[Bash-completion-devel] Bug#733815: Modules completion takes a very long time
Linda Walsh
bash at tlinx.org
Wed Jan 1 22:05:35 UTC 2014
auil at usp.br wrote:
>> Another issue is that some filenames have '-' in them, but the module
>> names have '_' in them.
> This is a problem because the modules filenames are a mess. Some
> filenames have an underscore '_' too.
> If you want to get
> (all available mods) minus (already loaded mods)
> a solution is to change hyphen '-' to underscore '_' in the filenames,
> but not the opposite. This is because the output of "lsmod" or
> "/proc/modules" is always with underscore.
I wasn't sure that would always be so, since I thought the module name
was a text string, not a 'C' expression. So to protect against
either case (i.e. - in /proc/modules, for example), my new_mods function
already handled that case.
Actually I left some dead code in there as well (the refs to ld2):
Should be:
function _clean_n_sort_mods {
declare -a mods
readarray mods < <(echo "$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name \*.ko)")
echo "${mods[@]//.ko/}"
function _loaded_mods {
awk '{print $1}' /proc/modules
function _newmods {
declare cur prev words cword
_get_comp_words_by_ref cur
declare -a ldm ld1 ldup unloaded replies
readarray ldm< <(_loaded_mods)
#spacey kernel-hacker special; for those forgetting '-' != '_ui
readarray ld1< <(echo "${ldm[@]//_/-}" "${ldm[@]//-/_}")
readarray ldup< <(echo "${ld1[@]}" "${ld1[@]}")
readarray unloaded< <(_clean_n_sort_mods)
readarray lines< <(echo "${ldup[@]}" "${unloaded[@]}")
readarray -t replies< <(echo "${lines[@]}"|tr -d " "|grep -Pv '^\s*$'|sort|uniq -u)
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(echo "${replies[@]}")" -- "$cur" ) )
complete -F _newmods modprobe
Note -- changed the _loaded_mods to use the awk you suggested.
Why do you run it through sort... oh... use use those as negative expressions..
That's why...
when I switched out the "sort|uniq -u" and put in sort -u, it no longer
I handled the duplication differently in newmods...(and filtering out '-/_').
Using bash, I duplicated the arrays in ld1, one copy with the names spelled
with all '-' and the other copy with names all spelled '_'.
I combinded it with all the unloaded modules (which contains *both* '_' and '-'
for any modules that "mix it up" and combine that with my 2 special arrays.
Then use the sort and uniq -u to give me **only** the ones that were uniq --
so the ones that were already loaded under '-' and '_' (i.e. both) would be
filtered out.
i.e. check it out.. the above should give you the same number
of unloaded mods as your code...
Note that while _clean_n_sort_mods includes a blank line -- it is filtered
out in newmods, so:
409 408 4624
(got 409 lines but 408 modules)
32 32 343
(32 in memory)
but newmods gives:
# modprobe (complete)
Display all 376 possibilities?
i.e. 408-32 = 376
Thanks for the awk hint -- you can create the patterns like you do
or you can use use bash to dup the arrays and the |sort|uniq -u| to get
rid of the dups ... likely either way works for this purpose...
I liked the bash-array usage rather than relying on a more
complex pattern in grep, but yours might be faster, cuz bash
can be slow... ;-)
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