[Bootcd-user] A Different RAM Disk Approach / RAMTYPE

Vlado Plaga news@vlado-do.de
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 10:29:48 +0200

Hi Mark!

Mark Clarkson wrote:
 > Following the general theme
 > we would have RAMTYPE="<tmpfs|ramfs|auto>"

Shouldn't it be RAMTYPE="<ramfs|ramdisk|auto>", where ramdisk stands for 
the currents aproach with the ext2 file system and ramfs stands for the 
ramfs/tmpfs/memfs method mentioned in that Linx-Kernel Archive eMail?

Re: ramdisk/tmpfs/ramfs/memfs ?

Still I'm not sure what exactly are the differences between 
tmpfs/ramfs/memfs. Some observations:

- df -h does show a tmpfs "disk", but not one mounted with ramfs.

- a tmpfs file system has permissions like a /tmp directory: drwxrwxrwt

-  My current working computer (PPC with a 2.6.6 kernel) does not want
    to mount a tmpfs disk, but mounts ramfs. It says:

    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on tmpfs,
           or too many mounted file systems

- both of my computers don't know a memfs file system

