators. This may be
# overridden when creating output files by using the redi-
# rection operator >| instead of >.

# set -E
# If set, any trap on ERR is inherited by shell functions,
# command substitutions, and commands executed in a sub-
# shell environment. The ERR trap is normally not inher-
# ited in such cases.

set -H
# Enable ! style history substitution. This option is on
# by default when the shell is interactive.

# set -P
# If set, the shell does not follow symbolic links when
# executing commands such as cd that change the current
# working directory. It uses the physical directory
# structure instead. By default, bash follows the logical
# chain of directories when performing commands which
# change the current directory.

# set -T
# If set, any traps on DEBUG and RETURN are inherited by
# shell functions, command substitutions, and commands
# executed in a subshell environment. The DEBUG and
# RETURN traps are normally not inherited in such cases.

# set --
# If no arguments follow this option, then the positional
# parameters are unset. Otherwise, the positional parame-
# ters are set to the args, even if some of them begin
# with a -.

# set -
# Signal the end of options, cause all remaining args to
# be assigned to the positional parameters. The -x and -v
# options are turned off. If there are no args, the posi-
# tional parameters remain unchanged.

# The options are off by default unless otherwise noted. Using +
# rather than - causes these options to be turned off. The
# options can also be specified as arguments to an invocation of
# the shell. The current set of options may be found in $-. The
# return status is always true unless an invalid option is encoun-
# tered.

# ************* SHOPTIONS ***************************

shopt -s cdable_vars
# If set, an argument to the cd builtin  command  that  is
# not  a directory is assumed to be the name of a variable
# whose value is the directory to change to.

shopt -s cdspell
# If set, minor errors in the spelling of a directory com-
# ponent  in  a  cd command will be corrected.  The errors
# checked for are transposed characters, a missing charac-
# ter,  and  one  character  too many.  If a correction is
# found, the corrected file name is printed, and the  com-
# mand  proceeds.  This option is only used by interactive
# shells.

shopt -s checkhash
# If set, bash checks that a command found in the hash ta-
# ble  exists  before  trying  to execute it.  If a hashed
# command no longer exists, a normal path search  is  per-
# formed.

shopt -s checkwinsize
# If  set,  bash checks the window size after each command
# and, if necessary, updates the values of LINES and  COL-

shopt -s cmdhist
# If  set,  bash attempts to save all lines of a multiple-
# line command in the same  history  entry.   This  allows
# easy re-editing of multi-line commands.

# shopt -s compat31 11
# If set, bash changes its behavior to that of version 3.1
# with respect to quoted arguments to the conditional com-
# mand's =~ operator.

# !!! NY SETTING!!!
shopt -s dotglob
# If  set, bash includes filenames beginning with a `.' in
# the results of pathname expansion.
# Det er noe mellom dene og noclobber i bash - fila.
# !!! NY SETTING!!!

shopt -u execfail
# If set, a non-interactive shell will not exit if it can-
# not  execute  the  file  specified as an argument to the
# exec builtin command.  An  interactive  shell  does  not
# exit if exec fails.

shopt -s expand_aliases
# If  set,  aliases  are expanded as described above under
# ALIASES.  This option is enabled by default for interac-
# tive shells.

# shopt -s  extdebug
#  If set, behavior intended for use by debuggers is
#  enabled:
#  1. The -F option to the declare builtin displays the
#     source file name and line number corresponding to
#     each function name supplied as an argument.
#  2. If the command run by the DEBUG trap returns a
#     non-zero value, the next command is skipped and
#     not executed.
#  3. If the command run by the DEBUG trap returns a
#     value of 2, and the shell is executing in a sub-
#     routine (a shell function or a shell script exe-
#     cuted by the . or source builtins), a call to
#     return is simulated.
#  4. BASH_ARGC and BASH_ARGV are updated as described
#     in their descriptions above.
#  5. Function tracing is enabled: command substitu-
#     tion, shell functions, and subshells invoked with
#     ( command ) inherit the DEBUG and RETURN traps.
#  6. Error tracing is enabled: command substitution,
#     shell functions, and subshells invoked with (
#     command ) inherit the ERROR trap.

shopt -s extglob
# If set, the extended pattern matching features described
# above under Pathname Expansion are enabled.

# # ?(pattern-list)
# Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
# *(pattern-list)
# Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
# +(pattern-list)
# Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
# @(pattern-list)
# Matches exactly one of the given patterns
# !(pattern-list)
# Matches anything except one of the given patterns

# Here's an example. Say, you wanted to install all RPMs in a given
directory, #
# except those built for the noarch architecture. You might use something
like # # this:
# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPMS/!(*noarch*)

# These expressions can be nested, too, so if you wanted a directory
listing of
# all non PDF and PostScript files in the current directory, you might do
# ls -lad !(*.p@(df|s))

shopt -s extquote
# If set, $'string' and  $"string"  quoting  is  performed
# within   ${parameter}   expansions  enclosed  in  double
# quotes.  This option is enabled by default.

# !!! NY SETTING!!!
# shopt -s failglob 44
# If set, patterns which fail to  match  filenames  during
# pathname expansion result in an expansion error.
# !!! NY SETTING!!!

shopt -s force_fignore
# If  set,  the  suffixes  specified  by the FIGNORE shell
# variable cause words to be ignored when performing  word
# completion even if the ignored words are the only possi-
# ble  completions.   See  SHELL  VARIABLES  above  for  a
# description  of  FIGNORE.   This  option  is  enabled by
# default.

shopt -s gnu_errfmt
# If set, shell error messages are written in the standard
# GNU error message format.

shopt -s histappend
# If  set,  the history list is appended to the file named
# by the value of the HISTFILE  variable  when  the  shell
# exits, rather than overwriting the file.

shopt -s histreedit
# If  set, and readline is being used, a user is given the
# opportunity to re-edit a failed history substitution.

shopt -s histverify
# If set, and readline is being used, the results of  his-
# tory  substitution  are  not  immediately  passed to the
# shell parser.  Instead, the  resulting  line  is  loaded
# into the readline editing buffer, allowing further modi-
# fication.

shopt -s  hostcomplete
# If set, and readline is being used, bash will attempt to
# perform  hostname  completion when a word containing a @
# is  being  completed  (see  Completing  under   READLINE
# above).  This is enabled by default.

shopt -s huponexit
# If set, bash will send SIGHUP to all jobs when an inter-
# active login shell exits.

shopt -s interactive_comments
# If set, allow a word beginning with # to cause that word
# and  all remaining characters on that line to be ignored
# in an interactive  shell  (see  COMMENTS  above).   This
# option is enabled by default.

shopt -u lithist
# If  set,  and  the cmdhist option is enabled, multi-line
# commands are saved to the history with embedded newlines
# rather than using semicolon separators where possible.

# login_shell
# The  shell  sets this option if it is started as a login
# shell (see INVOCATION above).   The  value  may  not  be
# changed.

shopt -u  mailwarn
# If  set,  and  a file that bash is checking for mail has
# been accessed since the last time it  was  checked,  the
# message  ``The  mail in mailfile has been read'' is dis-
# played.

# !!! NY SETTING!!!
 shopt -u no_empty_cmd_completion
# If set, and  readline  is  being  used,  bash  will  not
# attempt to search the PATH for possible completions when
# completion is attempted on an empty line.
# !!! NY SETTING!!!

shopt -u nocaseglob
# If set, bash matches  filenames  in  a  case-insensitive
# fashion when performing pathname expansion (see Pathname
# Expansion above).

shopt -u nocasematch
# If set, bash  matches  patterns  in  a  case-insensitive
# fashion when performing matching while executing case or
# [[ conditional commands.

shopt -s nullglob # 33
# If set, bash allows patterns which match no  files  (see
# Pathname  Expansion  above)  to expand to a null string,
# rather than themselves.

shopt -s progcomp
# If set, the programmable completion facilities (see Pro-
# grammable Completion above) are enabled.  This option is
# enabled by default.

shopt -s promptvars
# If set, prompt strings undergo parameter expansion, com-
# mand   substitution,  arithmetic  expansion,  and  quote
# removal after being expanded as described  in  PROMPTING
# above.  This option is enabled by default.

# restricted_shell
# The   shell  sets  this  option  if  it  is  started  in
# restricted mode (see RESTRICTED SHELL below).  The value
# may  not be changed.  This is not reset when the startup
# files are executed, allowing the startup files  to  dis-
# cover whether or not a shell is restricted.

shopt -s shift_verbose
# If  set,  the shift builtin prints an error message when
# the shift count exceeds the number of positional parame-
# ters.

shopt -s  sourcepath
# If set, the source (.) builtin uses the value of PATH to
# find the directory containing the file  supplied  as  an
# argument.  This option is enabled by default.

shopt -s xpg_echo
# If   set,  the  echo  builtin  expands  backslash-escape
# sequences by default.

# ************ HISTORY SYSTEM ****************************

# the $HISTCMD variable contains nr of last event.

HISTIGNORE=\!:\/:\^:ls:'ls -l':'man bash':exit:'cd..'

HISTTIMEFORMAT="%a%c " # VER. 3.0 and  later.


alias hi="history |less"

export FCEDIT="nano -k "
# history command line editor invoked with 'fc'

# *******************************************************

export HIST_STARTNUM=`wc -l <~/.bash_history`
source ~/.inputrc
source ~/etc/promptsetup

# source ~/.init/functions
# export NETWORKUP=""
# CheckForNetwork

#  ~/Documents/* ~/Documents/Prj/* ~/Library/* ~/Library/Scripts/*
~/Library/Scripts/Applications/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/*
~/Library/* /Library/Scripts/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/*
/opt/local/* /opt/local/share/* /usr/local/*  /usr/local/share/*
/Developer/* /Developer/usr/* /Developer/usr/share/* /*


#for realm in ~/* ~/Desktop/* ~/Documents/* ~/Documents/Prj/* ~/Library/*
~/Library/Scripts/* ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/* ~/Library/Application\
Support/* ~/Library/* /Library/Scripts/* ~/Library/Application\ Support/*
/opt/local/* /opt/local/share/* /usr/local/*  /usr/local/share/*
/Developer/* /Developer/usr/* /Developer/usr/share/* /*
# for folder in $realm
# do
# if [ -d ${folder} ]
# then
# CDPATH="$CDPATH":"$folder"
# fi
# done

#export CDPATH

# shopt -s nullglob must be set for succesful use of this construct.

export PATH=$HOME/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH:$MYSQLBIN
# Path initially set up in in MacOsx.plist

export EDITOR=/usr/bin/bbedit

export PAGER=/usr/bin/less
export LESS="-I  -R -f -J -S -g -M -x 4"
# -a All hits current page
# -I Ignore case ;
# -r "raw" ikke behandle ctrl-chars,
# -R Raw, but shows ansi escape sequences
# -F Don't open file if less than screen ful
# -f force open special files (may be binary)
# -J vis status kolonne
# -S chop long lines.
# -g highlight only last match
# -M Most Verbose ...
export LESSOPEN='| /Users/tommybollman/bin/lesspipe %s'

export MANPAGER=/usr/bin/less

export CLICOLOR=1 #enables commandline colors
export LSCOLORS=bxGxcxdxbxegedabagacad


# source ~/.init/aliases
# set -v -x
# if [ -f ~/.init/bash_completion ]; then
#source ~/.init/bash_completion
export BASH_COMPLETION=/Users/tommybollman/etc/bash_completion
# export BASH_COMPLETION=/usr/local/etc/bash_completion

export BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=/Users/tommybollman/etc/bash_completion.d
# export BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d

# source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion
source /Users/tommybollman/etc/bash_completion

# complete -r cd
# complete -r cat
# complete -r mv
# complete -r ls

# Dette lar den interne kommandoen gjøre jobben!

source ~/etc/bash_completion.d/todo_completion
source ~/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
alias t='todo.sh -d /Users/tommybollman/.todo.cfg'
complete -F _todo t
alias more=/usr/bin/less

—————————————————————————Eof bashrc -> .inputrc

# inputrc
# http://www.caliban.org/bash/#completion_contact

set show-all-if-ambiguous on
# If you have this in your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc, you will no longer
have to hit
# the Tab key twice to produce a list of all possible completions. A single
# will suffice. This setting is highly recommended.

# set visible-stats on
# Adding this to your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc will result in a character
being appended
# to any file-names returned by completion, in much the same way as ls -F

# "\ep": history-search-backward

# "\en": history-search-forward

# Some people prefer the non-incremental style of history completion, as
opposed to the incremental
# style offered by C-r and C-s. This is the style of history completion
offered by csh.
# bash offers bindings for this, but they are unbound by default.
# Set the following in your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc:

#  You can get the pre-2.05a behaviour back by putting
# set mark-symlinked-directories on
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