[Blend-fluxbox-devel] Development - First milestone

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Dec 29 05:35:29 UTC 2015

Quoting Stephan Foley (2015-12-29 07:30:24)
> Hello, I think a good idea for a first milestone is as follows:
> - base Debian
> - discover mdetect read-edid
> - xorg lightdm fluxbox

Easiest is to develop on Debian unstable, even if the target product 
should be based on stable Debian (we can rebase later):

0) Setup a Debian unstable system for yourself.

1) Install Boxer - the tool I use for blending.  Boxer is currently used 
for <https://packages.qa.debian.org/debian-parl>, 
<https://packages.qa.debian.org/debian-design> and 
<https://wiki.debian.org/ShowMeBox> - the latter you can explore further 
by following the guide at 
<https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/showme/box.git/tree/README>.  I dearly 
hope you will like Boxer too...:

    sudo apt install boxer

2) create file "fluxbox.yml" with the following content:

  - x11.lightdm
    - discover
    - mdetect
    - read-edid

That file is a Boxer "node", including a single Boxer "class" and also 
including a few packages explicitly. Ideally a node should only include 
classes, but we need some packages not yet classified so we need to 
cheat a bit for now (I will include classes for those detection packages 
in the boxer-data package later on).

3) generate install recipe:

    boxer compose --nodedir . fluxbox

4a) Install blend onto a computer using generated "preseed.cfg" file, 
e.g. by following <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed>.

4b) Install blend onto a computer using generated "script.sh" file:

  1) Install base Debian (i.e. uncheck any tasks during install).
  2) Copy script.sh over to freshly booted system and execute as root.

> Then, I'd like to be able to put this on a blank partition and see 
> that it all installs OK. I'm not sure how much step 2 is needed. So, I 
> have no idea how to make this happen, but I am willing to do the work
> :-)

4c) Install blend into a subdir (not bootable, but useful to inspect 

    sudo apt install debootstrap
    sudo debootstrap sid newroot
    cp script.sh newroot/
    sudo chroot newroot -- sh script.sh

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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