[Bootcd-user] got error during booting

Olivier Le Cam Olivier.LeCam at crdp.ac-versailles.fr
Fri Apr 27 08:04:37 UTC 2007

animesh das a écrit :
> Hi,
>    I am using ubuntu edgy. i have successfully made the iso image of
> my system. When i am trying to boot with thay image i am getting the
> error
> The eroor:-
>    Booting from the iso ends up with: "/init:
> 93: Syntax error: 0xto (new line) Kernel panic - not syncing: Atempted
> to kill init!"
> Can any one help me,how to solve the problem.

My guess is that it is related to the initrd. If so, install 
«bootcd-mkinitrd» then run it once before making your first bootcd image.


Olivier Le Cam
Département des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
CRDP de l'académie de Versailles

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