[Bash-completion-devel] ssh2 completion func

Igor Murzov intergalactic.anonymous at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 15:14:20 UTC 2013

On Sun, 6 Jan 2013 14:31:10 +0000
"Peled, Ofer" <ofer.peled at intel.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I hope it's not just because I've missed it, but I was recently trying to find a completion script for ssh2 and I failed to do so.

Is it an alias for `ssh -2` ? If yes, then you can use completions/ssh, which
is distributed with bash-completion.

> I tried writing one, but I seem to have a problem with the '@' char escaping for the username, now sure I could use the -l command line switch but it's less convenient.

You can look at implementation of _user_at_host() to learn how to fix your issue:


> This is what I came up with in the end, it works as long as you don't hit tab too many times, otherwise it duplicates the username :(
> If it helps someone, enjoy it.
> If you know how to fix the problem, thank you.
> If it's already solved and I'm wasting your time for failing to locate this in the repository, shame on me.
> The problem with the username
> Say I try:
> #ssh of<tab>
> It completes to:
> #ssh ofer\@
> The '\' is added on purpose for escaping. But hitting tab once more (to see the options available) will remove it and when I'll try adding in the server name:
> #ssh ofer at a<tab>
> I'll see :
> #ssh oferofer at a
> _ssh()
> {
>     local cur prev
>     COMPREPLY=()
>     cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]};
>     prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]};
>     SSH_ARR=()
>     pos=0
>     for F in ~/.ssh2/hostkeys/*
>     do
>                 #i have 2 user names here so there is an if I've removed.
>         F=$( /usr/bin/basename ${F} )
>         F1=$( echo ${F} | sed -e s/,.*//g | sed -e s/key_.*_/${USER}\\\\\\\\@/g | sed -e 's/.pub//g ')
>         SSH_ARR[$pos]=${F1}
>         let "pos += 1"
>        # also if you want a pick, with the username or without uncomment the lines bellow
>         #F2=$( echo ${F} | sed -e s/,.*//g | sed -e s/key_.*_/${USER}\\\\\\\\@/g | sed -e 's/.pub//g ')
>         #SSH_ARR[$pos]=${F2}
>         #let "pos += 1"
>     done
>     if [[ '$cur' == '' ]] ; then
>         #on empty string return all the options
>         COMPREPLY=($(echo "${SSH_ARR[@]}" | tr ',' ' '))
>         return 0;
>     fi
>     if [[ "$cur" == "${USER}\\@" ]] ; then
>        #if it's just the username sent, everything else is an option.
>         COMPREPLY=($(echo "${SSH_ARR[@]}" | tr ',' ' '))
>         return 0;
>     fi
>     SSH_OPT_STR=$(echo "${SSH_ARR[@]}" | tr ',' ' ')
>     COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -v -W "$SSH_OPT_STR"  -- "${cur}") )
>     if [[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} == 0 ]] ; then
>         SSH_OPT_STR=$(echo $SSH_OPT_STR | sed -e s/\\\\//g )
>         COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -v -W "$SSH_OPT_STR"  -- "${cur}") )
>     fi
> }
> complete -F _ssh ssh

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