[Bootcd-user] bash-prompt problem

christian graf chr.graf@gmx.de
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 13:02:16 +0200

Hi all,

I updated my bootcd to use my vanilla-kernel 2.6.6. All is fine, but my
bash-prompt is ugly now:
rescue:~#      x
if I type anything, it starts at the x? So there are some blanks between
the first char and my prompt.
If I ssh to the box, all is fine like it should - nothing abnormal with
the prompt.

Any suggestions what is going wrong?



Last login: Sun Jun 27 11:35:41 2004
rescue:~# dpkg -l | grep bash
ii  bash           2.05b-15       The GNU Bourne Again SHell
rescue:~# dpkg -l | grep bootcd
ii  bootcd         2.41           run your system from cd without need
for dis
rescue:~# uname -a
Linux rescue 2.6.6 #1 Sun Jun 27 06:23:37 CEST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux